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S921350 - A921389


JUL-DEC. 1977

49 213119 (con.) BY Mona Benee Spieqel. Hicrofilu. HoDa E6nee Spieqel; 15llov77; A921319.

4921350. Awareness of sex-role stereotypes in younq boys. By Stuart Paul Horance. Microfilm. 6 Stuart Paul Horance; 15BOV77; 4921350.

4921351. 4n Investiqation of educational adninistrative style and job satisfaction of eleoentary school principals. By Frederick Charles 4rnold. Microfila- e Frederick Charles 4rnold: 15Nov77; 4921351.

4921352. Social class and ethnic differences in aesthetic response to the visual urban environfflent. By Cedric Daniel Paqe. Microfilm. 6 Cedric Daniel Paqe; 151IOV77: 4921352.

4921353. The Effect of a responsive educational enrichment proqram on the intellectual development of disadvantaged two- year-olds: a Jamaican case study. By Har-jorie Frieder £lson. Microfiln. e Marlorie Frieder Elson; 15Nov77: 4921353.

4921351. Kierkeqaard: diaqnosis aad disease — an excavation in modern consciousness. By Michael Paul Plekon. Microfilm. e Michael Paul Plekon; 15Nov77 (in notice! 1976); 49213514.

4921355. Protestant antecedents of the Latin 4&erican theoloqy of liberation. By 41an Preston Neely. Microfilm. 6 41an Preston Keely; 15Hov77; 4921355.

4921356. On the oQtside lookinq in: a social history of the Porteno vorker during the "qolden aqe" of Argentine developaent, 191i(-1930. By Robert Ednard Shipley. Microfilm. 6 Bobert Ednard Shipley; 15NOV77: 4921356.

4921357. The Forms of Enqlish opera: literary and musical responses to a' continental qenre. By Lawrence Stuart Binkel. Microfilm. 4ppl. states all new except musical examples throuqhout dissertation. Lawrence Stuart Binkel; 15Nov77; A921357.

4921358. The Bole of organic nationalism in some recent novels of Spanish America and French-speakinq Horth Africa: a com- parative study. By Judith Boumani. Microfilm. Judith Roumani; 15llov77: A921358.

4921359. The Political sociology of governaent intervention: the Onited States in the post Horld 8ar 2 era. By Samuel Julio Bosenbecq. Microfilm. 6 Samuel Julio Hosenberq; 15Nov77; 4921359.

4921360. Drinkers in college twenty years later: a lonqitudinal study. By Kaye Middleton Fillmore. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except chap. H, 5 6 6 which were prev. pub. by author. 9 Kaye Middleton Fillmore; 15aov77: A921360.

A921361. "Bords alone are certain good": Teats and the unity of the arts. By Paul Nathan Cohen. Microfilm. Paul Hathan Cohen; 15NOV77: A921361.

4921362. Pear, anxiety and hope: the response to prostitution in the Onited States, 1900-1920. By Mark Thomas Connelly. Microfilm. O Mark Thomas Connelly; 15NOV77; 4921362.

4921363. The Autobiography of Eefugio Savala, a lagui poet. By Kathleen Marie Sands. Microfilm. Kathleen Marie Sands; 15NOV77; A921363.

A921364. Dialectics of consciousness: Melville and the realistic imagination. By Mark Andrew Sieqel. Microfilm. @ Mark 4ndrew Siegel; 15Nov77: 49213611.

4921365. Relationships between national L'ole conceptions, national attributes and foreiqn policy behavior. By Naomi Bailin Rish. Microfilm. O Naomi Bailin Rish; 15NOV77; 4921365.

A921366. The Effect of acute arterial hypoxia on the parameters of 02 supply and demand in the resting gracilis muscle of the anesthetized dog. By George Jeffrey Crystal. Microfilm. 9 George Jeffrey Crystal; 15Nov77; 4921366.

A921367. Political change and public policy in Latin America. By Charles fiaymond Hhlte. Microfilm. 9 Charles Raymond Hhite; 15NOV77; A921367.

A921368. 4 Physical, chemical and analytical study of some hydrazines in acetic acid and other non- polar solvents. By Hamed Mahmmoud Abdou. Microfilm. 9 Hamed Hahmmoud Abdou; 15Nov77: A921368.

