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A920590 - A920627


JUL-DEC. 1977

A920590. A Studv Of cciae in cural Ohio: the relatioDship between ecoloqical factors and a rural crime index. By Georqe Hiiton Kreps. flicrofila. O Georqe Hilton Kreps; 15NOV77; A920590.

i920591. k Historical review of the secondary school study of the Association of Colieqes and Secondary Schools for tteqroes, 19tO-t9(l6. By Cynthia Gibson Hardy. Hicrofila. Cynthia Gibson Hardy; 15Nov77; A920591.

A920 592. Attitudinal and behavioral differences aaonq mental hospital staff members as a function of lenqth of employment and reasons for continued employment. By uilliam Andrew Seman. Hicrofilm. O William Andrew Seman; l5Hov77; A920 592.

A920593. "The aninhabitable place:" the rootlessness of i. D. Howells. By Scott Alerander Dennis. Hicrofila. O Scott Alexander Dennis; 15hov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920593.

A920594. Attitude similarities and differences anonq dauqhters, mothers, qrandmothers and qreat-qrandmothers of maternal lioeaqe families. By Bettioa Lee Clebone. Hicrofilm. C Bettina Lee Clebone; 15MOV77: A92059a.

A920595. The Trematode parasites of the black basses, Hicropterus species, of the southeastern Onited States with some seasonal and locational variations of diqenean populations in larqemouth bass, Hicropterus salmoides. By Joseph Soger Sullivan. Hicrofilm. Joseph fioqer Sullivan; 15Nov77: A920595.

i920596. The Relationship between types of indecision and interest test patterns. By Bobert Ira Kazin. Hicrofilm. Robert Ira Kazin; 15Nov77; A920596.

A920597. A Curriculum model for an open space rural kinderqarten. By Okie Lee tlolfe. Hicrofilm. C Okie Lee Bolfe; 15Hov77; A920597.

A920598. Slavery amidst Civil Bar in Tennessee: the death of an institution. By John Vincent Cimprich« Jr. Hicrofilm. John Vincent Cimprich. Jr.; 15Nov77; A920598.

A920599. An Examination of the process of weiqhtinq in categorization. By Lock Sinq Leunq. Hicrofilm. Lock Sinq Leunq; 15NOV77; A920599.

A920600. The Adlutant General's office, 1821-1861: a study in administrative history. By J. Patrick Huqhes. Hicrofilm. J. Patrick Hughes; 158ov77; A920600.

A920601. A Prench-patois dictionary of the dialect of Opper Arieqe. By Annette Grant Cash. Hicrofilm. Annette Grant Cash; 15NOV77; A920601.

A920 602. The Varieties of law: contextual analyses of "the law" in society. By fiichard Anthony Gambitta. Hicrofilm. O Bichard Anthony Gambitta; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920602.

A920603. The Development of an instrument for the follov-up evaluation of rehabilitation facilitv short-term training. By Hichael Donald Shinnick. Hicrofilm. Hichael Donald Shinnick; 15Mov77; A920603.

A920604. Teachers' attribution of responsibility for success and failure of children from different social backqrounds. By Katberine Bells Knighten. Hicrofilm. Katherine Bells Knighten; lSNov77: A9206011.

A920605. A Bibliometric analysis of clothing literature with implications for information storage and retrieval. By Nelma Irene Petterman. Hicrofila, Nelma Irene Petterman; 15Mov77; A920605,

A920606. Citizen Kane: an art historical analysis. By Norman Paul Gambill. Hicrofila. Appl. states all new except poem by S. T. Coleridge on p. 467-(»66. O Norman Paul Gaobill; 15Nov77; &920606.

A920607. The Vocalizations of the American robin. By Victoria Hary Dziadosz. Hicrofilm. Victoria Hary Dziadosz; 15Nov77; A920607.

A92060e. Differentiated levels of undecidedness and choice satisfaction among educa- tionally and vocationally uncommitted university freshmen. By Virginia Niswonqer Gordon. Hicrofilm. O Virginia Hiswonqer Gordon; 15Nov77; A920608.

