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A921923 - A921961


JUL-DEC. 1977

A921923. Disraption of selective attention by "unattended" words from a previous task. Br Leonard Jamie Sachs. Hicrofiln. e Leonard Jaaie Sachs; 1SNov77: A921923.

A921924. Academic achievement and self-concept of orthopedically disabled students in inteqirated and segregated educational settings. By Mark J. Safferstone. Microfilm. C Hark J. Safferstone; 15llov77: 4921924.

A921925. The Pelief of Austria, 1919-1922. By Peter Ediiin Schmidt. Microfilm. e Peter Ednin Schmidt: 15Nqv77: A921925.

A921926. Persons and placebos: philosophical dimensions of tie placebo effect. By Hoiiard Allan Brody. Microfilm. Howard Allan Brody; 15lIov77; A921926.

A921927. The Ecology of the western iumpinq mouse (Zapus princeps) By Jack Allen Cranford. Microfilm. C Jack Allen Cranford; t5Hov77; A921927.

&921928. A Comparison of the graduates of electronics programs conducted by community colleges with graduates of electronics programs by proprietary school in Michigan. By Stephen Bobert Matt. Microfilm. C Stephen Robert Matt; 15Sov77; A921928.

A921929. Twelve poems of Emily Dickinson by Aaron Copland: a stylistic analysis. Vocal problems in the performance of Schoen- berg's Pierrot lunaire, opus 21. By Sharon Cody Mabry. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples, e Sharon Cody Mabry; 1SNov77: A921929.

A921930. Production and properties of grain refined nickel base superalloy turbine components. By Thomas Alan Kolakowski. Microfilm. C Thomas Alan Kolakowski; >58ov77; A921930.

A921931. Manufacturing progress functions. By Dayr Bamos Americo Dos Beis. Microfilm. 6 Dayr Bamos Americo Dos Beis; 15Nov77; A921931.

A921932. The Significance of tactile commu- nication between elementary school students and teachers: an exploratory study. By George Lyman HcMahon. Microfilm, e George Lyman McMahon; 15lIov77; A921932.

A921933. Biochemical and immunocytochemical studies of the axon reaction and collateral sprouting in dopaminergic neurons of rat brain. By Gad M. Gilad. Microfilm. C Gad M. Gilad; 15Nov77; A921933.

A92193«. A Study to examine the training of student affairs administrators for specified competency tasks. By Patricia Eileen Domeier. Microfilm, e Patricia Eileen Domeier; 151lov77; A921934.

A921935. The Eegulatory role of the macrophage in normal and neoplastic hemopoiesis. By Jeffrey I. Kurland. Microfilm. O Jeffrey I. Kurland; 15Hov77; A921935.

A921936. The Belationship between management styles and perceived discipline problems in selected secondary schools. By Bobert Halter Mcdaugh. Microfilm. Bobert Halter Medaugh; 1SNov77; A921936.

A921937. The Feminine literary figures in the works of the Marques De Santillana. By Mary Kathryn Kuzma. Microfilm, e Mary Kathryn Kuzma; 15Bov77; A921937.

A921938. The Economics of budget constraints, transaction costs, boundaries and articulation of interest group demand in multi-county health planning agencies. By Sonald Charles Faas. Microfilm. 6 Ronald Charles Faas; 15Nov77; A921938.

A921939. Control of solidification structure and its effect on the mechanical properties of gray iron. By Gary Frank Buff. Microfilm. © Gary Frank Buff; 15»ov77; A921939.

A921910. Comparison of vocational education and on-the-job training as methods of improving post-school empioyability of the educable mentally retarded. By Jan Morrow Baxter. Microfilm. O Jan Morrow Baxter; 15NOV77; A921940.

A921941. A Study of competencies essential to effective administration of baccalaureate nursing programs. By Patricia Sadie Jones. Microfilm. Patricia Sadie Jones; 15Nov77; A921941.

