JUL-DEC. 1977
1921885 (COD.) General Telephone Directory cospany. Toledo Telephone COMpanv, Inc. ; INov77; 1921885.
4921886. Teaperaoce, Ecie-Luna Pier, inciudinq alphabetical listings for Laober tville* ai, and others, October 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coipany of Hlchiqan (in notice: General Telephone): 210ct77; 1921886.
1921887. ficDaniel, SalkUB, Hossyrock, Rl, and others, Noveaber 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. C BcDaniel Telephone Coapany; 1Nov77; 1921887.
1921888. Skaqit County, VI, Noveaber 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of the Morthnest, Inc.; 19Nov77; 1921888.
1921889. Monrovia, Sierra Hadre, Bradbury, CI, and others street address cross reference directory with telephone nuaber section* Noveaber 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of California: 1Nov77: 1921889.
1921890. Santa Haria, Lonpoc, Santa Inez, CI, and others street address cross reference directory with telephone nuaber section* Noveaber 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of California: 1Nov77; 1921890.
1921891. llternator secrets. By Thoaas J. Lindsay. 1 v. O Lindsay Publications: 16Sep77; 1921891.
1921892. Panaaa Canal postcard. Cards. HSz additions. Hilliaa C. Soddy d.b.a. The History Coapany; 20l1ay77; 1921892.
1921893. The Collector's book of acquisitions. 1 V. Databook Publishing Coapany* Inc.; 121uq77; 1921893.
1921894. Iniury report aid. Coapiled t illustrated by Edith i. iilliaas. 2« p. SB: coapilatioo e additions. O Edith D. Iilliaas; 221iov77; 1921894.
1921895. Therapeutic reaedy for heaorrhoid and constipation sufferers of pain: a preventative and requlator for ileitis and colitis sufferers. Uritten by Jannice Sias. lip. Jannice Sias; 16i;ov77: 1921895.
1921896. Svaine's scottsdale. Paradise Valley city directory. Hicrofiche. Prev. pub. 7NOV75. NM: revisions S additions. Directory Publishioq Coapany, Inc.: 131uq77: 1921896.
1921897. Downtovn froa Jefferson Terrace to Pione«;r Place. Prepared by Truaan Gervais Seed e Jo NilssoD (Joan B. tilsson) 1 v. (Irt in Seattle's public places: five urban valkinq tours, the 1st itinerary) Gervais Beed G Jo Nilsson; 7Sep77: 19218»7.
A921898. What is humanism? By Georqe Henrik Von Wriqht. 25 p. Departaent of Phi- losophy, University of Kansas; 17Oct77; A921898.
1921899. Christian periodical index (a selected list) ; an index to subjects, authors and book reviews, 1976. Editor; Barbara Kay Nelson, prepared by the librarians of the Christian Librarians' Pellovship, Inc. 137 p. O Christian Librarians* Fel- lowship. Inc.: 231ug77: 1921899.
1921900. aoaents at Independence Rail. Sritten by aeabers of leolian Chapter, California Federation of Chapparal Poets. 24 p. Ippl. au: Nancy Glikaan. Nancy Gllkaan; 1Jun77: 1921900.
1921901. Selected parables in verse. By P. Helvyn Lawson. 44 p. F. Helvyn Lawson; 17NOV77: 1921901.
1921902. The Creation of beauty. Folder. Ippl. au: Jane Thoaas Barton. Jane Thoaas Barton; 1Nov77: 1921902.
1921903. Pennsylvania: birthplace of banking in laerica. By Belden L. Daniels. 365 p. Pennsylvania Bankers Issociation; 8Sep76; 1921903.
1921904. VD: the love epideaic. Uords C drawings by nari Stein. 8 1 p. Prev. pub. as The Love epideaic; VD. NH; revisions & additions. nari Stein: 27Hay77: 1921904.
1921905. The Kid's book of aetrics. By fielene Silveraan, illus. by Jo Inne Detsch Bonnell. 64 p. Grosset and Danlap, Inc.; 111ay77; 1921905.
