A920550 - A920589
JUL-DEC. 1977
A9 20550. Meta-loainalisB: the problea of reporting in the Donfiction novel. By David L. Eason. nicrofilD. 6 David L. Eason: 15»o»77: 4920550.
4920551. Individual enancipation in the uritings of Karl Harx. By Darrel Jay Hoffman. Hicrofila. C Darrel Jay Hoffman; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976): S920551.
4920552. 4 CODparative analysis of the mailed questionnaire, the telephone interviev, and a combined survey approach as techniques for conducting follov-up studies of graduates. By George Edward Hughes. Microfilm. 9 George Edward Hughes; 15Nov77; 4920552.
4920553. The Deteminants of direct foreign investment in the Central 4Berican Common Harket, 195a-1970. By Carmine Eichard Torrisi. Hicrofilm^ 6 Carmine Bichard Torrisi; 1511ov77; 4920553.
4920554. Beer and matriliny: the power of women in a Rest African society. By Barbara L. Hagaman. aicrofilm. Barbara L. Hagaman; 15Nov77: 4920559.
4920555. Teaching negotiation skills to preadolescents. By Donald Charles Fleming. Jr. aicrofilm. Donald Charles Fleming, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4920555.
4920556. Ethnic survival in a New England mill town: the Franco-4mericans of fiiddeford. Maine. By Michael James Guignard. Microfilm. 6 Michael James Guignard; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4920556.
4920557. 4 Study of the sexual and racial stereotyping of elementary school mathematics textbooks. By Laurette Blakey Nelson. Microfilm. @ Laurette Blakey Nelson: 15NOV77: A920557.
4920558. Training passive and agqressive educable mentally retarded children for assertive behaviors using three types of structured learning training. By Evelyn Biccio Fleming. Microfilm. 3 Evelyn Biccio Fleming; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920558.
4920559. The Syracuse campus plan: a case study of educational policy making. By Michael Stephen Pavlovich. Microfilm. Michael Stephen Pavlovich; 151lov77: 4920559.
4920 560. A Path analytic study of antecedents and consequences of exposure to political campaign information in the 1976 Presidential election. By Hilliam David Kimsey. Microfilm. Hilliam David Kinsey; 15Nov77: 4920560.
4920561. Spontaneous flexibility and rigidity in adulthood and old age: a aultitrait- multimethod analysis. By Norman Rudolph Schultz. Jr. Microfilm, e Norman Budolph Schultz, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4920561.
4920562. Nature's fountain: Samuel Sewall's gathering of a pragmatic literary heritage during New England's second generation. By Alan Noyes Stone. Microfilm. Alan Noyes Stone; 15Nov77; 4920562.
axiomatic theory of computability. By Peter Nicolaev Gabrovsky. Hicrofila. Q Peter Nicolaev Gabrovsfcy; 15Nov77; A920563.
4920564. The Mean-variance efficiency of naively diversified portfolios. By Peter Vertes. Microfilm. Q Peter vartes; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920564.
4920565. Instructional development in the New Hampshire College and Dniversity Council: the creation of a setting. By Joseph John Durzo. Jr. Microfilm. Q Joseph John Durzo, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4920565.
4920566. 4n 4nalysi5 of the evolving theory of personal liability of educational trustees for their official acts. By Jid Magee Cowan. Microfilm. 3 Jin Magee Cowan; 15NOV77; 4920566.
A920567. Institutional goals of selected private colleges with predominantly black enrollments as perceived by faculty members, academic administrators, and students, 1976-77. By Hade Bryant. Microfilm. e Hade Bryant; 15Nov77; 4920567.
A92056B. The Relationship between group membership, classroom social structure, and selected student outcomes in elementary school classrooms. By Kenneth Michael Zeichner. Microfilm. 6 Kenneth Michael Zeichner; 15Nov77; A920568.
A920569. Conrad's literary letters. By Bosalind Halls Smith. Microfilm. 6 Eosalind Halls Smith; 15Nov77; 4920569.
