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A921032 - A921077


JUL-DEC. 1977

A921032. Illqhway dnd street qulde for Jackson CoUDtv. oreqon, Conpiled by M- Dale NeHton. 514 p. HH: updating 6 sone new qraphics. H. Dale Kewton; 7Sep77; A921032.

11921033. Uo« to use systea-head curves; technical inCoriiation bulletin no. 7. Folder. O Peerless pump: 23No»77; 4921033.

A921034. Vortex suppressor; technical inforaation bulletin no. 28. 2 p. Peerless Punp; 8HOV77; A921034.

A921035. HPSH net positive suction head. 7 p. Peerless Pump; 293ep77: 4921035.

A921036. Pufflpinq abrasive mixtures with vertical turbine pumps; technical information bulletin no. 27. Folder. O Peerless Pump; 8N0777: A921036.

4921037. Analysis of torsional vibrations in vertical centrifuqal pumps; technical information bulletin no. 25. Folder. O Peerless Pump; 9No»77; A921037.

A921038. Aiial floH pumps; technical information bulletin no. 20. Folder. Peerless Pump; 1'(Nov77; 4921038.

4921039. Mechanical considerations in pump desiqn; technical information bulletin no. 16. Folder. Peerless Pump; 16Nov77; A921039.

4921040. Sound and vibration; technical information bulletin no. 22. Folder. O peerless Pump; 10Nov77; A92104O.

4921041. The 4ffinity laws and specific speed in centrifuqal pumps; technical information bulletin no. la. Folder. O Peerless Pump; 18NOV77; 4921041.

4921042. Thrust in vertical turbine pumps; technical information bulletin no. 8. Folder. Peerless Pump; 21Nov77; 4921012.

4921043. Beno. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Henry 4. Hiller. Prev. pub. as Binqo-Keno. NH: revisions. O Henry 4. Hiller; 5Dec77; 4921043.

4921044. PEOleut manaqement; P. D. 107. By Herman Birnbrauer. 118 p. MH: additions. Herman Birnbrauer: 15l)ay77: 4921044.

4921045. PINC procedures; your pathway to profit. Folder. Appl. au: William C. Shepherd. O William C. Shepherd; 17Nov77; 4921045.

4921046. Hi Boiler; instruction booklet G qame board. 4uthor; David Frederick Hiller. 37 p. 6 1 p. Appl. au: Hi Soller Corporation. Prev. req. A836141. NH: revisions & additions. Hi Boiler corporation: 20Oct77; A921046.

4921047. Good morninq* I'd like to send you a 10 cup automatic coffee maker. The Diq qift bonanza. 1 v. (Famous features) Appl. au: Carl H. Kohlhoff. O Carl U. Kohlhoff; 184pr77: A921047.

4921048. Earn biq money. (Famous features) 4ppl. au: Carl H. Kohlhoff. e Carl U. Kohlhoff; 2Mar77; 4921048.

4921049. Camper-toons. Ho. 1-26. 2 p. Appl. au: carl B. Kohlhoff. Carl a. Kohlhoff; 2Jun77; A921049.

A9210S0. Photo-toons. No. 1-26. 2 p. Appl. au: Carl H. Kohlhoff. Carl H. Kohlhoff; 23Jun77; A921050.

A921051. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Folder. Vacation Besort Club of America, Inc.; 20NOV77; A921051.

4921052. Application to become charter sponsor of VEC4 Club. 1 p. O Vacation Resort Club of America, Inc.; 20Nov77; A921052.

4921053. Hilton Head Island. South Carolina. Folder. O Vacation Uesort Club of America, Inc.; 20Nov77; 4921053.

4921054. The Flaming hearth. By Elizabeth 4. Petrochilos. 1 p. O Elizabeth 4. Petrochilos; 18Apr77; A921054.

4921055. Beautiful place. By Elizabeth A. Petrochilos. 1 p. Elizabeth A. Petrochilos; 3Dec77; A921055.

A921056. The Hind. By Elizabeth A. Petrochilos. 1 p. O Elizabeth 4. Petrochilos; 3Dec77; 4921056.

