A875U58 - A875495
JUL-DEC. 1977
A875U58. Process synthesis and optlllzatloD of £ixed bed methanation in coal gasification process. Bv Edward I-sen Han. Hicrofiln. O Edward I-sen Han; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875U58.
A8751I59. The First nullification: the Negro seaaen acts controversy in South Carolina, 1822-1860. By Alan Frank January. nicrofilB. C Alan Frank January; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875it59.
Ae751t60. Beforaing the press: the democratic alternative to news aedia bureaucracy. By Jaffles Hope Bissland. Hicrofila. d Janes Hope Bissland; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976): A875«60.
A8751161.. Evaluative criteria for international education programs in secondary schools as derived froB an analysis of exemplary programs. By Shirley Van Meter. Microfilm, e Shirley Van Heter; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875U61.
i875it62. Essential elements of individualized instruction as perceived by faculty members and learners in a baccalaureate nursing education program. By Elnora Delores Belle Daniel. Microfilm. 6 Elnora Delores Belle Daniel; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875it62.
A875it63. An Analysis of a human relations training program for managers and supervisors. By Hollistcr Hooten-Trott. Microfilm. C Hollister Hooten-Trott: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A875U63.
A875116U. Selected personality traits of students preferring episodic or distributive nursing. By Barbara Ann Beeker. Microfilm, e Barbara Ann Beeker; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8751I6U.
A875t65. A Study to determine the accuracy of the Holland types for women employed in realistic and social occupations. By Wary Jane Healy O'Brien. Microfilm. C Mary Jane Healy O'Brien; 15Jun77; A875it65.
A8751166. The 197U bilingual education amendments: revolution, reaction or reform. By Susan Gilbert Schneider. Microfilm, e Susan Gilbert Schneider; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976): A8751166.
A8751t67. An Evaluative study of behavior modification training for parents and parent effectiveness training as methods for affecting parent-child problem resolution and parental attitude change. Bv Jerome Francis Kowalewski. Microfilm. Jerome Francis Kowalewski: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875it67.
A875U68. Accentuation as an expressive element in music. By Peter Michael Sozio. Microfilm. C peter Michael Sozio; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1975); A8751168.
A875lt69. Land tenure and land reform: a history of property and power in Vietnam. By Nancy Ann Hiegersma. Microfilm. Nancy Ann Hiegersma; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A8751469.
A875U70. An Exploratory study of adolescents' career decision-making process and content. By Pelima Frank Charlse Carew. Microfilm. Pelima Frank Charlse Carew; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); &875«70.
A875U71. A Study of the relation of teacher reaction style to pupil productive thinking. By Jill Heinick Randall. Microfilm. Jill Heinick Randall: lSJun77 (in notice: 1976); A875it71.
A875I472. The Presentation of a design method for education: syntax, an interactive learning medium for vocabulary and syntactic patterning acquisition. By Michael John Tudor. Microfilm. Michael John Tudor; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1973); Ae75a72..
A8751473. A Comparative analysis of the job satisfaction of correspondence and administrative secretaries in word processing centers. By Helen McEwen Benjamin. Microfilm. O Helen McEwen Benjamin; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875I473.
A87514714. Interplanetary scintillation obser- vations with the 34.3 MHZ cocoa cross radiotelescope. By Fred Tudor Erskine 3rd. Microfilm. Fred Tudor Erskine 3rd; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87547U.
A875't75. H. Richard Niebuhr: the shaping of the American religious historian. By Jon Thomas Dief enthaler. Microfilm. C Jon Thomas Diefenthaler; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A875175.
A875«76. Biomechanics of the jumping cat. By Michael Ross zomlefer. Microfilm, O Michael Ross Zomlefer; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875H76.
Ae75it77. A Study of the effects of a perceptual- motor curriculum in body image, and space and directionality, for kindergarteners identified as having potential learning disabilities. By Cynthia Szymanski Sunal. Microfilm, e Cynthia Szymanski Sunal; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875«77.
A875U78. Project search; a political history of the development of a national computerized criminal history system. By Gordon Karl Zenk. Microfilm. O Gordon Karl Zenk; lSjun77 (in notice: 1976); A875«78.
A875U79. Cinderella from the pampas: Maria Eva Duarte De Peron, Argentine First Lady, 1919-1952. By Sharon A. Hollenbeck Akridge. Microfilm. O Sharon A. Hollenbeck Akridge; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) : A875«79.
A8751I80. Transcriptions of the repertory of two-voice Notre Dame clausulae. Vol. 2. By Rebecca Anne Baltzer. Microfilm. O Rebecca Anne Baltzer; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1971); A875it80.
A875481. A Developmental study of children's ideas about health. By Janet Nielson Natapoff. Microfilm. Janet Nielson Natapoff; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); Ae751l81.
A875it82. An Investigation into the program of social foundations of education in the preservice undergraduate professional education of secondary school teachers in Uganda. By Aloni Gafa Kindagaire- Atwoki. Microfilm. O Aloni Gafa Kindagaire- Atwoki; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8751182.
A875483. Media use in nationally selected high school programs: a questionnaire survey of secondary school principals, English department chairmen, and English teachers. By Richard Vincent Barry. Microfilm. O Richard Vincent Barry; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): Ae75«83.
A875U8U. Spatial models of legislative choice. By Donald August Gross. Microfilm. Donald August Gross; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875484.
A875i(85. An Analysis of the relationship between social work education and practice from the perspective of the practitioner. By Jess Cook Jamieson. Microfilm. O Jess Cook Jamieson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875it85.
A875486. Anti-heroic perspectives: the life and works of Frank Yerby. By James Lee Hill. Microfilm, e James Lee Bill; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875iie6.
A875487. Matthew G. Lewis, Charles Robert Maturin, and the Germans: an interp- retative study of the influence of German literature on two Gothic novels. By Syndy McMillen Conger. Microfilm. Syndy McMillen Conger; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875U87.
A875U88. A Comparative analysis of activity versus non-activity approaches to metric inservice teacher education. By Jack Uilliam Hescott. Microfilm. O Jack Hilliam Hescott; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87511'88.
A875U89. The Vegetation of limestone and granite soils in the mountains of southeastern Arizona. By Thomas Ralph Hentworth. Microfilm. Thomas Ralph Hentworth; 15Juc77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875U89.
A875it90. Hilliam Carlos Hilliams' Al que quiere! poems made of words. By Sandra Jean Higman. Microfilm. Sandra Jean Higman; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A875U90.
A8751191. Making the Jesuits more modern. By Thomas Philip Faase. Microfilm. O Thomas Philip Faase: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8751I91.
A875it92. The Impact of court-ordered deseg- regation on student achievement. By George Simon Chenault. Microfilm. O George Simon Chenault; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A8751I92.
A875493. Burden-rock stiffness and its effect on fragmentation in bench blasting. By Norman Saylor Smith. Microfilm. O Norman Saylor Smith; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875493.
A875494. Models and methods for generating dependent random vectors. By Mark Edward Johnson. Microfilm. O Mark Edward Johnson; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976); A875494.
A875495. Androgyny and sexual functioning in
women. By Shirley Kagan Radlove.
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