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A922495 - A922532


JUL-DEC. 1977

il922494 (con.) By Francesco Palaeqiani, with a dis- coqraphv by H. fi. Horan. 199 p. C on discoqraphy; N. B. Horan; 10Jun77; »922it91|.

A922495. Foreiqn investments in the Onited States: Departaeot of Comaerce and Depactmeot of Treasury estimates. Edited by Nira aiikins. 1 y. Appl. au: Acno PEess, Inc. NH; arr. G coopilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 1»aay77; A922495.

A922496. British overseas investments, 1907-1918. Edited by Hira Wilkins. 1 v. Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. NH: arr. £ cospiXation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 1»Hay77; A922496.

A922497. European foreiqn investments as seen by the O.S. Department of Commerce. Edited by Hira Hilkins. T v. Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. NH: arr. S compilation. Arno Press, Inc.; maay77; A922497.

A922498. Jjister Dooley and the Chicago Irish: an anthology. Edited, with introductions by Charles Fanning. 177 p. NH: editorial arr. Charles Fanninq; 2Dec76; A922498.

A922499. American political and economic penetration of Hexico, 1877-1920. By Jules Davids. 136 p. Jules Davids; 16Sov76; A922499.

A922500. Eeport of the Commissioner of Cor- porations on the petroleum industry. Pt. 3: foreign trade. Uith an introd. by Paul A. Heinstein. 716 p. on introd.; Paul A. ieinstein; 16Nov76: A922500.

A922501. Some memories and reflections. By Emma Barnes, with a discoqraphy by K. B. Horan. 310 p. (Opera biographies) C on discogcaphy; H. R. Horan; 10Jun77; A922501.

A922502. Issues and insights on international investment. Edited by Hira Hilkins. 56 p. (European business: four centuries of foreiqn expansion) Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. NHz arranqement & compilation. e Arno Press, Inc.; 11Hay77; A922502.

A922503. The Irish: America's political class. Selected e introduced by James B. Nalsh. 1 V. (The Irish-Americans) Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. NH: arrangement & compilation. Arno Press, Inc. ; 2Dec76; A922503.

A922501. Irish nationalism and the American contribution. Edited, uith an introd. by Laurence John HcCaffrey. 1 v. (The Irish-Americans) Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. NH: introd. & arrangement. Arno Press, Inc.; 2Dec76; A922501.

A922S05. The Reign of Fatti. By Herman Klein, with a discography by B. B. Horan. 170 p. (Opera biographies) Q on discography; H. E. Horan; 10Jun77; A922505.

A922506. Reverend John O'Hanlon's The Irish emiqrant*s quide for the Dnited States; a critical ed. Introd. S commentary .by Edward J. Haguire. 271 p. (The Irish-Americans) Add. ti: 0'Hanlon*s Irish emigrant's guide for the O.S. NH: editorial revision. © Edward J. Haguire; 2Dec76: A922506.

A922507. Hy life; an autobiography. By Emma Calve, translated by Rosamond Gilder, with a discography by H. B. Horan. 1 v. (Opera biographies) on discography; H. B. Horan; 10Jlln77; A922507.

A922508. The Rainbow bridge; a biography of Olive Fremstad. By Hary Fitch Hatkins cushing, with a discography by N. B. Reran. 1 v. (Opera biographies) Q on discography; H. B. Horan; 10Jun77; A922508.

A922509. Smallpox in colonial America. 1 v. (Public health in America) NH; arran- qement & compilation. Arno Press, Inc. ; 29Apr77; &922509.

A922510. The Demoqraphic history of Hassac- husetts. 1 V. (Demography) MA: arranqement & compilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 290ct76; A922510.

A922511. American visions: the films of Chaplin, Ford, Capra, and Welles, 1936-1911. By Charles John Haland. 159 p. (Disser- tations on film series) 6 Charles John Haland; 25Jan77; A922511.

A922512. The Economics of the Negro miqration, 1900-1960. By William Edward Vickery. 223 p. (Dissertations in American economic history) O Uilliam Edward Vickery; 22Har77: A922512.

