4920787 - 4920822
JUL-DEC. 1977
4920786 (con.) Issne 52, Mar./4pi:. 1 v. 4ppi. au: Clyde Bedell 6 C. Barrie Bedell. NB: copy, headlines, instructional material 6 qraphics. BASIC, a.a.d. for Bedell 4dvectisiDq Selling iDproyenent Cor- poration: 29Jan76: 4920786.
4920787. "Copy departsent" hose furnishings. Issue 53, Bay/June. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Clyde Bedell. HH: copy, headlines, instruc- tional naterial 6 graphics. B4SIC a.a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling iDproveDent Corporation; 30Har76; 4920787.
4920788. "Copy department" hose furnishings. Issue 51, Jan. /Feb. 1 v. Appl. au: Clyde Bedell 6 C. Barrie Bedell. HH: copy, headlines, instructional material & graphics. B4SIC a.a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement Cor- poration; 27NOV75 {in notice: 1976) ; 4920788.
4920789. "Copy department" home furnishings. Issue 54, July/4ug. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Clyde Bedell. NH: copy, headlines, instruc- tional material G graphics. B4SIC a.a.d. for Bedell 4dvertising Selling Improvement Corporation; 31May76; A920789.
4920790. 4merica, our heritage and home; a game including a game board, play money of O.S. 4., Texas, Confederacy, Spain, France £ Indian, play pieces shoniug leading 4merican historical characters, play advance cards £ game rules. Kit. Appl. au: Geral Tom 411en. 4ppl.. states all new other than playing board geometry, O.S., Confederate, Texas, FrencH £ Spanish play money, 1 adversity card. Portions prev. pub. in Texas: the development of an empire and a state. 9 Van-Bood Publishing company. Inc.; 13Jun77; 4920790.
4920791. Coolidqe. Prairie Hill. Sandy, Tehuacana, TX, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Q Peeples Telephone Company, Inc.; 1Sep77: 4920791.
4920792. Falfurrias, Birando City, Fremont, Enclno, TX, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Q General Telephone Company of the Southnest; 1Sep77; 4920792.
4920793, aarshfield, Spencer, Stratford, HI, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. e General Telephone; 1Sep77; 4920793.
4920794. 4rlington, Carey, Forest, OB, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Company of Ohio; 19Sep77; 4920794.
4920795. Ferndale, Petrolia, C4, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. S Citizens Otilities Company of California; 11Sep77; 4920795.
4920796. Savannah, Amazonia, Avenue City, NO, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of the Hidwest; 1Sep77; A920796.
Sayre, south Haverly, PA, nearby communities, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Q General Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 17Sep77; A920797.
A920798. Clatskanie, OE, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. @ General Telephone Company of the Northnest, Inc.; 17Sep77; 4920798.
A920799. Latin Quarter neighborhood directory including Tbor City^ FL, and portions of surrounding areas, effective September 3, 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone Company of Florida; 3Sep77; A920799.
A920800. General Telephone Company of Illinois, official directory, August 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 6 General Telephoile Company of Illinois; 154ug77: 4920800.
4920801. Biami, fiobeetie, Hheeler, TX, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Add. ti: Hheeler, Biami, Bobeetie, TX. id General Telephone company of the Southwest; 10Sep77; A920801.
A920802. Jasper, GA, includes listings of the folloving Nelson-Ball Ground Telephone Company, Inc. areas: Ball Ground, Nelson, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Q General Telephone Company of the Southeast; 20Sep77: A920802.
4920803. Canton, GA, Holly Springs, includes listings of the follouing Nelson-Ball Ground Telephone Company, Inc. areas: Ball Ground, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company, b General Telephone Company of the Southeast; 20Sep77; 4920803.
4920804. Kingston, Hansville, Indianola, Port Gamble, HA, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 9 Olympic Telephone Company, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4920804.
4920805. Bacon, BO, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company, e General Telephone company of the Bidxest; 1Sep77; 4920805.
4920806. 4mherst, 4nton, Littlefield, TX, and others, September 1977. compiled by General Telephone Directory company. Add. ti: Littlefield, Amherst, Anton, TX, and others. 3 General Telephone company of the SouthHest; 13Sep77; 4920806.
4920807. Tenino, Bucoda, H4, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. G Tenino Telephone Company; 15Sep77; 4920807.
4920808. Chattanooga, Davidson, Frederick, OK, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory company. Add. ti: Frederick, Chattanooga, Grandfield. OK, and others. 3 General Telephone Company of the Southwest; 16Sep77; 4920808.
4920809. San Juan Islands, 84, 1977-1978. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 Inter-Island Telephone Company; 14Sep77; 4920809.
A920810. South Haven, Bangor, Covert, BI, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone; 9Sep77; 4920810.
4920811. Haverly, Beaver, Idaho, Piketon, OH, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone Company of the Southwest; 5Sep77; A920811.
A920812. Newton, Bose Bill, Teutopolis, IL, and others, August 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone Company of Illinois; 21Aug77; A920812.
A920813. Tomah, Barrens, also including alphabetical listings for Kirby, HI, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 North-Best Telephone Company: 1Sep77; A920B13.
A920814. Alafia Biver Area, FL, neighborhood directory, effective September 3, 1977. Compiled by General Telepitone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone company of Florida: 3Sep77: 4920814.
4920815. Camp Douglas, New Lisbon, HI, September 1977. compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 4dd. ti: New Lisbon, Camp Douglas, HI. 3 Lemonweir Valley Telephone Company; 10Sep77; A920815.
4920816. Boscobel, Bount Zion, Steuben, HI, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 9 Horth-Hest Telephone Company; 10Sep77; 4920816.
4920 817. 4spermont, Benjamin, Goree, TX, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Add. ti: Haskell, Aspermont, Benjamin, TX, and others. 3 General Telephone company of the Southwest; 16Sep77; 4920817.
A920818. Gaylord, Grayling, Higgins Lake, BI, and others. September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 8 General Telephone Company of Bichigan (in notice: General Telephone) ; 7Sep77; A920818.
A920819. Asn Valley, Elkton, Scottsburg, OE, 1977-78. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Add. ti: Elkton, Ash Valley, Scottsburg, OB. 3 Cascade Otilities, Inc.; 15Sep77; A920819.
A920820. Greenfield, Leesburg, OH, August 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone Company of Ohio; 21Aug77; A920820.
4920821. Beckville, Henderson, Turnertown, TX, and others, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 4dd. ti: Henderson, Beckville, Turnertown, TX, and others. 3 General Telephone Company of the Southwest; 10Sep77; 4920821.
A920822. Albion, Best Springfield, P4, and nearby communities, September 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 Enon Valley Telephone Company; lSep77:
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