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JUL-DEC. 1977

1921158 (COD.) cecordinq, req. sit7737. NS; introd. , expanded transiiteration G quide to cassette tape. EvelyD K. Fox; 11Nov77; 1921158.

4921159. Seaioars on hTperlipideaia; Diet and Oruq Hanaqeaent of HvperlipideBla: hiqliliqhts of a closed circuit television seainar. 15 p. (Arersx aedical infocaatioo service) Accoapanied by sound recording, req. N'47738. Ayerst Laboratories, division of Aaerican Hoae Products Corporation: 60ct77: A921159.

1921160. Applications for notor hoae belts, radiator hose, radiator caps, fuel caps, oil caps, theraostats. 26 p. Add. ti; Hotor hoae applications catalog. O The Gates Bubber Coapany; 2itOct77: A921160.

A921161. Learning history, 1; a student's quide to The National experience, fourth edition. By Judith H. ialter. 1it9 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovicb, Inc.; 22.TU177: A921161.

A921 162. Script of tapes for AVT basic science: inorqanic chemistry. Lessons 1-12. By Gail Baker. 1 v. O aedia Systeas Corporation: 27Sep77; A921162.

A921163. A Guide to PL/n proqraaainq for aicrocoaDuter applications. By Daniel D. McCracKen. 1 v. Add. ti: Interia version, a quide to PL/H proqraaainq for microcoaputer applications. Appl. au: Intel Corporation. C Intel Corporation; 15IIOV77: A921163.

A92116it. Student aanual of physical exaaination. By flarie Scott Broun, Carolyn D. Hudak* Janice Brenneaan, Kathleen Halsh & Karen a. Kleeaan. 251 p. O J. B. Lippincott coapany; 310ct77; A921 16a.

A921 165. Scout four Hheel drive annual. Editor; Fred Hacicerodt, aanaqinq editor: Barbara Balakiec. 98 p. C Popular Publications, Inc.; l(Jan77; A921165.

A921166. Federal utility requlation annotated (FDBA) current service (FPC) So. 705, Nov. 8, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. p. 17769-17791. PubUc Otilities Reports, Inc.; 8Sov77; A92116£.

A921167. Federal utility requlation annotated (FOB A) current service (PPC) Ho. 70«, Oct. 23, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. p. 17715-17768. Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 230ct77: A921167.

A92116B. P.tl.R. question sheets. No. 1453, Oct. 27. 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. Folder (1 p.) Public Otilities Reports, Inc.: 270ct77; A921168.

A921 169. P.O.B. question sheets. No. 1451, Nov. 10, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil a. Duffy. Folder (<t p.) Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 10NOV77: A921169.

A921 170. P.O.B. question sheets. No. 11155, Nov. 21, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. Folder (1 p.) Public Otilities Reports, Inc.: 21NOV77; A921170.

A921171. P.O.B. executive inforaation service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2285, Oct. 13, 1977. Hanaginq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. O Public otilities Reports, Inc.; 130c'-.77; A921171.

A921172. P.O.B. executive inforaation service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2286, Oct. 20, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. O Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 200ct77; A921172.

A921173. P.O.B. executive inforaation service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2287, Oct. 27, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 270ct77; A921173.

A921171. P.O.R. executive inforaation service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2288, Nov. 3, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. O fublic Otilities Reports, Inc.; 3No»77; 1921171.

A921175. P.O.B. executive inforaation service, weekly letter— utilities. No. 2289, Nov. 10, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. O Public Utilities Reports, Inc.; 10Nov77; A921175. A921176. P.O.B. executive inforaation service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2290, Nov. 17, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 17Nov77; A921176.

A921177. P.D.R. executive inforaation service, weekly letter--ut iiities. No. 2291, Nov. 24, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 2»Nov77; A921177.

A921178. P.O.R. executive inforaation service, weekly letter — utilities. Bo. 2292, Dec. 1, 1977. aanaqinq editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 1Dec77; A921178.

A921179. Coaputopricer, a-Z, October 31, 1977. aicrofiche. Add. ti: Counter facts pricinq service: Coaputopricer, a-Z, October 31, 1977. 6 Howard H. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; 310ct77; A921179.

