A922903 - A922944
JUL-DEC. 1977
1922902 (con.) Gerald G. Grlfflo. 249 p. O Bobla Hoore 6 Gerald G. Griffin; 30Hov77: A922902.
S922903. Hen and old, silver and gold, "27, '52, •77: Indiana Hiqh School basketball. By Thomas Cox. i. Jack schiffli fi Billy Lee Walker. 201 p. Sinner 1 Enterprises (a partnership consistlnq of Thoaas Cox, &. Jack Schiffli e Billy Lee Salker); 3lio»77: 4922903.
A92290U. The House of Seven Gables; student activity book. By Gerald Backer nan & Barcia Sohl. 16 p. Appl. an: Pendulua Press, Inc. 6 PenduluB Press, Inc. ; 1NOV77: A92290U.
A922905. Eleutherian Hills-Baqley Foundation, 1976 annual report. 63 p. Eleutherian Hills-Haqley Foundation, Inc.; aHov77; A922905.
A922906. Clinical electrocardiography: a siaplified approach. By Ary Louis Goldberqer 6 Emanuel Goldberger. 263 p. e The C. V. aosby Company: 301lov77; A922906.
A922907. Lindenhurst,^ Hest Babylon, Hheatley Heights, Ryandanch, Nr, Tellov Book street address and numerical directory, 1978. 6th ed. e lelloH Book Corporation; 25NOV77; A922907.
A922908. Lindenhurs-t, Best Babylon, Hheatley Heights, Hyandanch, M!, Telloi Book community telephone directory, 1978. 6th ed. e lellou Book Corporation; 25Nov77: A922908.
A922909. A Christmas fable. Rritten by Frances P. Otsier O'Neill, illustrated by Kevin J. O'Seill. 1 V. e Frances P. O'Neill; 3Dec77: A922909.
A92r2910. Chemistry for the complete idiot: a practical guide to all of chemistry with pictures and index. By George James Trepal. 1 v. O George James Trepal; 1Dec77: A922910.
A922911. Hawkins International, Inc. procedures manual. Compiled & written by Don E. Hawkins. Sheets. O Don E. Hawkins e Hawkins Development Corporation; 1Aug77; A922911.
A922912. The Beading teacher: a major asset to the classroom reading program. By Bichard D. Bobinson. Folder (4 p.) (Selected articles on the teaching of reading) e Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 5Dec77; A922912.
A922913. Cognitive style and reading instruction. By Gloria Kuchinskas. Folder (5 p.) (Selected articles on the teaching of reading) Barnell Loft, Ltd.; SDea77; A922913.
A922914. Two years l>efore the mast; student activity book. By Gerald Dackerman B Harcia Sohl. 16 p. Appl. au: Pendulum Press, Inc. Q Pendulum Press, Inc.; 1Nov77: A922911.
A922915. Blue Bidqe mountain memories: the true story of a mountain girl at the turn of the century. By Alice McGuire Hamilton. 176 p. e Alice HcGuire Hamilton; 10ct77; A922915.
A922916. A Trinity of birds. By James Lynn Bose. 12 p. e James L. Bose; 7Dec77: A922916.
A922917. Sand in the mattress. By Jeffrey L. Seger- 22 p. Jeffrey L. Seger; 1Dec77; A922917.
A922918. I must not rock. By Linda Barie, pseud, of Linda Marie Pillay. 207 p. 6 Linda Marie Pillay; 7Dec77; A922918.
A922919. Dreams are not enough. By Barbara Khitener. 63 p. Barbara Rhitener; 1Dec77; A922919.
A922920. Thinking of you. By Jim Hortham. 63 p. e Jim Rortham; 1Dec77; A922920.
A922921. The Paul Solomon readings. 14 p. Appl. au: Rilliam T. Kelly. O Fellowship of the Inner Light. Inc. ; 1Sep76 (in notice: 1977); A922921.
