A920949 - A920993
JUL-DEC. 1977
192091(8 (con.y 32. 37 p. Fort Liqonler Poetry Society; 7Dec77: 1920948.
1920949. Od wings of tiae. By Evelyn Grace Kroeze. 48 p. Portions prev. pub. in the flaskeqon chronicle, d Evelyn Barqe Kroeze: 17Nov77: 1920949.
1920950. Ittachnent and partial denture procedures. Manual no. 701. By S. Charles Spinella with the collaboration of Charles Thoaas Spinella G Donald Hatthev Spinella. 146 p. S. Charles Spinella; 21Mo»77: 1920950.
1920951. Findlay, Kirksville, uoweaqua, IL, telephone directory, Deceaber 1977- Inland Telephone Company S Lakeside Telephone Cospany; 1Dec77; 1920951.
1920952. Barrisburq, IB, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 8Hot77; 1920952.
1920953. Pittsburq, Fxontenac. KS, telephone directory, Hoveaber 1977. Southnestern BeJ I Telephone Coapany; 1Nov77; 1920953.
1920954. La Crosse, KS, telephone directory, December 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 1Dec77: 1920954.
1920955. Honticello. Nilaar, IR, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 9Hov77; 1920955.
1920956. Paraqould, IB, telephone directory, Hoveaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 10Nov77: 1920956.
A920957. Fulton, no, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 7Hov77; 1920957.
1920958. Eaporia, Bazaar, Cottonwood Falls, KS, and others telephone directory, Deceaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; lDec77; 1920958.
1920959. Okeaah, OK, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone coapany; 2Nov77; 1920959.
19 20960. Oregon. Forest City, New Point, DO, and others telephone directory, Deceaber 1977. 6 Oregon Farmers Hutual Telephone Coapany e Nodaway valley Telephone company; 1Dec77: 1920960.
1920961. Binton, Cedar Lake, Colony, OK, and others telephone directory, 1977-1978. 6 Hinton Telephone Coapany, Inc. ; 11NOV77: 1920^61.
»920962. Idams, Balko, Bryan Corner, OK, and others telephone directory, November 1977. 8 Panhandle Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; mov77: 1920962.
1920963. Pecos, fialaorhea, Coyanosa, TZ, and others, Deceaber 1977. 9 Continental Telephone Coapany of Texas; 1Dec77; 4920963.
1920964. &laa, lltus. Boles, IB, and others. November 1977. 6 Continental Telephone Coapany of Irkansas; 1Nav77; 1920964.
1920965. Aaericus, Centropolis, Harveyville, KS, and others, Deceaber 1977. Q Continental Telephone Coapany of Kansas, Inc.; 1Dec77; 4920965.
A920966. Laddonia, Perry, Santa Fe, Stoutsville, HO, Deceaber 1977. @ Continental Telephone Coapany of Missouri; 10ec77; 1920966.
1920967. Boqata, Baqwell, Ben Franklin, TX, and others, November 1977. Continental Telephone Company of Texas; 30Nov77; 1920967.
4920968. Hilliamstown. NT, 1977-1978. e Iroquois Telephone Corporation; 210ct77; 4920968.
1920969. lldrich, Bolivar, Fair Play, HO, and others telephone directory, December 1977. Q Lakeland Telephone Company; 1Dec77; 1920969.
1920970. Alpha, Fayette, Lawler, II, and others, 1977-1978. 9 Continental Telephone Company of Iowa; 8NOV77; 1920970.
1920971. If ton, Arispe, Benton, II, and others, 1977-1978. e Continental Telephone Coapany of Iowa; 22Nov77; 1920971.
1920972. Elephant Butte, Hillsboro, Truth or Consequences, NH, December 1977. Q Continental Telephone Company of the lest; 1Dec77: 4920972.
A920973. Amelia, V4, courthouse and vicinity telephone directory, December 1977. Q Amelia Telephone corporation; 1Dec77; 4920973.
