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48751(96 - 4875539


JUL-DEC. 1977

4875495 (con.) Hicrofila. Shirley Kaqan Badlove; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875495.

4875496. Lonq-term adaptation to up-down ceversinq the field of vleii: coaplex chanqes afforded by optical invariants. By Hubert Friedrich Oolezal. Hicrofiln. e Hubert Friedrich Dolezal; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875496.

4875497. Land-to-the-tiller in the Mekong Delta: econonic* social and political effects of land refora in four villages of South vietnaa. By Charles Stuart Callison. Hicrofilu. 6 Charles Stuart Callison; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875497.

4875498. The D.S. zinc industry: an econoaetric study. By David C. Cavander. Hicrofila. Oavid C. Cavander; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875498.

4875499. Etace and politics in the 4Derican South, 1966-1970: variations on a causal model. By Stephen Henry Rainscott. Hicrofilu. Q Stephen Henry iainscott; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4875499.

4875500. The Gerian troped polyphonic Hagnificat. Vol. 1-2. By Larry Don Coo]c. Hicrofilo. 6 Larry Don Cook; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976); 4875500.

4875501. Poetic lanquaqe in UordsHOrth's Lyrical ballads: theory and practice. By Jean aarqaret Breukman. Hicrofila. Jean Harqaret Brenkaan; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875501.

4875502. The Purposes and functions of con- temporary student government: a des- criptive analysis. By Barbara Ellen Bender. Hicrofila. Q Barbara Ellen Bender; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875502.

4875503. 4 Causal model of turnover in orga- nizations. By 411en Carl Bluedorn. Hicrofilm. 411en Carl Bluedorn: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4875503.

4875504. Policy formulation in executive branch agencies. By Stephen Herve Linder. Hicrofilm. 6 Stephen Herve Linder; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4875504.

4875505. Beconceptualizinq the role of the press: the case of Ghana. By Goodwin Tutum Anio. Hicrofilm. C Goodwin Tutum 4nia: 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4875505.

4875506. To my teacher. By Helen Hacie Zell. O Helen Harie Zell; 10ec76; 4375506.

4875507. Hother. By Helen Harie Zell. S Helen Harie Zell; 1Dec76; 4875507.

4875508. Horn. By Helen Harie Zell. e Helen Harie Zell; 1Dec76; 4875508.

4875509. Father. By Helen Harie Zell. Helen Harie Zell; 1Dec76; 4875509.

4875510. To the graduate. By Helen Harie Zell. Helen Harie Zell; 10ec76: 4875510.

4875511. To grandmother. By Helen Hacie Zell^ e Helen Harie Zell; 1Dec76: 4875511.

4875512. The nurse's prayer. By Helen Harie zell. e Helen Harie Zell; 1Dec76: 4875512.

4875513. Dad. By Helen Harie Zell. Helen Harie Zell (in notice: U. H. Z. ); 1Dec76; 4875513.

4875514. To Grandpa. By Helen Harie Zell. e Helen Harie Zell (in notice: H. H. Z.) ; 1Dec76; 4875514.

4875515. To Grandma. H 41. By Helen Harie Zell. e Helen Harie Zell (in notice: H. H. Z„) ; 1Dec76; 4875515.

4875516. To Grandma. H 42. By Helen Harie Zell. Helen Harie Zell (in notice: H. H. Z.); 1Dec76: 4875516.

A875517. Small order handling guide. Edited by Sichacd Bennett. 93 p. Appl. states all new text & tabular material except for p. 25-26 e sample forms. National Association of Educational Buyers; 4Hay77; 4875517.

4875518. Early recorded pianists: a bibliography. By 4rtis Stiff ey Hodehouse. 221 p. HH: compilation. 6 4rtis Stiffey Hodehouse; 44pr77; 4875518.