A9219I42. Transmission rate limitations for finite duration signals in a binary communication system. By Philipp Dines. Microfilm. Philipp Dines; 15Hov77; A921942.

&921943. Retention assessments of college students summarizing and underlining reading strategies in relation to subject-generated learning versus experimenter-generated learning con- ditions. By Neil Jerome Kaufman. Microfilm. Q Neil Jerome Kaufman; 15NOV77; A921943.

A921944. An Analysis of the factors contributing to the successful location of major league baseball franchises. By Charles Louis Aldini. Microfilm. Q Charles Louis Aldini; 15Nov77; A921944.

A921945. The Development of a theoretical model of the middle school through the use of a modification of the Delphi technique. By Samella Elisabeth Walton Junior. Microfilm, e Samella Elisabeth Halton Junior; 15Nov77; A921945.

A921946. Levels of family role differentiation and eguality in a dual-career family: a participant observation. By Gail Lockwood Imig. Microfilm. Q Gail Lockwood Imig; 15NOV77; A921946.

A921947. An Investigation of the self-help water quality management potential o{ Michigan lake associations- By George Boland Gibson, Jr. Microfilm. O George Boland Gibson, Jr.; 15Kov77; A921947.

A921946. A Quantitative comparison of envi- ronmental education, conservation education, outdoor education, ecological education, environmentalized education and general education based on goals. By David I. Johnson. Microfilm. David I. Johnson; 15Nov77; A921948.

A921S49. The Adaptive styles of immigrants from India in the American communities of Akron, Canton, Cleveland, and Kent. By Mohan Lai Kaul. Microfilm. O Mohan Lai Kaul; 15NOV77; A921949.

A921950. Dynamics and strategies for urban housing and infrastructure in developing countries: a case study — Lagos metro- politan area, Nigeria. By Obi Basil Achunine. Microfilm. 6 Obi Basil Achunine; 151)ov77; A921950.

A921951. The Impact of skewness of the income distribution on local educational expenditures. By Phillip Paul Caruso. Microfilm. O Phillip Paul Caruso; 15NOV77; A921951.

A921952. Auditory fusion and response latency among learning disabled, reading disabled, and normal children. By Herman Charles Kidder. Microfilm. O Herman Charles Kidder; 15Nov77; A921952.

A921953. A Multi-item (and multi-stage) multi-period production scheduling model with constraints. By Krishna Sudapati. Microfilm. O Krishna Gudapati; 15Nov77; A921953.

A92t954. Psychological dimensions in the perception and assessment of inequity. By Steven Michael Cato. Microfilm. S Steven Micl^ael Cato; 15Nov77; A921954.

A921955. The Value added tax. By Francis Brown Garner. Microfilm. 6 Francis Brown Garner; 15»ov77; A921955.

A921956. A Study of the opinions of public high school teachers of business in the State of Nevada concernj.ng certification and re-certification requirements and work experience for continued professional growth. By Barbara Ann Chlsa. Microfilm. Barbara Ann Chism; 15Nov77; A921956.

A921957. A History of veterans' homes in the Onited States, 1811-1930. By Judith Gladys Cetina. Microfilm, e Judith Gladys Cetina; 15NOv77; A921957.

A92195e. A Construct validity study of disen- gagement-enmeshment: some individual, family, -and sociotiultucal correlates. By Brenda Joyce cline. Microfilm. 6 Brenda Joyce Cline; 15Nov77; A921958.

A921959. Attitudes of leaders of groups with different life styles toward university counseling centers: a Guttman facet analysis. By Curtis L. Holt. Microfilm. e Curtis L. Bolt; 15NOV77; A921959.

A921960. The Development of a pre-academic instructional program for the moderately and severely mentally retarded. By Sister Barbara Jean Cline, F.S. E. Microfilm. Q Sister Barbara Jean Cline, F.S.E. ; 15NOV77; A921960.

4921961. Marihuana use as deviant behavior. By Stephen Theodore Swadley. Microfilm. Stephen Theodore Swadley: 1SNov77;



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