1921906. Sculpture with string: teaching guide. 15 p. (Irt craft teaching filns, no. 720) Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47746 & 2 filBstrxps, in box. Ippl. au: Philip D. Barner 6 Fern S. liarner. O liarner Educational Productions; 20ct75; 1921906.
1921907. Jewelry: the fine art of adornaent, lost wax aethod; teaching guide. 28 p. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47747 £ 6 filastrips, in box. Ippl. au: Philip D. Barner E Fern S. Barner. Barner Educational Productions; 260ct76; 1921907.
1921908. Hobiies: artistry in motion; teaching guide. 13 p. (Irt craft teaching filas, no. 710) Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47748 6 2 filastrips, in box. Ippl. au: Philip D. Barner e Fern S. Barner. Barner Educational Productions; 20ct75; 1921908.
1921909. Jewelry: the fine art of adornaent, fabrication method; teaching guide. 24 p. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. M47749 £ 6 filastrips, i.n box. Ippl. au: Philip D. Barner C Fern s. Barner. Barner Educational Productions; 260ct76; 1921909.
1921910. Pottery: artistry with earth; teaching guide. 26 p. (Irt craft teaching filas, no. 235) Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N477S0 £ 6 filastrips, in box. Ippl. au: Philip 0. Barner £ Fern S. Barner. O Barner Educational Productions; 70ct77: 1921910.
1921911. Enaaeling: painting with glass; teaching guide. 26 p. (Irt craft teaching filas, no. 390) Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47751 £ 6 filastrips, in box. Ippl. au: Philip D. Barner £ Fern S. Barner. O Barner Educational Productions; 70ct77; 1921911.
1921912. Changing views on capital punishaent. 1 V. £ filastrip. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47752, in box. Nil: textual G pictorial aatter £ partial coapilation of old textual £ pictorial aatter. O The New york Tiaes Coapany; 50ct77; 1921912.
1921913. Lobbying: how do6s it work? whoa does it work for? 1 v. £ filmstrip. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47753, in box. NH: new textual £ pictorial aatter £ partial compilation of old textual £ pictorial matter. O The New York Tiaes Coapany; 6Nov77; 1921913.
1921914. Has big business gotten too big? 1 v. £ filastrip. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N47754, in box. NH: new textual £ pictorial aatter £ partial coapilation of old textual £ pictorial matter. The New Sork Tiaes Coapany; 8Dec77; 1921914.
1921915. Laboratorio de lenguaje auditivo 1; aanual del aaestro. 39 p. (SBl Listening Language Laboratory 1) Iccompanied by sound recording, leg. N47755 £ other materials, in box. on translation; Science Besearcb Issociates, Inc. ; 80ct76; 1921915.
1921916. 1 Management education curriculum for aaxioizing huaan resources: a new approach to Biddle manageaent training for Nigeria. By Hoses Jonah Ikpanudo. Hicrofila. O Hoses Jonah Ikpanudo; 15Nov77: 1921916.
1921917. Personality-role conflict and leadership style: an investigation of soae sig- nificant relationships affecting curriculuB change. By Hartis Jones okpalobi. Hicrofila. O Hartis Jones Okpalobi; 15Nov77; 1921917.
1921918. Complicite et conflit entre la poesie et la prose dans La Oorotea de Lope De Vega. By Veronigue Brunet HcHillan. Hicrofila. Veronigue Brunet HcHillan; 15Nov77; 1921918.
1921919. 1 Study of the religious factor in aedical education. By Bobert Bayne Gardner. Hicrofila. Bobert Bayne Gardner; 15Nov77; 1921919.
1921920. Systeas and selfhood: essays in the new azialisB. By Hary Lee Beeb. Hicrofila. O Hary Lee Beeb; 1SNov77; 1921920.
1921921. Processes in iapleaenting the aetric systea in eight local public school districts. By Jaaes Bichard Lawson. Hicrofila. O James Bichard Lawson; 15NOV77; 1921921.
1921922. Consequences of a disadvantaged and minority oriented manpower training program. By Balph B. Bonner. Hicrofilm.
Balph B. Bonner; 15Nov77: 1921922.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.