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JUL-DEC. 1977

De La Torre* Jt »922532 (con.l corporation) C Jose 16lio»76: 4922532.

»922533. Peacefully workinq to conquet the world: SiDqec seuinq Machines in foreiqn aarkets, 185U-1920. By Bobett Bruce Dayies. 390 p. (Anerican business abroad: origins and deyelopaent of the aultinational corporation! Eobert Bruce Dayies; 16lioy76: »922533.

»922534. Jaaes iqee: a study of his fila criticisa. By John J. Snyder. 229 p. NN: chap. 4. O John J. Snyder; 2SJan77: »922534.

»922S35. The nineral foreiqn trade of the Ooited States in the tventieth century; a study in aineral econoaics. By Bruce Carlton Netschert. 465 p. (Dissertations in Aaerican econoaic history) C Bruce Carlton Netschert; 22Har77; 4922535.

A922536. Asset appreciation, business incoae and price-level accountinq: 1918-1935- Editor: Stephen A. Zeff. 1 >. (The History of accountinq) Appl. au: Arno Press* Inc. HH: arranqeaent C coapi- lation. C Arno Press, Inc.; 288ay76: A922536.

A922537. A Study of capital aobil ization: the life insurance industry of the nineteenth century. By Bruce Hichael Pritchett. t32 p. (Dissertations in Aaerican econoaic history) NH: editorial revision. Bruce Sichael Pritchett; 22l1ar77: A922537.

A922S38. The Westward aoveaent of the cotton econoay, 18(40-1660; perceived interests and econoaic realities. By Susan Previant Lee. 269 p. (Dissertations in Aaerican econoaic history) Add. ti: The Hestern aoveaent of the cotton econoay, 18VO-1860: perceived interests and econoaic realities. C Susan Previant Lee; 22Har77: A922538.

A922539. Beqional distribution of federal receipts and expenditures in the Dioeteenth century: a quantitative stady. By John Baxter Leqler. 201 p. (Dissertations in Aaerican econoaic history) John Baxter Leqler; 22HaT77; A922539.

A9225ita. Severinq the cities. 1 v. (Public health in Aaerica) NH: arranqeaent B coBpilation. O Arno Press, Inc. ; 29Apr77; A9225t0.

A9225U1. TelloH fever studies. 1 v. (Public health in Aaerica) Nil: arranqeaent £ coapilation. Arno Press, Inc. ; 2SApr77; A9225«1.

A9225H2. The health of aoaen and children. 1 v. (Public health in Aaerica) NB: arran- qeaent G coapilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A9225«2.

A9225»3. Health in the Southern Onited States. 1 V. (Public health in Aaerica) KH: arranqeaent C coapilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A9225"13.

A9225ItU. Health in the twentieth century. 1 v. (Public health in Aaerica) NH; arran- qeaent e coapilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A9225<H1.

A9225I15. Paaphlets on Aaerican business abroad. 1 V. NH: arr. C coapilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 16Nov76; A922b«5.

A922546. The Psychology of play; a boofc of readings. fiditor: Brian Sutton- Saith. 1 V. Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. HH: arr. e coapilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 2I4NOV76: A9225«6.

A9225<t7. Last of the naturalists: the career of c. Bart flerriaa. By Keir Brooks Sterling. 472 p. (Natural sciences in Aaerica) NH: editorial revision. Keir B. Sterling; 7Jun77; A9225"17.

A922548. Forty years of song; an autobiography. By Eaaa Albani, with a discography by H. B. Horan. 285 p. O on discography; H. B. Boran: 10Jun77; A9225II8.

A9225ltS. Schuaann-Beink: the last of the Titans. By Hary Lawton, with a discography by B. B. Horan. 390 p. on discography; a. B. Horan; 10Jun77; A922549.

A922550. Aniaalcular and cryptogaaic theories on the origins of fevers. 1 v. NH: arr. 6 coapilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A922550.

A922551. Technical developaent of television. Edited, with an introd. by George Shiers. 1 V. on introd. G arr.; George Shiers; 5Aug77; A922551.

A922552. Docuaents in Aaerican telecoaaunications policy. Vol. 1 e 2. Edited, with an introd. by John H. Kittross. 1 v. Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. O on arr.; Arno Press, Inc.; SAug77; A922S52.

