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A921962 - A922002


JUL-DEC. 1977

4921962. Role reversal: influence of role entry on role experiences. By flarion Audrey Kachelski. Hicrofila. HariOD Audrey Kachelski: 15Nov77; 6921962.

Education production fuiiction uith alternative technologies. By Thonas Houard Tidrick. Hicrofils. C Thosas Ho»ara Tidrick; 151lo»77: A921963.

A921964. Changes and continuities in doaiciliary family arrangements and kin interaction patterns; a study of selected urban immigrants. By Jean Goeppiuqer. Microfilm. Jean Goeppinger; 15No»77: 1921964.

A921965. The Development of the Edwards receptivity to change inventory: an investigation into the determination of levels of receptivity to change vithin school faculties. By Byron Leslie Edwards. nicrofilm. O Byron Leslie EdBards; 15Nov77: A921965.

A921966. National account strategy in industrial firms. By Thomas tiovard Stevenson. Hxctofilm. G Thomas UoHard Stevenson; 15SOV77: A921966.

A921967. Masochism and underachieveoent ; assessment and evaluation. By Hayne Henry Town. Jr. Microfilm. iayne Henry Town, Jr.; 15BOV77; &92196 7.

A92196B. Factors influencing the marketing of meeting facilities; an empirical study of the buying/selling relationship for corporate group meetings. By Ken Hard McCleary. Microfilm. Ken iard McCleary; 15Nov77; A921968.

A921969. Aleksander Izvolskii and Russian foreign policy: 1910-19ia. By Robert Harold lllshouse. Microfilm. Bobect Harold Allshouse; 158ov77; AS21969.

A921970. Deconposit ion of aguatic plants in lakes. By Gordon Lamar Godshalk. Microfilm. C Gordon Lamar Godshalk; 151lov77: A921970.

A921971. Plymouth Settlement House and the development of black Louisville: 1900-1930. By Benlamin Donaldson Berry, Jr. Microfilm. Beniamin Donaldson Berry, Jr.; 1S!iov77: A921971.

A921972. The Poles of the author in the works of John Barth. By Joy Harks Gray. Microfilm. Joy Marks Gray; 15Nov77: A921972.

A921973. Cataloguing and bibliography: a comparative study of their interrela- tionships as seen through their principles and practices. By Nancy Joyce Hilliamson. Microfilm. C Nancy Joyce Biliiamson; 151IOV77; A921973.

A921974. A Conceptual framework for personal- professional growth: implications for inservice education. By Mary Louise Hulbert Holly. Microfilm. Mary Louise Hulbert Holly; 15Nov77; A921974.

A921975. Opinion leadership and network centrality with respect to teaching innovations within accounting higher education. By Vincent Francis McCormack. Microfilm. O Vincent Francis McCormack; 15(lov77; A921975.

A921976. Purchasing effectiveness. By Boss Bichard Beck. Microfilm. O Boss Bichard Beck; 15NOV77; A921976.

A921977. Eloy Alfaro and Ecuador's Andean diplomacy, 1895-1911. By Thomas Allen Pitt. Microfilm. O Thomas Allen Pitt; 15Bar77 {in notice: 1976); A921977.

A921978. Quantification of selection criteria for reliability improvement warranty contracts. By Ba-ymond Otis Folse. Microfilm. 6 Raymond Otis Poise; 15NOV77; A921978.

A921979. Great Britain and the Abyssinian crisis, 1935-1936. By Louis John Smith. Microfilm. Louis John Smith; 15Nov77; A921979.

A921980. nalavians in the Great Bar and after, 1914-1925. By Melvin Eugene Page. Microfilm, a Melvin Eugene Page; 15NOV77: A921980.

A921981. The Socio-economic and demographic bases of political' behavior in Nuremberg during the Beimar Republic, 1919-1933. By Martha Moore Ziegler. Microfilm. O Martha Moore Ziegler; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976); A921981.

