A920472 - A920510
JUL-DEC. 1977
A920it71 (con.) printers in colonial Aaerica. By Sasan Jane Henrv. Hicrofiln. Susan Jane Henry; 15Ho»77: A920'171.
A920a72. Queenship in fifteenth century France. By Colleen Lily Ilooney. HiccofilB. Colleen Lily Booney: 15Nov77: &920t72.
A920I473. Socio-cultural correlates of adolescent dcuq use. Vol. 1-2. By Lois Jean fiifner. Hicrofiln. C Lois Jean Bifner; 1SNov77: A920H73.
A920«71t. Shakespeare's noral economics and Tison of Athens. By John Joseph Buszlcieiiicz. RicrofilB. C John Joseph Buszkievicz; 15llo»77: A92017M.
A9201t75. Two essays on the modelling of state and local qovernoent fiscal behavior. By Harvin Bruce Johnson. Hicrofiln. 3 Harvin Bruce Johnson: 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976): A920U75.
A920II76. Hotivic and thematic transf oraation in selected Horks of Liszt. By Lyle John Anderson. Hicrofila. Q Lyle John Anderson: 15Nov77: 4920476.
A920477. Bequlatory factors in the distribution pattern of tissue manganese in mice, guinea pigs, rabbits and humans. By Laddavan Sunyapridakul. Hlcroflla. LaddaHan S unyapridakul ; 15Nov77; A920477.
A920117B. Initiating cooperative efforts among medium and small sized school districts for purposes of establishing evaluation capabilities. By Jerry Roger Baker. Microfilm. Jerry Boger Baker; 15Nov77; S920478.
A9201179. Effects of ideals upon characters in Bamthorne's fiction. By James Hauritz Johnson. Microfilm. James Hauritz Johnson: 1SHov77 (in notice: 1976) ; i920479.
4920 480. Intra urban migration with special emphasis on housing and neighborhood attributes. By Douglas Spencer Bible. Microfilm. C Douglas Spencer Bible; 15!lov77: A920480.
A920481. The Influence of hole processing and ioint variables on the fatigue life of shear ioints. By Thomas Kittrell Hoore. Hicrofilm. Thomas Kittrell Moore; 15NOV77: A920481.
A920482. Ctossflov over a porous circular cylinder «itb uniform bloving at the surface. By Thomas Henry Beif. Hicrofilm. Thomas Henry Beif; 1SHav77: A920482.
A920483. Curriculum theory of Hazine Greene: a reconceptualization of foundations in English education. By Janet Louise Hiller. Hicrofilm. Janet Louise Miller: 15Hov77: 4920483.
4920484. An Impact of a fluid-filled spherical shell with a shallow spherical shell of larger radius: a model for head iniury. By Johnson Olawale oladunni. Hicrofilm. e Johnson Olawale oladuoni; 15Mov77: 4920484.
A920485. So few men: a study of black widowhood. By fiuth Boss Gossett. Hicrofilm. 6 Buth Boss Gossett; 15Bov77; 4920485.
4920486. A Conceptual analysis of humanistic education and the theories of Abraham H. Maslow and their relationship to higher education. By Constance A. Murray. Hicrofilm. Constance A. Murray; 151IOV77; 4920486.
4920487. Studies concerned with the identi- fication and differentiation of the pluripotential and progenitor murine stem cell. By James Lee Shellhaas. HicrofiJm. e James Lee Shellhaas: 15Nov77: A9204S7.
4920488. Indo-Pakistan relations: 1962-1967, an events-data approach to analyzing dyadic international conflict. By Boger Owen Printup. Hicrofilm. O Boger Owen Printup; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920488.
4920489. Application of the risky shift phenomenon to security selection and portfolio management. By Lawrence Albert Oster. Hicrofilm. 3 Lawrence Albert Oster; 15Hov77 (in notice: 1976); A920489.
A920490. Bole perceptions of public two-year college trustees and their perceived influence in the internal affairs of the colleges which they govern. By Harren Newton Koore. Hicrofilm. 6 Barren Newton Moore: 15Nov77; A920490.
