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JUL-DEC. 1977

4920670 (con.) Pfeifle NcQuade. 167 p. O Jean Pfeifle HcQuade: 22Now77: »920670.

A920671. Dealing with the aanipalatoc. By Booald L. RauD. 191 p. O Bonald Baun; 1Jun77: A920671.

i920672. The inana Badacanqe aiccoiiave OTen cookbook. 304 p. Aaana Befrigecation, Inc.: 30ct77: A920672.

4920673. Anana Touchaatic 2 Badaranqe aicroHave oven cookbook. 38U p. Aaana Bef- ciqeration. Inc.; 50ct77: A920673.

A92067lt. Puerto Bican cookery. By Carnen Aboy Vallde-iuli. 389 p. Bevised e eolarqed ed- of The Art of Caribbean cookery. O Caraen Aboy Vallde-iiili: 16KoT7e (io notice: 1975|: A9206711.

A920675. Ornaaents of rhyae: poeas. By Estelle S. HilkiDson. Itu p. O Estelle S. Bilkinson: 29Hov77; A920675.

A92D676. Hestchester County real estate directory, Noveaber 1, 1977. Suppl. no. 19. 5 p. Bealty Directory Publi- cations, Inc.: 1No»77; A920676.

A920677. Suppleaent to East Hontqoaery County real estate directory, Noveaber 1977. 8 p. Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.; 231)o»77: A920677.

A920678. Suppleaent to Suburban real estate directory, Noveaber 1977. 11 p. O Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.: 23NOV77: A920678.

A920679. Westchester County real estate directory, Noveaber 15, 1977. Suppl. no. 20. 5 p. O Bealty Directory Publi- cations, Inc.: 151IOV77: A920679.

4920680. Philadelphia real estate directory^ October 1977. Suppl. no. 10. 18 p. 6 Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.: J0BOV77: A920680.

4920681. Essex County real estate directory, Noveaber 1977. Suppl. no. 5, section no. 16 2. 1 V. Beal Estate Directory, Inc.: 17NOV77: A920681.

A920682. Brooklyn real estate reqister, Noveaber 1977. Suppl. no. 5. 12 p. O Beal Estate Beqister, Inc.: 29Nov77: A920682.

4920683. 4bstract: a conteaporary view of Paul Klee as an artist-teacher. By Dorothea C. Halcola. Sheets (313 p.) Dorothea C. Halcola: 1Dec77: A920683.

A920684. Madison, South Dakota: a city with direction. Text by Dale Jahr. 35 p. O Dale Jahr e The HadisQn Chaaber of Coaaerce: tNov??: A92068it.

A920685. Our ancestors and soae of their descendants: Settle and associated faailies. By Herbert Bridqeford Settle. 290 p. O Herbert Bridqeford Settle; 1Dec77: A920685.

A920 6e6. Career Developaent Service, Personal Career Besources Center for college and university students, student's quide to acadeaic-career planning and developaent. Folder. Add. ti: Career Developaent Service Personal Career Besources Center for college and university students student's quide to acadeaic-career planninq and developaent. Appl. au: Edward J. Vasileski. O Palaer Publi- cations, Inc.; 15BOV77; 4920686.

4920587. The Postpartua experience. Edited by The Continuinq Parent Education Coaaittee of Baternity-Faaily Leaque Foundation, Inc. 20 p. O Haternity-Faaily League Foundation, Inc.; 1nay77; 4920667.

A920668. A Guide to continuinq parent education. Edited by The continuing Parent Education Coaaittee of The Haternity-Faaily League Foundation, Inc. 155 p. O Haternity- Faaily Leaque Foundation, Inc. ; 23Jun77; A920688.

A920689. Chattanooga and tri-state area directory of aanufacturers, 1977. 135 p. Add. ti: Manufacturers directory, Chattanooga, and tri-state area, 1977. Industrial Coaaittee of One Hundred; 2<IOct77; 4920689.

A920690. Pre-alqebra 8-pack. Grades 8-10. Kit. Appl. au: John Jay Schattl. 6 John J. Schattl; 280ct77; 4920590.

4920691. Priaary 8-pack. Grades 1-3. Kit- 4ppl. au: John Jay Schattl. O John J. Schattl; 1i»0ct77; 4920691.

A92a692. The Snowflakes of Giordano Bruno. By Bichard C. Biggins. Folder (3 p.) Bichard C. Higgins (Dick Biggins) ; 1Dec77; 4920692.