A922922. Amherst patchwork: a history of Amherst County. By Sherrie s. McLeBoy. 66 p. Prev. pub. as Passages: a history of Amherst County. NH: abridgment & revision. O Sherrie S. McLeBoy; 5Dec77; A922922.
A922923. The Hows and whys of drying fruits, vegetables and herbs. 15 p. Appl. aa: Iri?: Mcintosh. 6 Solar-Dry; 19Aug77; A922923.
A922924. The Master glossary of financial planning terms. Editor: James B. Johnston. 1 v. e Ingeborg B. Johnston d.b.a. CELS (in notice: CELS (Continuing Education Library Series) ) ; 12Sep77; A922924.
S922925. Jesuit religious life today; the principal features of its spirit, in excerpts from Papal documents. Saint Ignatius* Constitutions, the 31st and 32nd General congregations, and letters of Father General Pedro Arrape. Edited by George E. Ganss. 180 p. Portion prev. pub. in The constitutions of the Society of Jesus & others. NH: editorial matter & new material. The Institute of Jesuit Sources; 280ct77; A922925.
A922926. Ignatius of Loyola: his personality and spiritual heritage, 1556-1956; studies on the 400th anniversary of his death. Edited by Friedrich Rulf. 297 p. Appl. states ail. new except 1 study prev. pub« in Roodstock letters, 90, 1961; in present book it is in revised form. © The . Institute of Jesuit Sources; 30Nov77; A922926.
A922927. HP 9896 order entry manual, part number 09896-12571. Accounting systems-order entry self-loader, flexible disk, 09896-12574. Sheets. Appl. au: Hewlett-Packard company. Fort Collins , Division. O Hewlett-Packard company. Fort Collins Division 6 Hewlett-Packard Company, Corporate Headguarters (in notice: Hewlett-Packard Company) ; 15NOV77; A922927.
A922928. Hrapped up in you- Beezer. By Jef Fall
A922929. Ad just-O-'Oro Strap. 1 p. Appl. au; Dorothy R. Teeter. »M: additions 6 revisions. O LM and G Enterprises. Inc.; 5Dec77: A922929.
A922930. Peter Babbit. 2 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: fiuth E. Doda. Q Buth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922930.
A922931. Cheery Chick. 1 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth E. Doda. Buth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922931.
A922932. Fluffy Kitten. Squeaky the House. 2 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Ruth E. Doda. O Buth £. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922932.
A922933. Cotton tail bunny. 1 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth E. Doda. Buth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet critters; 6Dec77; A922933.
A922934. Freddie Frog. Theresa Turtle. 2 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth E. Doda. O Buth E. Doda as sole owner of crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922934.
A922935. Baby duck. 1 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth B. Doda. O Ruth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922935.
A922936. ' Grandma Goose. 2 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth E. Doda. e Ruth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922936.
A922937. Chicken Little. 1 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth E. Doda. 6 Buth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922937.
A922938. Dandy and Daisy Duck. 2 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Ruth E. Doda. Buth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77: A922938.
A922939. Daffy Duck. 2 p. (Crochet Critters) Appl. au: Buth E. Doda. Buth E. Doda as sole owner of Crochet Critters; 6Dec77; A922939.
A922940. Motion picture and television producers directory, Rashington State, 1978. Editor: Rilliam Elton Porter. 95 p. Add. ti: Producers directory, 1978. Rilliam E. Porter; 1Dec77; A922940.
A922941. Dnderground fires. By Gary Michael Newell. 1 V. Mike Newell a.k.a. Gary Michael Newell; 15Aug77; A922941.
A922942. Campfires rekindled: a forester recalls life in the Maine woods of the twenties. By George S. Kephart. 146 p. O George S. Kephart; 5Dec77; A922942.
A922943. Angel dance. A thriller by H. F. Seal. 259 p. e M. F. Beal; 7Dec77; A922943.
Clinton, Guilford, Madison, CI, book of
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