A920491. A Transformational analysis of the validity of the cloze procedure as a measure of readability. By Frances Batch Shibata. Microfilm. Q Frances Batch Shibata; 15Nov77; A920491.
A920492. 4 Comparative study of the needs and concepts of individual students in a post-secondary remedial writing program. By Clare H. Silva. Hicrofilm. e Clare H. Silva; 15NOV77; A920492.
A920493. The Poems of the tian-shan collection. By Boberta Helmer Stalberg. Hicrofilm. Boberta Helmer Stalberg: 15Nov77; A920493.
A920494. The Effects of a reading and language arts program on the critical thinking and critical reading of the first-year law student. By Andrew Brook Pachtnan. Microfilm. 3 Andrew Brook Pachtman; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976); A920494.
A920495. Computer assisted processing of infrared spectra and bands of C2H2 and C2BD at 1.1 microns. By Jan Edward Adams. Microfilm, e Jan Edward Adams; 15Nov77; A920495.
A920496. Significant predictors of college band participation by college freshmen with high school band experience. By fiichard Dean Hountford. Hicrofilm. 6 Bichard Dean Mountford; 151iov77; A920496.
A920497. A Comparison of selected basic gross motor skills of moderately retarded and normal children of middle childhood age utilizing the Ohio State University scale of intra gross motor assessment. By Terrence Michael Byan. Microfilm. 3 Terrence Michael Byan; 15Nov77: A920497.
4920498. Embedding geometric lattices and combinatorial designs into projective geometries or symmetric designs with the same number of hyperplanes or blocks. By Hartha Lynn Barnes. Microfilm. 3 Martha Lynn Barnes; 15Nov77; A92049S.
A920499. The Comprehensive employment and training act: a case study of manpower policy design and implementation in Atlanta, Georgia. By Charles Hoodrow Washington. Hicrofilm. 3 Charles Hoodrow Bashington; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920499.
A920500. Binocular fusion. By Janes Earl Sheedy. Microfilm. James Earl Sheedy; 15Nov77; 4920 500.
4920501. The Effects of tutoring and social modeling upon student performance in a contingency-managed course. By Elizabeth Jean Kuehnert. Hicrofilm. 3 Elizabeth Jean Kuehnert; 15Nov77: A920501.
4920 502. The Liberty Party in New England, 1840-1848: the forgotten abolitionists. By fieinhard Oscar Johnson. Hicrofilm. 3 Beinhard Oscar Johnson; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920502.
A920503. Fitness set analysis of drosophila population growth in heterogeneous temperature environments. By Suzanne Patricia Keber. Hicrofilm. 3 Suzanne Patricia Heber; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920503.
A920 50 4. Hechanism of action of carbon monoxide on coronary vascular resistance in the dog. By Kathleen Sexton Stone. Hicrofilm. 3 Kathleen Sexton Stone; 15NOV77; A920504.
4920 505. 4n Historical, descriptive, and evaluative study of remedial English in 4merican colleges and universities. By 4ndrea Abernethy Lunsford. Hicrofilm. 3 4ndrea 4bernethy Lunsford; 15Nov77; A920505.
A920 506. Mercury translocation as mediated by metabiosis. By James Eugene Parsons. Hicrofilm. 3 James Eugene Parsons; 15NOV77; A920506.
A920 507. An Assessment of direct and obser- vational communication training as marital quasi-therapy. By Hary Blair Bashford. Hicrofilm. 8 Hary Blair Bashford; 15liov77; A920507.
A920 508. A Comparison between reactions of adult and traditional students to factors under the control of a community college. By Dorothy Lerch Kelly. Hicrofilm. 8 Dorothy Lerch Kelly; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920508.
4920509. 4ge norms and age constraints in adulthood. By Patricia Veronica Harkunas. Hicrofilm. 8 Patricia Veronica Harkunas; 15NOV77; 4920509.
4920510. The Development of the Navaho rug, 1890-1920, as influenced by trader J. L.
Hubbell. Vol. 1-2. By Joann Ferguson
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