A920434 - A920«71
JUL-DEC. 1977
A920«3U. lastructor's resource aaDuai to accoBpaDT PQDdaaeDtals of business aatheiiatics. By Halter E. Billiaas 6 Jaies R. Beed. 226 p. H^lliaa C. Bcovd Coapanr Publishers: 11lar77: A920I434.
»92043S. Business proqraoninq in Fortran 4, second edition; solutions aanual. By Nesa L'Abbe yu. 66 p. reyisious. iilliaa C. Brown coapany Publishers: itHar77: 49201435.
i920»36. Student HorkbooK to accoapany Fun- daaentals of business matheaatics. By Halter E. iiUiaas 6 Jaaes H. Beed. 27it p. Hilliaa C. Brown Coapany Publishers; USay77: 19201136.
4920 "137. Instructor's aanual to accoapany Audiovisual fundamentals: basic equipment operation and siaple materials production; by John a. Bullard C Calyin E. Hether. Banual desiqned by John B. Bullard, Calvin E. Hether & Hichael R. Siaonson. 1 v. uilliam C. Broun Coapany Publishers; 27Feb75: 49201137.
49201138. Instructor's resource manual to accompany Socioloqy: basic structures and processes. By Eobert Perrucci» Dean D. Knudsen S Bussell B. Haaby. prepared by P.S. 4ssociates, with Thoaas L. Van Valey. 151 p. Rllliaa C. Brown Company Publishers: 18Feb77: 4920438.
4920439. Test master booklet to accompany Introduction to business: a functional approach. By R. Bichard Plunkett. 42 p. Hilliam C. Brown Coapany Publishers: 25Feb77: 4920439.
4920440. Instructor's manual for 4natoay and physioloqy laboratory textbook, second edition; short version. By Harold J- Benson € Stanley E. Gunstreaa. 39 p. 4dd. ti; Instructor's aanual for second edition 4oatoay and physioloqy laboratory textbook, short version. Hit: revisions. Uilliaa C. Brown Coapany Publishers; 11Feb77: 4920440.
4920441. The Search for personal freedoa, fifth edition: instructor's resource aanual. Vol. 16 2. By Heal 9. Cross, Bobert c. Lama C Rudy a. Turk. 2 v. in 1. ilH: revisions. C lilliam C. Brown Company Publishers; 16reb77; 4920441.
4920442. Student study quide to accoapany Introduction to business: a functional approach. By H. Bichard Plunkett* prepared by P.S. 4ssociates. 420 p. e Billiaa C. Brown Coapany Publishers: 101Iar77: 4920442.
4920 443. Teacher's key for stencil duplicatinq systeas: a aanual of operations, second edition. By Lura Lynn Straub C £. Dana Gibson. 35 p. BN: revisions. O Uilliaa C. Brown Coapany Publishers; 20Jun74: 4920443.
4920444. Teacher's key for Liquid duplicatinq systeas: a aanual of operations, second edition. By Lura Lynn Straub e E. Dana Gibson. 62 p. NM: revisions. Hilliaa C. Brown Company Publishers; 1Hay74; 4920444.
4920445. Instructor's aanual to accoapany Workbook for Effective aedical assistinq. By Shirley Pratt Schwarzrock. 283 p. NB: revisions. O Hilliaa C. Brown Coapany Publishers; 24aar77 (in notice: 1976); 4920445.
4920447. Modern business, second edition; test bank. By S. Bobert fiosenblatt, Robert L. Bonninqton e Belverd E. Needles, Jr. 1 v. Appl. states all new except questions reprinted from the text book. Bouqhton Hifflin Coapany; 3Jan77; 4920447.
4920448. The Guidance information systea; GIS quide, 77/78. 71 p. Tiae Share corporation; 154uq77; 4920448.
4920449. Hodern business, a systeas approach, second edition: instructor's aanual. By S. Bernard Bosenblatt, Bobert L. Bonninqton e Belverd E. Needles, Jr. 204 p. NH: editorial revisions G additional text. Uouqhton Hifflin Coapany; 3Jan77; 4920449.
4920450. German today, two, revised edition; proqress tests, duplicatinq aasters foe student answer sheets. By Jack B. Hocller, Harry F. Eeinert 6 Heiaut Liedloff. Folder £ sheets. NH: editorial revision, additional text 6 new art. O Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 1Nov76: 4920450.