A9211Ba. Coaputopricer, A-L, Noveaber 17, 1977. aicrofiche. Add. ti: Counter facts pricinq service: Coaputopricer, A-L, Noveaber 17, 1977. O Howard B. Saas and Company, Inc.; 17Nov77; A921180.

A921181. Television syaptoa diaqnosis; student response aanual. By Richard U. Tinnell. 2nd ed. 221 p. Howard H. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; 21Nov77; A921181.

A921I82. Counter Pacts replaceaent data service, Noveaber 1, 1977. aicrofiche & sheets in envelope. Howard v. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; 22HOV77; A921182.

A921183. Gifts — deteraination of tax. No. 176-3rd. By Johannes B. Krahaer C Jesse L. Burke 3rd, chief editor: Leonard L. Silverstcin. 1 v. Appl. au: Tax aanaqeaent. Inc. Appl. states no copyright claiaed on aaterials froa O.S. Govt, sources. Na: revisions G additions. Q Tax aanaqeaent. Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 16NOV77; A921183.

A9211B1. Consolidated returns — special concepts in coapntation of separate taxable incoae. By John Broadbent, Arnold Jay Cohen, Saul Duff Kronovet G Stanley P. Hagaan. 1 v. Appl. au: Tax aanageaent. Inc. Appl. states DO copyright claiaed on aaterials froa O.S. Govt, sources. Na: revisions G additions. Tax aanaqeaent. Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, iDC; 15Mov77; A921181.

A921185. (ERISA) qualified plans IRS deter- aination letter procedures. No. 360. By David A. Hildebrandt G Steven S. Goldberg, chief editor: Leonard L. Silverstein. 1 V. Appl. au: Tax aanageaent. Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on aaterials froa O.S. Govt, sources. Tax aana-geaent. Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 15Nov77: A921 185.

A921186. Subchapter J — throwback rules. No. 170-3rd. By Daniel C. Knickbocker, Jr., chief editor: Leonard L. SilversteiD. 1 V. Appl. au: Tax aanageaent. Inc. Appl. states no copyright claiaed on aaterials from O.S. Govt, sources. Na: revisions G additions. Tax aanageaent. Inc., a division of the Bureau or National Affairs, Inc.; 16Nov77; A921186.

A921187. Teacher's guide to Investigations in aodern biology. By aurray Stock G Louis P. Bancheri. 39 p. Na: updating G additions. O Cambridge Book Coapany; 9Sep77; A921187.

A921 188. Science is experiaenting. By Jaaes F. Hession G Donald S. Keap, 1977 revision: Sister Patricia Grasso G Alfred E. Chant. 198 p. Some of the material in this book originally appeared under the title Bork-a-text science 5. Na: additions. Cambridge Book Coapany; 3Jan77; A921188.

A921189. Science is inquiring. By aarvin H. young S Lee J. Garfield, 1977 revision: Sister Patricia Grasso G Alfred E. Chant. 186 p. Soae of the aaterial in this book originally appeared under the title Bork-a-text science 5. Na: additiODS. Caabridqe Book Coapany; 10Jan77; A921 189.

A921 190. Investigations in aodern biology. By aurray Stock S Louis P. Bancheri. 211 p. Na: additions G revisions. Caabridqe Book Coapany; 27Jul77; A92I190.

A921191. Science is predicting. By Jack Bobbins G Evelyn K. Blau, 1977 revision: Sister Patricia Grasso G Alfred E. Chant, teacher's quide by Sister Patricia Grasso. 250 p. Add. ti: Science is predicting and introduction to general science, teacher's annotated edition. Soae aaterial in this book appeared under the title Bork-a-text science 6. Na: rev. teacher's guide G new teacher's annotations. Cambridge Book Company; 1Jul77; A921191.

A921192. Science is measuring. By Helene o. Nash G Gilbert A. Zinn, 1977 revision: Sister Eileen Barry, Sister Patricia Grasso G Alfred E. Chant. 122 p. Some material in this book appeared under the title Bork-a-text science 2. NK: additions. Cambridge Book Coapany; 8Jul77;


measuring; teacher's


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