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JUL-DEC. 1977

»922it56. Care of a sfflall planet: the sciences. Bt Paul F. BcaodaeiD. 184 p. (Que environaeDt: choices and actions) &ppl. aa; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich* Inc.«  enplovec ^or hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 154pr77; A922456.

i922»57. Tou learn and change; answer key to test booklet, oranqe. 2 p. (Health: decisions for qroHth) &ppl. au: Division of Drbao Education, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., enplover for hire. O Harcourt Brace JoTanoTich, Inc.; 9»uq77: 49221157.

1922458. &t your best; test booklet, green. Prepared by Herbert C. Budian. 20 p. (Health: decisions for qronth) Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., enployer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 9»uq77; A9221t58.

4922459. Tou learn and chanqe; test booklet, oranqe. Prepared by Herbert C. Etudnan. 20 p. (Health: decisions for qrowth) &ppl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., eaployer for hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 9»uq77; i922it59.

1922460. Balance in your life; answer key to test booklet, purple. 2 p. (Health: decisions for qrowth) Appl. au; Division of Orban Education, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. , enployer for hire. 6 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 9Auq77; 4922460.

1922461. Toward your future; answer key to test booklet, brown. 2 p. (Health: decisions for qrowth) Ippl. au: Division of Orban Education, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., eiployer for hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.: 9iuq77; 1922461.

1922462. At your best; answer key to test booklet, qreen. 2 p. (Health: decisions for qrowth) Appl. au: Division of Urban Education, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 91uq77; 1922462.

1922463. Toward your future; answer key to test booklet, brown. Prepared by Herbert C. Budaan. 20 p. (Health: decisions for qrowth) Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., enployer for hire. e Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 9iuq77; 1922463.

1922464. Balance in your life; test booklet, purple. Prepared by Herbert C. Budaan. 20 p. (Health: decisions for qrowth) Ippl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., enployer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 91uq77; A922464.

1922465. Free enterprise in Anerica. By Andrew Backer. 120 p. Appl. au: Barcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., enployer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177: A922465.

1922466. Playtine! Anericans at leisure. By Hark Jury. 1 V. Appl. states all new text € photos, except photos, on back cover, p. 14-17, 24-29, 38-39, 40 (botton) , 90-93, 97-103, 109 (top), 113 (top riqht) , 160-163, 166 (botton). Hark Jury: 30Auq77; A922466.

i922467. Playtine! Anericans at leisure. By Hark Jury. 1 V. Appl. au: Dan Jury. on photos, appearinq on back cover, p. 14-17, 24-29, 38-39, 40 (botton), 90-93, 97-103. 109 (top), 113 (top riqht), 160-163 6 166 (botton); Dan Jury; 30Auq77: A922467.

A922468. Therapeutic intervention; laboratory manual. By Ehoda Boweo S Joy Schemer. 100 p. (AVT nursing) O aedia Systems Corporation; 190ct77; A922468.

A922469. Surgical asepsis; laboratory nanual. By Bhoda Boweo £ Joy Schemer. 69 p. (AVT nursing) 6 Hedia Systens Corporation; 16Bay77; A922469.

A922470. Hedications; laboratory nanual. By Bhoda Bowen 6 Joy Schemer. 86 p. (ATT oursinq) 6 Hedra Systems Corporation; 10«ay77; 1922470.

1922471. Student workbook for automatic typewriters: IBH nag card 2 typewriter. By Eleanor J. Flanigan. 55 p. Idd. ti: IVT automatic typewriters: IBH nag card 2 typewriter. O Hedia Systens Corporation; 10flay77; 1922471.

1922472. Joy Xwistair screw conpressor; illustrated parts listing. 38 p. C Joy Hanufacturing Conpany: 26Sep77: 1922472.

A922473. Joy "Onitair" air conpressor; parts nanual. 20 p. HH: revisions C additions. Joy Hanufacturing Conpany; 12Aug77; A922473.

1922474. Joy Twistair screw conpressor; operator's nanual. 18 p. NH: editorial changes 6 revisions. O Joy Hanufacturing company; 11Nov77; A922474.

