A921671 - A921719
JUL-DEC. 1977
»921671. Passages: a history of Amherst County. By Shercie S. HoLeBoy e lllllaa S. BcLeBoy. 105 p. C Sherrie S. HcleEoy; 6Dec77; 11921671.
A921672. Sonq for all seasons. By Llbby Stopple, art by Bartha Bell. 75 p. O Libby Stopple: lSOct77: i921672.
A921673. A Perspective on yields. 63 p- Chicaqo Board of Trade; 11Nov77; A921673.
A921674. Conaanity affairs: life north of the Bio Grande. 1870-1976. Vol. 2. 372 p. Appl. au: Frances Hccullouqh, Lora Harie Entz 6 Arlene Burkhart. Sarqent centennial Bicentennial Coanittee; 25Nov77 ; A921674.
A921675. Seventh, eiqhth, and ninth prosaics. By Vernon Edqar. 6 p. O Vernon Edqar; 30Hov77: A921675.
A921676. Thomber's Training proqraa for punch-card votinq, 1978. 22 p. O Prank Thornber Coapany; 5Dec77; A921676.
A921677. PCS 2 qeneral ledqer program operators traininq aanual. 1 v. Southern Oceqon Coaputer Services. Inc.; 5Dec77 ; A921677.
A921678. La Habilidad en el lenguaie oral. Por Janet H. Holt, Judith n. Ernst, Albert V. Lantz, traduccion por Alba A. Pickslay. 39 p. e Janet H. Bolt; 5Dec77; A921678.
A921679. O.S. Naval ships data, arranged by hull classification. Vol. 2. By Barry Edward Husqrove. 35it p. Nautical Books; 1Dec77; A921679.
A9216B0. The Bunqarian labor service systea, 1939-1945. By Bandolph L. Brahaa. 159 p. East European Quarterly: 17NOT77; A92ie80.
A9216B1. The Tennessee Brigade. By Joe Bennett BcBrieu. 117 p. Joe Bennett HcBrlen; 21Sep77: A921681.
A921682. Mirror and veil: the historical diaension of Spenser's Faerie Queene. By Hichael O'Connell. 220 p. The University of North Carolina Press; 28NOV77: A921682.
A921683. Lead ae to the eiit. By Ellen c. Hoore. 209 p. Ellen C. Moore; 1Dec77; A9216B3.
A92168I1. Onited States docuaents in the propaqanda fide archives: a calendar. 1st series, vol. 7. Edited by Finbar Kenneally. 378 p. Add. ti: propaganda fide calendar. Acadeay of American Franciscan History; 50ec77: A92168'l.
A921685. B.I. A. (missing in action) Written e illustrated by H. Phillip Causer. 169 p. O H. Phillip Causer: 181lov77i A921685.
A921686. Geneva, Illinois: a history of its times and places. Editor: Julia B. Bhresmann. photographer: Edvard Dietrich. 105 p. Board of Trustees of Seneva Public Library District: 25Nov77: A921686.
A921687. The Population biology of disease. By John H. Bhitlock. 177 p. O John B. Bhitlock; 5Dec77; A9216a7.
A921688. A Bibliography of noise for 1975. Compiled by Judith Kramer-Greene. 153 p. Judith Kramer-Greene: 41iov77; A921688.
A921689. Rape: a bibliography, 1965-1975. Compiled by Dorothy L. Barnes. 154 p. O Dorothy L. Barnes; 5Sep77; A92i689.
A921690. D. H. Laurence: a bibliography, 1911-1975. Compiled by John E. Stoll. 216 p. NB: selection, compilation, indexing 6 pref. John £. Stoll; 10ct77; A921690.
&921691. The Italian theatre today: twelve interviews. By Alba Auola. 136 p. e Alba Amoia; 26Jul77: A92ie91.
A921692. The Afro-American novel, 1965-1975: a descriptive bibliography of primary and secondary material. By Helen Buth Houston. 214 p. HM: compilation e indexing. Helen B. Houston; 19Sep77; A921692.
A921693. Louis Tannen, Inc. presents: The Great illusions of magic. Text by Byron G. Hels. 308 p. on text; Louis Tannen, Inc.; 70ct77; A921693.
A921694. Louis Tannen, Inc. presents; The Great illusions of magic; workshop plans. By Byron G. Hels. 1 v. on plans; Louis Tannen, Inc.; 70ct77; A921694.
A921695. Ross Stefan: an impressionistic painter of the contemporary Southwest. By John K. Goodman, with a foreword by Clay Lockett. 91 p. O John K. Goodaan; 20Nov77; A921695.
A921696. Old Uillow Glen: a photographic sketchbook. By Elizabeth Giarratana, edited by Bob Giarratana, photography by David Dawson & Bob & Elizabeth Giarratana. 283 p. C Elizabeth Giarratana; 4Dec77; A921696.
A921697. forbes Barclay and his family. By Harriet L. Smith. 8 p. Harriet L. Smith; 11Sep77; A921697.
A921698. Conversion tables. 34 y. O BFl Industries, Inc.; 5Dec77; A921«98.
A921699. Cheers. 16 p. Appl. au: Sill Kaplan. O Diamond and Company; 28Nov77; A921699.
A921700. Foreign exchange control in the Arab world and repatriation of capital and profits. 34 p. Arab yorld and Iran Business Guides, Inc.; 17Aug77; A921700.
A921701. Hutchinson, Nickerson, KS, telephone directory, December 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Dec77; A921701.
A9217Q2. Portland career hunter's guide; a sourcebook of local resources for the serious career planner G :job-hunter- By Sheri Baders. 144 p. e Sheri Baders; 1Dec77; A921702.
A921703. Ottawa, Rilliamsburg, including Centropolis, KS, telephone directory, November 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 8Nov77; A921703.
A921704. Hays, KS, telephone directory, December 1977. e Southwestern Bell Telephone company; 1Dec77; A921704.
A921705. Delano, Maple Plain, Mayer, BN, and others, December 1977. O Continental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc.; 1Dec77; A921705.
A91170fi. Blgelow, Mauaelle, Nimrod, AB, and others telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Perco Telephone Company; 4Nov77; A921706.
A921707. Bogard, Breckenridge, Cowgill, BO, and others telephone directory, December 1977. Green Hills Telephone Corporation: 1Dec77; A921707.
A921708. Tahlequah, OK, telephone directory, October 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 20oct77; A921708.
A921709. Bruceton Bills, av, December 1977. Best Virginia Telephone Company: 1Dec77: A921709.
A921710. Beatherford, OK, telephone directory, November 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 221lov77; 4921710.
A921711. Arenzville, Concord, IL, telephone directory, December 1977. Q Midland Telephone Company; 1Dec77; A921711.
A921712. Coffey, Gallatin, Jameson, HO, and others telephone directory, December 1977- The Inter-County Telephone Company; 1Dec77; A921712.
A921713. Durham, Haywood, Philadelphia, KO, and others telephone directory, December 1977. Bark Twain Bur&l Telephone Company; 1Dec77; A921713.
A921714. Tenaha, Cushing, Joaguin, Beklaw, IX, November 1977. C Continental Telephone company of Texas; 1Nov77; A921714.
A921715. Colby, Gem, Hoxie, Oakley, KS, telephone directory, November 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 2Nov77; A921715.
A921716. Eureka, Hamilton, Severy, Virgil, KS, telephone directory, November 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1NOV77; A921716.
A921717. Modesto, Scottville, IL, telephone directory, December 1977. O Midland Telephone Coapany; 1Dec77; A921717.
A921718. Grove City, Bercer, PA, and nearby communities, December 1977. Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania:
1Dec77; A921718.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.