A921982. The Effects on interpersonal growth and group leadership skills of a training for trainers workshop. By Jack James Bosenblum. Microfilm. Q Jack James Bosenblum; 1'«Oct77; A921982.

A921983. Awareness of discrimination and career decision-making of black youth. By Grace Matthews Pleasants. Microfilm. Grace Matthews Pleasants; 140ct77; A921983.

A921984. A Comparison of actual costs of operating reimbursable secondary vocational education programs with the amount received under the "added cost concept" in Oakland County, Michigan. By Robert Martin Nugent. Microfilm. Robert Martin Nugent; 15Nov77; A921984.

A921985. The Assessment of user preferences for new apartments: an application of multidimensional scaling. By Julian Michael Benjamin. Microfilm. Julian Michael Benlamin; 15Sep77; A921985.

A921986. Information technology and stock market organization. By Robert Curtis Evans. Microfilm. O Bobert Curtis Evans; 1l(Oct77; A921986.

A921987. Beligion y sociedad en la obra de Vicente Lenero. By Miguel Angel Nino. Microfilm. O Miguel Angel Nino; 15Nov77; A921987.

A921988. Oil and the Arab-Israeli conflict: a study in Arab oil strategy between 1918-1973. By Abdul-Aziz Hussein Sowayyegh. Microfilm. O Abdul-Aziz Hussein Sowayyegh; 15May77; A921988.

A921989. A Model developed for the analysis and evaluation of the administration and operation of a competency-based system and field tested with National College of Education. By Harold Blaine Street. Microfilm. Harold Blaine Street; 15NOV77; A921989.

A921990. A Typological examination of commu- nication in enduring relationships. By Mary Anne Theresa Pitzpatrick- Microfilm. O Mary Anne Theresa Fitzpatrick; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A921990.

The Effectiveness of the use of color cues to teach low-achieving second graders visual discrimination in paired-associate learning of previously encountered sight-vocabulary words. By Alberta S. Sims. Microfilm. Alberta H. Sims; 15NOV77; A921991.

A921992. Spanish agents in North America during the Bevolution, 1775-1779. By Light Townsend Cummins. Microfilm. O Light lownsend Cummins; 1«Oct77; A921992.

A921993. The Palatine and Autun passions, with the sion fragment. Vol. 1 £ 2. By Everett Cleveland Hilkie, Jr. Microfilm. Everett Cleveland Bilkie, Jr.; 1ilOct77; A921993.

A921994. Bed stars: political aspects of Soviet science fiction. By Patrick Llewellyn McGuire. Microfilm. O Patrick Llewellyn HCGuire; 15Sep77; A921994.

A921995. The Communications analysis of a knowledge community. By James B. MacAulay. Microfilm. O James B. MacAulay; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A921995.

A921996. The Determination of sugar cane quality in Louisiana by the core press method. By Harold Sydney Birkett. Microfilm. Harold Sydney Birkett; 15Nov77; A921996.

A921997. The Socio-economic impact of unem- ployment and income inequality: a cross-national study (1958-67) By Dipak K. Gupta. Microfilm. O Dipak K. Gupta; 1<»Oct77; A921997.

A921998. A Preliminary technology assessment of large farm tractors and combines. By Francis Kent Halton. Microfilm. O Francis Kent Balton; 15Nov77; A921998.

A921999. The Quetzalcoatl prophesy and inter- pretation of "reality is a great serpent" in Chicano expression. By David Steven Bessel. Microfilm. David Steven Bessel; 15Nov77; A921999.

A922000. Exploring the relationships between children's social behaviors and their fantasized coping activities. By Nancy Katherine Howkanech. Microfilm. O Nancy Katherine iowkanech; 1SNov77; A922000.

1922001. A Descriptive analysis of teacher behavior in physical education classes. By Gary Thomas Barrette. Microfilm. O Gary Thomas Barrette; 140ct77; A922C01.

A922002. The Eisenhower administration and the

recession of 1957-58. By Bichard Bryan


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