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JUL-DEC. 1977

49 21309 (con.) Hiccoflla. Thoaas Lee Hart; 15Nov77; A921309.

1921310. The Judqaent of the loqical connectiTe "if--theD" in a aatheaatical context by colleqe students. By John Charles Kelly, nicrofila. John Charles Kelly; 15Ho»77; A921310.

4921311. Teacher noaination of qifted pupils: an analysis of the procedure. By Nell Stevenson Sanders. Hicrofila. Nell Stevenson Sanders; 15No»77; 4921311.

»»21312. Direct and indirect parent-child verbal interaction and younq children's moral iudqaents of filled accidental and intentional sinqie-story dileaoas. By Boqer Allen Saith. nicrofila. Boqer Allen Saith; 15Nov77; A9213t2.

A921313. Analysis of incentives for adoption of instructional technology in hiqher education. By Ethlyn Ann Garlichs. aicrofila. Ethlyn Ann Garlichs; 1SSOV77; A921313.

A921311I. A Study of the sources of legislative perceptions and attitudes tovacd hiqher education in the State of Florida. By Bobert Lome Scott, ^licrofila. O Bobert Lome Scott: 15llov77: A921314.

A921315. John Dewey: inquiry, knowledge and truth. By David nichael Pepper. Nicrofila. C David llichael Pepper; 151iov77; A921315.

A921316. An Investiqation of environaental press and its association with special studies student achieveaent. By Uilliao Bobert Nettles 3rd. Hicrofila. S Billiaa Bobert Nettles 3rd; 15Nov77; A921316.

A921317. The Coabination tourinq coapany and its influence on the theatre in Salisbury, fiouan County, North Carolina. By Jaaes Beqister Epperson. Sicrofili. Jaaes aeqister Epperson; 15Nov77; A921317.

A9213ia. Perceived chanqes in nonintellective characteristics of college students. By aary Kathryn Price. Hicrofila. C Bary Kathryn Price; 15Nov77: A921318.

A921319. The Relative effects of instruction in the quess and test procedure on writinq relevant equations to verbal probleas in Algebra 1. By Hickey Gary Settle. Hicrofila. C aickey Gary Settle; 15NOV77; A921319.

A921320. Bussian Baroque: A. D. Kanteaic. By Gordana Vulovic Stanchfield. Hicrofila. Gordana Vulovic Stanchfield; 15Nov77; A921320.

A921321. Interorqan izat ional cooperation in the delivery of coaaunity services: a description of interaction of four of Florida's coaaunity colleges «ith two selected state aqencies. By Jennye L. Anderson. Hicrofila. O Jennye L. Anderson; 15Nov77; A921321.

A921322. A Self -instructional proqraa for increasinq clients readiness for coanselinq and psychotherapy: developaent and field test. By David Lee Kirk.

A921323. Assessment of key-task planning strategies for Florida school districts: iapleaentinq 1975 early childhood legislation. By Hark Holm Palaquist. axcrofila. Hark Bola Palmquist; 15NOV77; A921323.

A92132t. Formulation and trial use of quidelines for designing and developing instructional motion pictures. By Dennis Truman Aronson. Hicrofilm. Dennis Truaan Aronson; 15Nov77; A921324.

A921325. Inequality and public policy; the iapact of income inequality on politics and policy in cities, states and nations. By Hichael Anthony colella. Hicrofilm. Hichael Anthony Colella; 15Nov77; A921325.

A921326. A Study of the association between the use of individualized, self-pacing science curriculum materials (ISCS) as a reading course and gains in reading comprehension and vocabulary skills of seventh grade students. By Bobert Hinton Bivers. Hicrofilm. Bobert Binton Rivers; 15IIOV77; A921326.

A92I327. An Exploratory study of the identi- fication of and effects of dangerousness within a :jivenile institution. By David Jay Tennenbaum. Hicrofilm. O David Jay Teonenbaua; 13Nov77; A92I327.