4921057. 4nqels asleep. By Elizabeth 4. Petrochilos. 1 p. Elizabeth 4- Petrochilos; 3Dec77; 4921057.

4921058. A Base. By Elizabeth A. Petrochilos. 1 p. O Elizabeth A. Petrochilos; 3Dec77; A92105B.

A921059. Lost tomorrow. By Elizabeth A. Petrochilos. 1 p. Elizabeth A. Petrochilos; 3Dec77; A921059.

A921060. Daniel. By Elizabeth A. Petrochilos. 1 p. Elizabeth A. Petrochilos; 3Dec77; A921060.

4921061. Hooded rider. By Elizabeth A. Petrochilos. 1 p. Elizabeth 4. Petrochilos; 3Dec77; 4921061.

A921062. Heidi. By Johanna Spyri, adapted by Deidre S. Laiken. 236 p. Appl. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment t> artwork. I. Ualdman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4921062.

492 1063. The Wizard of Oz. By L. Frank Baum, adapted by Deidre Laiken, illus. by Pablo flarcos Studio. 235 p. Appl. au: I. Haldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment 6 artwork. O I. Ualdman and Son, Inc.; 1Scp77: A921063.

A921064. Black Beauty. By Anna Sewell, adapted by Deidre S. Laiken. 232 p. Appl. au: I. Ualdman and Son, Inc. KM: abridgment E artwork. I. Waldman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77; A921064.

4921065. Little women. By Louisa May Alcott, adapted by Lucia Monfried, illus. by Pablo Marcos Studio. 238 p. Appl. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment £ artwork. I. Waldman and Son, inc.; 1Sep77; 4921065.

4921066. Sherlock Holmes and the case of the hound of the Baskervilles. By A. Conan Doyle, adapted by Malvina e. Vogel, illus. by Pablo Marcos Studio. 232 p. Appl. an: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment S artwork. Q I. Waldman and Son, Inc. ; 1Sep77; A921066.

A921067. Treasure Island. By fiobert Louis Stevenson, adapted by Deidre S. Laiken, illus. by A. J. McAllister. 234 p. Appl. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment & artwork. I. Waldman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4921067.

4921068. The Three musketeers. By Alexandre Dumas, adapted by Malvina G. Vogel, illus. by Pablo Marcos Studio. 236 p. Appl. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NH: abridgment e artwork. I. WeildBan and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77; A921068.

A921069. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe, adapted by Malvina G. Vogel. 230 p. Appl. au: I. Waldman and Son. Inc. NH: abridgment & artwork. I. Waldman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77; A921069.

A921070. Kidnapped. By Robert Louis Stevenson, adapted by Deborah Kestel. 236 p. Appl. au; I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment & artwork. 6 I. Waldman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77: A921070.

4921071. 20,000 leagues under the sea. By Jules Verne, adapted by Malvina G. Vogel, illus. by Pablo Marcos studio. 236 p. 4ppl. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NH: abridgment S artwork. O I. Waldman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4921071.

A921072. Around the world in eighty days. By Jules Verne, adapted by Marian Leighton, illus. by Pablo Marcos Studio. 236 p. 4ppi. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NM: abridgment C artwork. I. Waldman and Son, Inc.; 1Sep77: 4921072.

4921073. 4 Connecticut Yankee in King 4rthur's court. By Mark Twain, pseud., adapted by Lucia Monfried. 234 p. Appl. au: I. Waldman and Son, Inc. NH: abridgment G artwork. 6 I. Waldman and Son. inc.; 15ep77; 1921073.

A921074. Braham, Day, Grasston, MN. and others regional telephone directory, November 1976. O Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 16Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A921074.

A921075. Shakopee, also includes alphabetical listings for Prior Lake, MN, telephone directory, November 1977. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 25Nov77; A921075.

A921076. take Minnetonka, MN, area regional telephone directory, November 1977. O northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 25NOV77; A921076.

4921077. Anoka, coon Rapids, Elk River, HN, and others regional telephone directory, November 1977. O Northwestern Bell

Telephone Company; 25Nov77; A921077.


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