4920570. Mesoamerican pseudo-cloisonne and other decorative investments. By Thomas E, Uolien. Microfilm. Q Thomas E. Holien; 15NOV77; 4920570.
4920571. The Effect of superior collicnlar lesions on visual acuity in the cat. By Vonnell Grace Hastri. Microfilm. O Vonnell Grace Hastri; 15Nov77: A920571.
A920572. Student economic assistance and needs in higher education in Nepal. By Dennis Eugene Donham. Microfilm. 3 Dennis Eugene Donham; 15Nov77; 4920572.
4920573. 4 Study of the relationships among performer attitudes, involvement with personae. and the performance of literature. By Cecelia Duncan Keener. Microfilm. 6 Cecelia Duncan Keener; 15NOV77; 4920573.
4920574. The Effect of "red." "blue-green." and "white" light on electroencephalograms of autistic children. By Gerald 411en Elliott. Microfilm. S Gerald Allen Elliott: 15NOV77; 4920574.
A920575. Identification of population differences between preservice elementary teachers enrolled in Northern and in emerging Southern institutions on aspects ... following variables; (1) science process skills, and (2) perceptions of science and the scientist. By Henry Calvin Frazier. Microfilm. Q Henry Calvin Frazier; 15NOV77; 4920575.
4920576. The Federal relations process: how it has become institutionalized at the leading research universities. By Balph Norman Halvik. Microfilm. Q Balph Norman Malvik; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920576.
4920577. Persistence amid adversity: the growth and spatial distribution of the Asian population of Kenya. 1902-1963. By Charles Joseph Bennett 2nd. Microfilm. 3 Charles Joseph Bennett 2nd; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920577.
A920578. Nietzsche: the masque of truth and the death of Socratic man. By Carl Paul Ellerman. Microfilm. 6 Carl Paul Ellerman; 15Nov77: A920578.'
A920579. An Investigation into the social structure aspect of Baldridge's political model at a small liberal arts college. By Douglas Bomau Power. Microfilm. e Douglas Roman Power; 15Nov77; 4920579.
A920580. An Inquiry into the development of science teaching in primary schools in the Bestern Province of Kenya. By Levi Libese Igambi. Microfilm. 6 Levi Libese Igambi; 15NOV77; 4920580.
4920581. The origins and precipitating factors of the Khmer revolution. 1945-1975. By Earl Alexander Carr. Microfilm. 6 Earl 41eiander Carr; 15Nov77; 4920581.
4920582. 4 Needs analysis model for determining educational and instructional television needs for Nigeria. By Monday Peri Okonny. Microfilm. 6 Monday Peri Okonny; 15NOV77; 4920582.
4920583. 4xial oscillatory motion of a cylin- drical rod in a liquid. By 4shok Vasudev Naimpally. Microfilm. O Ashok Vasudev Naimpally; 15Nov77; A920583.
A920584. The Lost worlds of Bandall Jarrell. By Kathryn Allen Babuzzi. Microfilm. O Kathryn 411en Babuzzi; 15Nov77; 4920584.
4920585. 4 Student of the morning light: a study of the cultural and salvational vision of Oelmore Schwartz. By Theodore Dana Hall. Microfilm. C Theodore Dana Hall; 151lov77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4920585.
4920 586. 4 Challenge to the constitutionality of retraction statutes. By Donna Lee Dickerson. Microfilm. Donna Lee Dickerson; 15Nov77; 4920586.
4920587. The Three faces of Louise Labe. By Charlotte Lee Roods, aicrofilm. © Charlotte Lee Hoods; 15!lov77 (in notice: 1976); A920587.
4920 588. 4 Framework for the application of educational technology in the formal education system of Guyana. By Robert Arnold Gibbons. Microfilm. Q Robert Arnold Gibbons; 15Nov77; A920588.
A920589. Scientific rationality and the search for certainty: a perspective on the "modern project". By Gerhard Kutsch. Microfilm. Gerhard Kutsch; 15Mov77;
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