4920974. Garden City, Glenwood, Providence, NC, and others, December 1977. 6 Hestern Carolina Telephone Company 6 Vestco Telephone Coapany; 1Dec77; 4920974.
4920975. Aurora, Forum, Huntsvil'le, Kingston, 4B, telephone directory, December 1977. 6 Hadison County Telephone Company, Inc.; 1Dec77; 4920975.
4920976. Hickes, Cove, Gillham, AB, and others, November 1977. O Rickes Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 1Nov77; A920976.
4920977. Honetta, Bidge Sprinq, Hard, SC, and others telephone directory, November 1977. e Bidge Telephone Company. Inc.; 1Nov77; 4920977.
492fl978. Franklin, Boykins, Capron, V4, and others, Deceaber 1977. Q Continental Telephone of Virqinia; 1Dec77; 1920978.
4920979. Inola, 4dair, OK, December 1977. O Continental Telephone coapany of Oklahoma; 1Dec77; 4920979.
A920980. Albany, Cordova, Erie, IL, and others, December 1977. Q continental Telephone company of Illinois; 1Dec77; 1920980. pocket directory of
3140 Chicaqo motor freight carriers, November 1977. 51 p. 4ppl. au: Albert E. Ercolani. G. B. Leonard and Company; 30NOV77; 4920981.
A920982. Dot's fishing quide: 1978 tide tables: Puget Sound tide tables plus Pacific beaches and Deception Pass. 96 p. Add. ti; 1978 tide tables and Dot's fishing guide: Puget Sound and ocean beaches. Appl. au: Frank S. Elliott. Appl. states copyright not claimed on data taken from Government sources. Q Frank S. Elliott; 50ct77; A920982.
A920983. 1978 tide tables: Dot's fishing guide, corrected foe Pacific beaches. 1 v. Add. ti: 1978 tide tables and Dot's fishinq quide, corrected for Pacific beaches district. Appl. au: Frank s. Elliott. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed on data taken from Government sources. Frank S. Elliott; 10HOV77; 4920983.
A920984. 1978 tide tables: Dot's fishing guide, central Alaska: Anchorage, Seldovia, Kodiak, Cordova. 1 v. Add. ti: 1978 tide tables and Dot's fishing guide, central Alaska district: Anchorage, Seldovia, Kodiak, Cordova. Appl. au: Frank S. Elliott. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed on data taken from Government sources. © Frank S. Elliott; 15Nov77; A920984.
A920985. Dot's fishing guide tide table calendar, 1978; Seattle tide tables. Appl. au: Frank S. Elliott. Appl. states copyright not claimed on data taken from Government sources. Frank S. Elliott; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920985.
A920986. Sales data cards, Oct. 1977. No. 1-97. 97 cards. Hid-South Title Coapany, Inc.; 29NOV77; A920986.
4920987. Career education: an open door policy. Fastback 104. By Jeanne Bilson £ Patricia Butan. 58 p. O Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation; 110ct77; 4920987.
4920988. Teaching with film. Fastback 103. By Hart Hegner. 42 p. 9 Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation; 60ct77; 4920988.
4920989. Affective education in Philadelphia. Fastback 102. By Norman A. Newberg. 30 p. Q Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation; 30Sep77; A920989.
4920990. Hinchester: a community school for the urbanvantaqed. Fastback 101. By Barry E. Herman. 38 p. Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation; 70ct77; 4920990.
A92099 1. How to individualize learninq. Fastback 100. By Alan Gartner E Frank Biessman. 29 p. Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation; 30Sep77; A920991.
A920992. Collective bargaining in the public schools. Fastback 99. By Thomas J. Plygare. 49 p. 6 Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation; 40ct77; 4920992.
4920993. The Future of teacher power in 4merica. Fastback 98. By Harshall O. Donley, Jr. 50 p. @ Phi Delta Kappa Educational
Foundation; 10Oct77; 4920993.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.