4875519. National tax training program. Level 1, course manual pt. 1, 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. states U. S. copyright is not claimed for any material from 0. S. 6ovt. source or any other source. Q Ernst and Ernst; 7Jul77; 4875519

4875520. National tax training program. Level 1, course manual pt. 2, 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. states O.S. copyright is not claimed for any material from O.S. Govt, source or from any other source. © Ernst and Ernst; 7Jnl77; 4875520.

4875521. Hiniature oil painting. By Jane Bickman, written £ edited with Harynell Snow. 79 p. 4dd. ti: Priscilla Hauser presents Hiniature oil painting. 4ppl. au: Priscilla S. Hauser. 6 Priscilla S. Hauser; 18Hay77; 4875521.

4875522. Bands of steel. By Timothy D. Lambert. 7 p. e Timothy D. Lambert; 10ct77; 4875522.

4875523. Cabela's, 1977 fall-winter catalog. 97 p. 4dd. ti: Cabela's, Inc., 1977 fall and winter catalog. 6 Cabela's, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4875523.

4875524. Inboard engines and drives service manual. 84 p. Q Intertec Publishing Corporation; 11Jul77; 4875524.

4875525. The Development, use and evaluation of mathematics cassette tapes for the first and second grades. By Lois H. Brady. 96 p. Lois H. Brady; 13Hay77; 4875525.

4875526. Boots and branches of my family tree. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Hary 4. Kuta & Joseph E.

4875527. Jews for Jesus: organizational structure and supporters. By Donald Robert LaHagdeleine. Sheets (141 p.) C Donald Bobert laHagdeleine; 154pr77; 4875527.

4875528. The Hanual of professional career fields. 133 p. O National Availability Survey, Inc.; 9Aug76: A875528.

A875529. fiedfearn wills and administration in Florida, fifth edition; special suppl. By Edwin O. Simon. 38 p. NH: additions, revisions £ editorial recompilation. Q The Harrison Company; 11Jul77; A875529.

A875530. Eckler's Corvette parts. Catalog no. 7. 48 p. Appl. au; Eckler's corvette Parts. @ Eckler Industries, Inc.; 13Jul77; A875530.

A875531. Afghans in Nonderland by Bernat. No. 229. Editor: Claire Hatson. 20 p. Appl. au: Emile Bernat and Sons Company. Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 1Jul77i A875531.

4875532. 4uto Horld 1977 1/2 motorsports accessories. Catalog no. 11, fall/winter 1977. 195 p. Add. ti: Auto Borld motorsports, fall/winter 1977. 6 Auto Borld, Inc.; 12Jul77; 4875532.

4875533. From traditional to contemporary, it's First Lady by Belvedere all the way, the most copied line in all the beauty field. 1 p. NH: new layout 6 headline. Q Belvedere Products, Inc.; 25Feb77; 4875533.

4875534. Newest of the new, best of the best, the combination that just gets better. First Lady cabaret spiced with sparkling I'chrom chairs. 1 p. NH: new layout & headline. 3 Belvedere Products, Inc.; 25Jan77; A875534.

A875535. then nothing less than the finest will do. First Lady by Belvedere, the prestige name in salon design and eguipment. 1 v. & Belvedere Products, Inc.; 25Apr77; A875535.

A875536. General biology; laboratory manual. By aartin Blumenfeld e Narren L. Bottmann, edited & with additional material by Norman S. Kerr. 3rd ed. 114 p. O Burgess Publishing Company; 24Jun77; A875536.

4875537. 4natomy and physiology laboratory manual and lecture supplements. By Gordon VB. Bradshaw € Pauline F. Tepe. 1 v. Gordon TB. Bradshaw e Pauline F. Tepe; 7Jun77; 4875537.

A875538. Course syllabus for Geology of man's environment. By Barren D. Huff. 2nd ed. Sheets (81 p.) 6 Burgess Publishing Company; 29Jun77; A875536.

A875539. Forest resources and modern man. By Charles E. Hein. 2nd ed. Sheets. Department of Forestry, aichigan Technological Oniversity; 15Jun77;



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