A921328. The Off-caapus specialist in education degree program: design and manageaent of elementary and secondary school systems program of Florida State Oniversity. By Owight Speir Compton. Hicrofilm. O Dwight Speir Compton: 15Nov77; A921328.

A921329. Estimating cross-elasticities between public and private goods. By Charles Lawrence Vehorn. Hicrofilm. Charles Lawrence Vehorn; 15Nov77; 1921329.

A921330. Tracinq an idea; the genesis and the making of the 1963 American vocational act. By Nishua I. Duffy. Hicrofilm. e Nishaa I. Duffy; 15Nov77; 1921330.

A921331. Behavior modification correlates of a weight control program using the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. By Peter Vaughn Swindler. Hicrofilm. © Peter Vaughn Swindler; 15Nov77; A921331.

A921332. A Classification of instructional innovations present in Arizona junior high and middle schools. By George Babich. Hicrofilm. George Babich; 1SNov77; A921332.

1921333. Tennyson and Swinburne and the metaphor of love: the guest for spiritual values in nineteenth century England. By Robert Stephen Toung. Hicrofilm. O Bobert Stephen Young; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A921333.

A92133H. The English poems of Thomas Rarton the younger: a critical edition. By Peter Anthony Lyons. Hicrofila. O Peter Anthony Lyons; 1SNov77; A92133it.

1921335. The Study of space in advocacy planning with the Tonto Apaches of Payson, Arizona. By George Salem Esber, Jr. Hicrofilm. George Salem Esber, Jr.; 15Nov77; A921335.

1921336. Homen workers and unemployment policy in late Victorian and Edwardian London. By Ellen Frank Happen. Hicrofilm. e Ellen Frank Happen; 15Nov77; A9213J6.

1921337. The Bime of Luigi Tansiilo: a critical edition. Sy Leslie Thomas HcCormick. Hicrofila. NH: introd. £ notes. O Leslie Thomas HcCormick; 15Nov77; 1921337.

1921338. Electronic excitation energy transfer in lipid bilayer membranes in the form of liposomes. By Immanuel Hehreteab. Hicrofilm. Aamanuel Hehreteab; 15NOV77; A921338.

A921339. Hass production and human efficiency: the Ford Hotor Company, 1908-1921. By Stephen Heyer 3rd. Hicrofilm. Stephen Heyer 3rd; 15Nov77; A921339.

1921340. On temptation. By George Edward Gale. Hicrofilm. Q George Edward Gale; 15NOV77; 19213l»0.

1921341. Tristia 2: Ovid's opposition to Augustus. By Bonnie Brier Ford. Hicrofilm. Bonnie Brier Ford; 15Nov77; A921341.

1921342. Expanding noninstitutional mass political participation: the role of voluntary groups in the Egyptian revolution of 1919. By John s. Buskay. Hicrofilm. O John S. fiuskay; 15Nov77; 19213112.

1921343. Existential Weltanschauung and epic aesthetics: the Brechtian theater and its affinities with Nietzsche, Sartre and Camus. By Kurt Ewald Huller. Hicrofilm. O Kurt Ewald Huller; 15Nov77; 1921343.

A921344. A Psychophysiological analysis of female sexual arousal: the perception and voluntary control of vaginal blood volume. By Elizabeth li. Goren. Hicrofilm. Elizabeth B. Goren; 15Nov77; A9213411.

A921345. Ha I is a metaphor: poetic knowledge as grounded in perception, imagination and language. By Bohdan Bubchak. Hicrofila. Bohdan Bubchak; 1SNov77; A921345.

A921346. Experiaental designs for food process and product development. By Lynne Bryant Hare. Hicrofilm. Lynne Bryant Hare; 1SNOV77; A921346.

A921347. The Poetry of Keats and Baudelaire. By Jan Feidel. Hicrofilm. Jan Feidel; 15SOV77; A921347.

A921348. In defense of the classical notion of action: a study of parts and wholes and their interrelation. By James Nelson Buddy. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Nelson Buddy; 15NOV77; A921348.

A921349. Is speed of processing inforaation

related to intelligence and achieveaent?


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