A920609. Equivariant wall obstruction theory- By Jenny Antoinette Baglivo. Hicrofila. e Jenny Antoinette Baglivo; 15Nov77; A920609.

A920610. Effects of cognitive style and information load on process in a decision-making task. By Dorothy Purber Byers. Hicrofilm. O Dorothy Purber Byers; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920610.

A920611. Static-kinetic interplays in the Kamen* poems of Osip Handel'stam. By Hichael Harris Gray. Hicrofilm. O Hichael Harris Gray; 15Nov77; A920611.

A920612. The Literary Pemae fataie, a social fiction: the willful female in the deterministic vision of Thomas Bacdy and in the psychological vision of Benry Jaaes. By Alice Irene Philbin. Hicrofilm. Alice Irene Philbin; 15NOV77; A920612.

A920613. The Effect of an inservice workshop about skin colors on fifth graders* visual responses in art classes in the Durham city schools. By Lana Thompson Henderson. Hicrofilm. O Lana Tboapson Henderson; 15HOV77; A920613.

A920614. An Investigation of non-equilibrium processes in a bulk superconductor very near Tc. By Hichael Calvin Bilt. Hicrofilm. O Hichael Calvin Bilt; 15NOV77; A920614.

A920615. The Effect of in-service training on the ratings of parents, teachers and clinicians regarding behavior problems in elementary school children. By Theodore Anton Peinberg. Hicrofila. Theodore Anton Peinberg; 15Nov77; A920615.

A920616. Development of a model for the short-term training of high school publications advisers. By John Hilliam Click. Hicrofila. John Billiam Click; 15!lov77; A920616,

A920617. A Critical apparatus for the assessment of humanistic education: an analysis of ideology applied to the humanistic education movement in public schooling. By Bayaond John DiBlasio. Hicrofilm. O Raymond John OiBlasio; 15Nov77; A920617.

A920618. Anthropometric estimations of body density of women athletes in selected athletic activities. By Linda K. Hall. Hicrofila. Linda K. Hall; 15Nov77; A920618.

A920619. Acquisition and generalization of empathic responses through self- administered and leader-directed structured learning training and the interaction between training method and conceptual level. By Roger Lewis Gilstad. Hicrofilm. O Roger Lewis Gilstad; 15NOV77; A920619,

A920620. An Analysis of the processes of accountability in negotiating behavior. By Stephen Bernard Knouse. Hicrofilm. O Stephen Bernard Knouse; 15Nov77; A920620.

A920621. Development of a model for prediction of inmate interest in prison-sponsored acadeaic and vocational education. By Harlan Goldstein Shinbaum. Hicrofilm. O Harian Goldstein Shinbaua; 15Nov77; A920621-

A920622- The Historical transition of women's sports at the Ohio State University, 1885-1975 and its impact on the national women's intercollegiate setting during that period. By Hary Ann Daniels. Hicrofilm. Hary Ann Daniels; 15Nov77; A920622.

A920623. Sex-role androgyny and its effect on self-esteem, adjustment and performance on sex-appropriate and sex-inappropriate tasks. By Janet Clark Loxley. Hicrofila. Janet Clark Loxley; 15Nov77; A920623-

A920621*. Transition: Eugene Jolas' quest to overcoae alienation. By Haurice Howard Cummings. Hicrofilm. O Haurice Howard Cuaminqs; 15Nov77; A92062'*.

A920625. An Analysis of the knowledge and attitudes of United States Government supervisors in the area of labor relations. By Pichard Stenner Carey. Hicrofilm. O Bichard Stenner Carey; 15NOV77; A920625,

&920626. The Relationship of attitudinal structuring to labor peace in the public sector. By Kenneth Raymond Crandall. Hicrofilm. O Kenneth Raymond Crandall; 15NOV77; A920626.

A920627. A Guide to operational facility planning. By Boss Alan Hodel. Hicrofila.

e Boss Alan Hodel; 15Nov77; A920627.


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