A922553. Docuaents in Aaerican telecoaaunications policy. Vol. 1. Edited, with an introd. by John fl. Kittross. 1 v. on introd.; John H. Kittross; 5AQg77; A9i2553.

A92255it. The Developaent of wireless to 1920. Edited by George Shiers, with an introd. by Elliot N. sivowitch. 1 v. (Historical studies in telecoaaunications) Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. Farts reprinted froa Journal of broadcasting, winter 1970-71. on arrangeaent; Arno Press, Inc.; 5Auq77; A922554.

A922555. The Telephone, an historical anthology. Edited by George Shiers, with an introd. by Elliot ». Sivowitch. 1 v. (Bistorical studies in telecoaaunications) Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. Parts reprinted froa The Post office electrical engineers* journal G others. on arrangeaent; Arno Press, Inc.; 5Aug77; A922555.

A922556. The Telephone, an historical anthology. Edited by George Shiers, with an introd. by Elliot N. sivowitch. 1 v. (Historical studies in telecoaaunications) Parts reprinted froa The Post Office electrical engineers* journal G others. on introd.; Elliot N. Sivowitch: 5Aug77; A92255b.

A922557. Who's who in opera, 1976; an inter- national biographical directory of singers, conductors, directors, designers, and adainistrators, also including profiles of 101 opera coapanies. Editor: Haria F. Bich. 68u p. Appl. au: Arno

A922558. The Electric telegraph, an historical anthology. Edited with an introd. by George Shiers. 1 v. (Historical studies in telecoaaunications) Parts reprinted froa Fifty years of electricity t others. on introd. £ arrangeaent; George Shiers; 5Aug77; A922558.

A922559. The New York tiaes theater reviews indel/1870-1919. 1 v. O The New York Tiaes Coopany; 21Nov75; A922559.

A922560. The New Tork tiues book review, July to Oeceaber 1976 including index, January to Deceaber 1976. 1 v. NH: coapilation, arrangeaent G index 1976 (author, title, byline, subject G category indexes) O The New lork Tiaes Coapany; 28l(ov77; A922560.

A922561. The New York tiaes theater reviews. Vol. 11: 1971-1972. »<t1 p. NH: foreword, arrangeaent, coapilation G indexes. O The New Tork Tiaes Coapany; 28Dec73; A922561.

A922562. The New York tioes book review. July to Dec. 1974, including index Jan. to Dec. 1974. 1 V. NH: coapilation £ index. The New York Tiaes Coapany; 5Dec75; A922562.

A922563. The New York tiaes book review. July to Dec. 1971, index Jan. -Dec. 1971. 1 v. NH: coapilation £ index. O The New York Tiaes Coapany: 28Dec72; A922563.

A922564. The New York tiaes book review. July to Dec. 1972. index Jan. -Dec. 1972. 1 v. NH: coapilation G index. O The New York Tiaes Coapany; 31Dec73; A922564.

A922S65. The Hew York tiaes book review. July to Dec. 1973, including index Jan. to Dec. 197J. 1 v. NH: coapilation G index. O The New York Tiaes coapany: 110ct74; A922565.

A92256e. The New York Tioes theater reviews, 1973-1974. 1 V. The New York Tiaes Coapany; 20Jan76 (in notice: 1973, 1974, 1975) ; A922566.

A922567. th< New York Tiaes theater reviews. 1975-1976. 1 V. O The New York Tiaes Coapany; 6Nov7b (in notice: 1975. 1976. 1977); A922567.

A922568. The New York Tiaes book review, July to Deceaber 1975, including index January to Deceaber 1975. 1 v. The New York Tiaes Coapany; 30Dec76; A922S6e.

A922569. Hollywood albua; lives G deaths of Bollywood stars froa the pages of the Hew York Tines. Edited by Arleen Keylin 6 Suri Fleischer. 312 p. NH: arr., coapilation. foreword G filaography. The New York Tiaes Coapany; 25AU977; A922 569.

A922570. The New York Tiaes fila reviews, 1971-1972. 435 p. O The New York Tiaes Coapany; 29Hay7« (in notice: 1973) ;



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