1922475. Joy Twistair screw compressor; illustrated parts listing. 18 p. NM: textual £ editorial revisions. Joy Manufacturing Company; 11Hov77; 1922475.

A922476. 1 4CH J/4 mechanical components removal/replacement nanual. 1 v. C Joy Hanufacturing Company; 10llov77; A922476.

A922477. Quiet power: Joy portable air con- pressor; operator's nanual. 1 v. Joy Hanufacturing Conpany; 30nov77; A922477.

A92247e. Joy quiet power portable air conpressor; illustrated parts listing. 34 p. O Joy Hanufacturing Conpany; 30Nov77: A922478.

A922479. Joy "Onitair" air conpressor; parts manual. 20 p. NH: revisions £ additions. O Joy Hanufacturing Conpany: 12Aug77; A922479.

A922480. Labor relations yearbook — 1976. Prepared by BNA editorial staff. 618 p. O The Bureau of national Affairs, Inc. ; 21Jun77: A922480.

A922481. Labor relations reference nanual. Vol. 94. p. 1001-3264. SB: additions. C The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 8Jul77: 1922481.

A922482. Cosnetoloqy: the Keystone guide to beauty culture. By Anthony B. Colletti. 5th ed. 351 p. Keystone Publications, Inc.; 30Jun77; A922482.

A922483. Tales of Treasure County: historical essays by residents of Treasure County, Hoatana. Edited by Euth Carrington, with the assistance of Edna Hackley. 151 p. O Treasure County Bicentennial connission; 9Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1922483.

A922484. Punisutawney, PA, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 5. Add. ti: Hullin-Kille and Punxsutawney Spirit Punxsutawney, PI, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. Bobert Horton Baldwin: 71pr77; 1922484.

1922485. Lawrenceville, IL, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 1. Idd. ti: The Hullin-Kille Lawrence, IL, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. O Bobert Horton Baldwin: 23HOV77; 1922485.

1922486. DeQueen, Ifi, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 1. Idd. ti: DeQueen. IH, ConSurvey city directory, 1977; The Hullin-Kille DeQueen, IE, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Appl. au; Bobert Horton Baldwin. Bobert Horton Baldwin; 18Apr77; A922486.

A922487. Linton. IN. area ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 1. Add. ti: The Hullin-Kille Linton, IN, area ConSurvey city directory. 1977. Ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. O Bobert Horton Baldwin; 20Jun77; A922487.

A922488. Bytheville, VI, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 3. Idd. ti: The Hullin-Kille Bytheville, VI, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. C Bobert Horton Baldwin; 27Jun77; 1922488.

1922489. Hudson, including North Hudson, HI. ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 1. Add. ti: The Hullin-Krlle Hudson, including North Hudson, UI, ConSurvey city airectory, 1977. ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. Bobert Horton Baldwin; 22Aog77: A922489.

1922490. Bi«er Falls, BI, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 1. idd. ti: The Hullin-Kille Elver Falls, BI, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Appl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. O Bobert Horton Baldwin; 26Aug77; 1922490.

1922491. Sevierville-Gatlinburg, including Pigeon Forge and Seymour, TN, ConSurvey city directory, 1977. Vol. 2. idd. ti: The Hullin-Kille Sevierville-Gatlinburg, including Pigeon Forge and Seynour. TN. ConSurvey city directory, 1977. ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. O Bobert Horton Baldwin; 7Nov77; 1922491.

1922492. Logan, including Chapnanville and Han, «V, ConSurvey city directory. 1977. Vol. 1. idd. ti: The Hullin-Kille Logan, including Chapnanville and Han, BV, ConSurvey city directory. 1977. ippl. au: Bobert Horton Baldwin. Bobert Horton Baldwin; 25Jul77; 1922492.

1922493. Filn theory of Janes Igee. By Hark Wilson Flanders. 268 p. Eleanor Flanders Noble; 25Jan77; A922493.


Mattia Battistini: il re dei baritoni.


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