A921369. Differentiation, integration, and leadership style in academic libraries. By James Allen Benson. Microfilm. e James 41ien Benson; 15Nov77i 4921369.

A921370. Black urban consumer cooperatives; why they fall. By Chester Arthur iilllams. Microfilm. 9 Chester Arthur Hilliams; 15NOV77; A921370.

4921371. Development of a behavioral model for the detection of food toxicants of natural and accidental origins. By Bobert Eqe Squibb. Microfilm. 9 Robert Ege Squibb; 15NOV77: A921371.

A921372. Alfred Day and nineteenth-century theory of harmony in England. By Patricia Collins Jones. Microfilm. 9 Patricia Collins Jones; 15Nov77; 4921372.

4921373. Consumers Onion: the movement and the magazine, 1936-1957. By Norman David Katz. Microfilm. Norman David Katz; 15NOV77: A921373.

A921374. Hermann Hesses fiomane der Krisenzeit in der Sicht seiner Kritiker. By Astrid Karin Khera. Microfilm. 9 Astrid Karin Khera; 15Nov77; 49 21374.

A921375. Toward a description of poetic realistic stylistics: spatial representation in Gottfried Keller's fiction. By Richard Augustine Leister. Microfilm. 9 Richard Augustine Leister; 15Nov77; 4921375.

4921376. John Playford* Apollo's banquet, 1670. By Martna Margaret Curti. Microfilm. Appl. states ail new except musical examples. 9 Martha Margaret Curti; 15NOV77; 4921376.

A921377. Utopia lost: aspects of conflict in a new planned suburban community. By Corinne Manning Black, Microfilm. 9 Corinne Manning Black; 15Nov77; A921377.

A921378. The Impact of social work outcome research on social work direct practice. By Katherlne M. Rood. Microfilm. 9 Katherine H. Rood; 15Nav77; A921378.

A921379. Auditory and visual inputs to 'the posterior cerebellar vermis in the cat. By Shlqmo Shinnar. Microfilm. 9 Shlomo Shinnar; 15Nov77i A921379.

A921380. Redemption through "retribalization": a sociology o"f knowledge analysis of the family therapy movement. By Adele Meyer Brodkin. Microfilm. 9 Adele Meyer Brodkin; 15Nov77; A921380.

A921381. Minchinia nelsoni disease development, - host defense reactions, and bemolymph enzyme alterations in stocks of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) resistant and susceptible to Minchinia nelsoni-caused mortality. By Halter Budd Douglass. Microfilm. 6 Ralter Rudd Douglass; 15NOV77; A921381.

A921382. La Imagen de las mujeres en las novelas picaresco-cortesanas de Maria De Zayas y Sotomayor y Alonso De Castillo Solorzano. By Mireya Perez-Erdelyi. Microfilm. © Mireya Perez-Erdelyi; 15Nov77; 4921382.

492136 3. An Investigation of the relationship between creative ability and managerial motivation. By Michael Albert. Microfilm. 9 Michael Albert; 15Nov77: 4921383.

4921384. Scattering of electromagnetic waves from a rough dielectric surface. By James ,4ndrew Holzer. Microfilm. © James 4ndrew aolzer; 15Nov77; 4921384.

A921385. The Influence of temperature and salinity .on the accumulation and elimination of chromium by the grass shrimp Paiaemonetes pugio in. the laboratory. By Robert Ross Fales. Microfilm. 9 Robert Ross Fales; 1SNov77; A921385.

A921386. Rotational invariance and magnetoelastic phenomena in paramagnets. By Ping-shih Rang. Microfilm. 9 Ping-shih Rang; 15NOV77; A921386.

A921387. Robert Frost and Hilliam James; metaphors of belief. By Norman Paul Rill, Jr. Microfilm. 9 Norm&n Paul Rill, Jr.; 15NOV77; A921387.

A921388. Poverty amidst riches: why people are poor in Appalachia. By John Calhoun Rells, Jr. Microfilm. 9 John Calhoun Relis, Jr.; 15Hov77; A921388.

A921389. Level of black awareness, race of experimenter, race of model, and modeling

task as factors in vicarious learning. By


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