4920451. Guidance inforaation systea instruction manual. Kit. NH: additions. Tiae Share Corporation; 26Sep77; 4920451.
4920452. Income taxation. Response booklets 1-3. Issued by The Solomon S. Huebner School of CLO studies. The American College. 3 ». (CLU cassette/review program, 1977/78 CLO course HS 307) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47643, in folder. 4ppl. au: The 4merican College. NH: revision. O The American Colleqe; 1Hov77; 4920452.
4920453. 4ccounting and finance. Response booklets 1-3. Issued by The Soloaon S. Huebner School of CLO Studies, The 4aerican College. 3 v. (CLO casset- te/review program, 1977/78 CLO course HS 305) Accoapanied by sound recording, req. N47644, in folder. Appl. au: The Aaerican Colleqe. NH: revisions, updatinq & additions. O The Aaerican College: 1NOV77; 4920453.
A920454. Business insurance. Besponse booklets 1-3. Issued by The Soloaon S. Huebner School of CLO Studies, The American Colleqe. 3 v. (CLO cassette/review prograa, 1977/78 CLO course HS 309) Accoapanied by sound recording, req. N47645, in folder. Appl. au: The Aaerican College. NH: revisions. The Aaerican College; 1Nov77; A920454.
A920455. Group insurance and social insurance. Besponse booklets 1-3. Issued by The Soloaon S. Huebner School of CLD Studies, The Aaerican College. 3 v. (CLO cassette/review prograa, 1977/78 CLO course HS 303) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47646, in folder. Appl. au: The American College. NH: revision. The American College; 1Nov77; A920455.
A920456. Yes. 44 p. Appl. au: Heather Gaudreau, Charles Harcotte £ Siobhan Kenny. The Living Bord School: 27Hay77: 4920456. Texas. An exhibit prepared by the University of Texas at San Antonio, Institute of Texan Cultures. 1 v. The Oniversity of Texas at San Antonio, Institute of Texan Cultures; 30Sep77: A920457.
A920458. Bizarre brass of four milleniuas; or. Arcane artifacts and indigenous ins- truaents. By John E. Haier, photos, by Phil Lentz. 1 v. O Spratt Hnsic Publishers; 1Har77 (in notice: 1976); A920458.
A920459. The Oatasearch guide to low capital, startup computer businesses. 127 p. Appl. au: George Hiller. Poraerly The Shoestring, start-at-hoae coaputer business handbook. Datasearch, Inc.; 29JU177; A920459.
A920460. South African uraniua — the pot at the end of the rainbow. By 4ndre Sharon £ Kathy Brous. 33 p. Appl. au: Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc. Drexel Burnhaa Lambert, Inc.; 14Sep77; A920460.
A92a461. Tokyo market advisory letter. By tasumasa Hitani. 3 p. (Japanese investment service. August 1977) Appl. au: Orexel Burnham Lambert, Inc. Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc.; 14Sep77; A920461.
A920 462. Labor relations references. Suppl. no. 2. Froa Anthony J. Peverada, Jr. Sheets. NH: additions. O Haine School Hanaqeaent Association; 23Sep77; A920462.
A920463. Love poea. 1 p. Appl. au: Barbara Sheron Lasky. Barbara Sheron Lasky: 14JU177; A920463.
A920464. Inspirations. By Barbara sheron Lasky. 1 V. Barbara sheron Lasky; 15Aug77; A920464.
A920465. Basic pattern drafting. By Peggy A. Hiller. Sheets. O Peggy A. Hiller; 27Sep77; A920465.
A920466. New Orleans "learn-to-read-fast" prograa. Book 3. By Junius A. Bingate. 86 p. O Junius A. Bingate; 260ct77; A920466.
A920467. Ginny Graves' Discovery stuff: twelve aonths of creative ideas. Text 6 ideas by Ginny Graves, illus. by Dean Graves. 60 p. on text; Ginny Graves; 14Jun77; A920467.
A920468. Ginny Graves' Discovery stuff: twelve aonths of creative ideas. Text 6 ideas by Ginny Graves, illus. by Dean Graves. 60 p. on illus.; Dean Graves; 14Jun77: A920468.
A920 469. Sweet winds. By Susan Schwartz. 1 v. Susan Schaartz: 21Sep77; A920469.
A920470. An Investigation of the recognition by post-secondary institutions of college credit earned in a high school-college articulation prograa. By Franklin Pierce Bilbur. HicrofilB. Franklin Pierce Bilbur; 15Nov77; A920470.
A920471. Notes toward the liberation of
journalism history: a study of five women
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