A922513. Hiqh-yielding varieties of grain. 1 v. (Rorld food supply) NH: arrangement & compilation. 6 Arno Press, Inc.; 22Jun76; A922513.

A922514. Reminiscences of my life. By Charles Santley with a discography by i. R. Horan. 319 p. (Opera biographies) on discoqraphy; U. B. Horan; 10Jun77; A922514.

A922515. Farm formed capital in American aqriculture, ':850 to 1910. By Hartin Leonard Primack. 271 p. (Dissertations in American economic history) G Hartin Leonard Primack; 22Har77; A922515.

A9225ie. The Onited States and the material advance in Russia, 1881-1906. By George Sherman Queen. 239 p. (American business abroad; oriqins and development of the multinational corporation) George Sherman Queen; 16Nov76: A922516.

A922S17. Selection of production processes for the manuf acturinq subsidiaries of O.S. -based multinational corporations. By Hayne Allen Yeoman. 130 p. (American business abroad: oriqins and development of the multinational corporation) Sayne Allen leoman; 16Nov76; A922517.

A922518. A Children's games antholoqy: studies in folklore and anthropology. Editor: Brian Sutton-Smith. 1 v. Add. ti: A Children's game anthology: studies in folklore and anthropology. Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. NH: arranqement & compilation. G Arno Press, Inc.; 21Nov76; A922518.

A922519. Three world surveys by the Food and Aqriculture organization of the Onited Nations. 1 v. (iorld food supply) NH: arranqement & compilation. G Arno Press, Inc.; 22Jun76; A922519.

A922520. Developments in American farming. 1 v. (Horld food supply) NH; arrangement 6 compilation. G Arno Press, Inc. ; 22Jun76: A922520.

A922521. The Organization of trade in food products: three early Food and Agricolture Organization proposals. 1 v. (Borld food supply) NH; arrangement & compilation. G Arno Press, Inc.; 22Jun76; A922521.

A922522. Forward prices for agriculture. By David Gale Johnson. 259 p. (Rorld food supply) G on introd. ; D. Gale Johnson; 22Jun76; A922522.

A922523. Selections from the Journal of the Hassachusetts Association of Boards of Health, 1891-1901. 1 v. (Public health in America) NH: arrangement & compi- lation. Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A922523.

A922521. The Glory road; an autobiography. By Lawrence Tibbett, with a discography by H. B. Horan. 1 v. (Opera biographies) on discography; H. £. Horan; 10Jun77; A922521.

A922525. Clean water and the health of the cities. 1 V. (Public health in America) NH: arrangement C compilation. G Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A922525.

A922526. La Hia parabola: memorie. By Titta Ruffo, with a discography by H. R. Horan. 2. ed. 1 V. (Opera biographies) G on discography; i. B. Horan; 10Jun77; A922526.

A922527. Selections from the Health-education series. 1 v. (Public health in America) NH: arrangement & compilation. 6 Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A922S27.

A922528. The Carrier state. 1 v. (Public health in America) NH: arrangement & compi- lation. G Arno Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A922520.

A922529. Hinutes and proceedings from the first, second, third and fourth National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. Vol. 1: 1st, 2nd 6 1th conventions, vol. 2: 3rd CQnvention. (Public health in America) NH: arrangement & compilation. Arno Press, Inc. ; 29Apr77; A922529,

A922530. Alexander Hamilton's financial policies. By Hildred Otenasek. 115 p. (Disser- tations in American economic history) e Hildred Otenasek; 22Har77; A922S3a.

A922531. International finance and New Sork; the role of the outflow of private financial capital from the Onited States in the determination of the significance of New York as a center of international finance. By James 8alt:er Nordyke. 289 p. (American business abroad; origins and development of the multinational corporation) G James Halter Nordyke; 16NOV76; A922531.

A922532. Exports of manufactured goods from developing countries: marketing factors and the role of foreign enterprise. By Jose R. De La Torre, Jr. 175 p. (American business abroad: origins and

development of the multinational


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