4920693. The Refuge. Pos Scheele. Boy Scl 4920693.

49206911. Bethesda, Blanchard, Coin, lA, and others telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. Add. ti: Iowa regional telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. Northwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 25Nov77; A92069l(.

4920695. Castle of the devil: an adventace of Soloaon Kane. By Philip B. Helas. 51 p. The Puritan swashbuckler prev. appeared in Sign of the haaaer, vol. 3, no. I, Nov. 1976. Philip Helas £ Marci Belas; 20NOV77; A920695.

A920696. Description of technology cross-support analysis for research planning. 20 p. O Raacor, Inc.; 5Dec77; A920696.

A920697. Blue Sky guide nailing list nuaber 15-77. Sheets. NB: additions. O Investaent Coapany Institute; 23Aug77: A920697.

A92a698. Blue Sky quide aailinq list, nuaber 16-77. Sheets. NB: additions 6 revisions. O Investaent Coapany Institute; 30Sep77; 4920698.

4920699. Supervisory aanaqeaent course. 1 v. NB: coapilation & revisions. O aanaqeaent Traininq Consultants, Inc. (HTCI) ; 25NOV77; 4920699.

4920700. The National Guard of the Dnited States: a half century of progress. By Elbridge Colby. 1 V. Add. ti: Bilitary affairs: the journal of ailitary history, including theory and technology. Bilitary Affairs/Aerospace Historian Publishing a.k. a. BA/AH Publishing: 20ct77; A920700.

A920701. 20 years of Christaas, and other verse by a riveraan. By P. A. Lydic. 39 p. F. A. Lydic; 2Dec77; A92a701.

A9 20702. Harket structure analysis. By Jaaes H. Byers C Edward B. Tauber. 159 p. O Aaerican Barketing Association; 30NOV77; A920702.

A92070 3. Rultinational product aanageaeut. Edited by Barren J. Keegan e Charles S. Bayer. 184 p. O Aaerican Barketing Association; 1Dec77: A920703.

A920 70 4. Binorities and aarketing: research challenges. Edited by Alan B. Andreasen C Frederick D. Sturdivant. 142 p. Aaerican Barketing Association; 1Dec77: A920 704.

4920705. Co tich nhi dong. Quyen 3. Edited by Tran Van Dien & Hinabelle Gritter, illustrator: Nguyen Van Bieu. 94 p. 4dd. ti: Folk tales for children, voluae 3. Vietnaaese £ English. 4ppl. au: Grandasia Publications. NB: translation into Vietnaaese. O Grandasia Publications (in notice: Grandasia Publications, a division of Freedoa Flight corporation); 134pr77; 492070 5.

A920706. Co tich nhi dong. Quyen 2. Edited by Tran Van Dien £ Binabelle Gritter, illustrator: Tang Quoc Ai. 62 p. Add. ti: Folk tales for children, voluae 2. Vietnaaese C English. 4ppl. au: Grandasia Publications. NB; translation into Vietnaaese. O Grandasia Publications (in notice: Grandasia Publications, a division of Freedoa Flight Corporation) ; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976): 4920706.

4920707. Co tich nhi dong. Quyen 1. Edited by Tran Van Dien £ Binabelle Gritter, illustrator: Tang Quoc Ai. 64 p. Add. i: Folk tales for children, voluae 1. Vietnaaese £ English. Appl. au: Grandasia Publications. NM: translation into Vietnaaese. Grandasia Publications (in notice: Grandasia Publications, a division of Freedoa Flight Corporation) ; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920707.

A920708. Cosaic heartbeat of unity. 1 v. Appl. au: Bichard J. Benson. O Bichard J. (Dick) Benson; 310ct77; A920708.

A920709. you can be an outstanding speaker. By Hilliaa H. Parr. 124 p. O Hilliaa M. Parr; 10Nov77: A920709.

A920710. Individualized transcription typing. By Helen F. Morrill. 33 p. O Helen F. Borrill; 11Nov77; A920710.

4920711. The Story of the 1 July 1931 cadet class at Brooks, Barch, and Bandolph Fields: 44 years later. By Fred B. Preyer. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Aerospace historian. O Bilitary Affairs/Aerospace Historian Publishing a.k. a. BA/AH Publishing: 200ct77:



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