A920233 - A920271
JUL-DEC. 1977
&920233. Tl^OBas Carlyle's The French cevolutlon: an apocalyptic vision of history. By Doranne Crable-Sundmacher. Hicrofiln. Doranne Crable-Sandmacher; 15No»77; &920233.
1920234. danaqenent's preneqotiation preparation relative to master teacher contract rene«al in Hichiqan school districts. By fiobert Knovles Stuart. Hicrofiln. e Eobert Knonles Stuart; 15Nov77: A92023t.
&920235. & Psycholinquistic description of selected deaf children reading in siqn lanquaqe. By Carolyn Kay Eiioldt. Hicrofiln. Q Carolyn Kay EHoldt; 15BOV77: A920235.
1920236. LO¥-incoae housinq policy for deve- lopient: an evaluation of the Brazilian experience. By David Michael Vetter. Hicroflla. O David Michael Vetter: 15BOV77; A920236.
A920237. Advances in diqital slqnal processing with applications to airborne pulse doppler radar. By Daniel Dagfin Rivers. Hicrofila. Daniel oaqfin Bivers; 151IOV77: A920237.
1920233. Adoinistrative barqaininq units: their influence upon the conflict resolution styles and decisional participation of their oeabers. By Lucian Parshall. Bicrofilo. e Lucian Parshall; 15Hov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920238.
1920239. Application of activated conplei theory to elucidate mechanisii of intestinal absorption of sulfonanides in rats. By San-Launq Chov. Hicrofiln. Q San-Launq ebon; 15Sov77 (in notice: 1976); A920239.
A920240. The Effects of traininq helping professionals in huaan sexuality upon their verbal responses and the developaent of proqraamatic intervention. By Bobert Lloyd Clifton. Hicrofila. Bobert Lloyd Clifton; 15!lov77; A920240.
A920 241. Native Aaericans in Los Anqeles, a cross-cultural coaparison of assistance patterns in an urban environaent. By Joan Crofut Seibel. Hicrofila. O Joan Crofut Heibel; 15liov77: 1920241.
1920242. Probability and utility for decision theory. By Paul Bobert leirich. Hicrofila. e Paul Bobert leirich; 15HOV77: 1920242.
A920243. Profile classifications of children and adolescents on the personality inventory for children and related eapirlcal correlates. By Allan Bard Dehorn. Hicrofila. C Allan Bard Dehorn; 15Nov77; A9 20 243.
A920244. Change of orienting style during laboratory traininq: a Junqian pers- pective. By Vern Osborne Taylor. Hicrofiln. Vern Osborne Taylor; 151iOv77; A920244.
A9 20245. A Psycholinquistic analysis of the oral reading niscues qenerated by a selected qroup of Navajo speakers: a lonqitudinal study. By Diane Harie Dubois. Hicrofiln. e Diane Harie Dubois; 15Nov77; 1920245.
A920246. Nietzsche's theory of hunan nature: the political struggle of the creature/- creator- , By Benedict Hitch ell Jozefowicz. Microfilm. S Benedict Hitchell Joze- fowicz; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976); A920246.
A920247. Helodrama as a figure of aysticisn in Eugene O'Neill's plays. By Hary Miceli fiyba. Hicrofila. S Mary Miceli Byba; 15NOV77; A920247.
A920248. A Descriptive analysis of the rela- tionship between selected "pre-linguis- tic," linguistic and psycholinguistic neasures of readability. By Margaret Ann Lindberg. Hicrofiln. O Margaret Ann Lindberg; 15Nov77; A920248.
A92a24g. Industrial denand for electricity: analysis of pooled data of a single utility. By Heredith Slobod. Hicrofiln. & Deredith Slobod; 15Nov77; A920249.
A920250. Here presence and non-presence effects upon the behavior of forensic and non-forensic schizophrenic and noraal nales. By Gordon J. Blush. Microfilm. e Gordon J. Blush; 15Nov77; A920250.
A920251. A Survey of expressed attitudes of secondary principals of the State of Michigan toward chargicteristics of a theoretically ideal reading program. By Janice Freeman Burns. Hicrofila. Q Janice Freeman Burns; 15Nov77; A920251.
1920252. Fantastic fandango: state and underworld in early nodern Seville. By Hary Elizabeth Perry. Microfilm, e Mary Elizabeth Perry; 15Nov77; A920252.
1920253. Hadness in the contemporary Imerican novel. By Carol Booth Olson. Microfilm. Carol Booth Olson; 15Nov77; 1920253.
1920254. Labor and management negotiators in Kenya. By Brhane Tesfay. Hicrofiln. e Brhane Tesfay; 15lIov77; A920254.
1920255. A Begional econometric model of residential construction: an application to the Detroit metropolitan area. By Bodo Georg Kuljurgis. Hicrofiln. 6 Bodo Georg Kttljurqis; 15Nov77; A920255.
A920256. The Narrator in the fictional prose works of Ijolfqang Bildesheiner. By Margrit B. Blckelmann. Microfilm. e Margrit B. Blckelmann; 151lov77; A920256.
A920257. American prlvatism and the urban fiscal crisis of the interwar years: a financial study of the cities of New lork, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Boston, 1915-1945. By Br.uce Allen Hardy. Microfilm. O Bruce Allen Hardy; 15Nov77; A920257.
1920258. On the magnitude distribution of field galaxies. By George Rilliam Bainey, Jr. Microfilm. 6 George lillllam Balney, Jr.; T5NOV77; A920258.
1920259. Effects of Public Act 198 of 1971 on the achievement of special education students in the South Lake School District, Macomb County, Michigan. By Geraldlne Beatrice Goodstein Belsman. Hicrofilm. 9 Geraldlne Beatrice Goodstein Belsman; 15NOV77; A920259.
1920260. Bobust tests on the eguallty of dependent correlation coefficients. By Mini Chi-ilng Yu. Microfilm. 6 Mimi Chi-Hing Yu; 15Nov77; A920260.
A920261. The Immediate successors of Justinian: a study of the Persian problem and of continuity and change in internal secular affairs In the later Boman Empire during the reigns of Justin 2nd and Tiberius 2nd Constantine (A.D. 565-582) By Harry Norman Turtledove. Hicrofilm. 6 Harry Norman Turtledove; 15Nov77; A920261.
A920262. The Cult of the mother in Europe: the transformation of the symbolism of woman. By Steven James Sharbrough. Microfilm. 6 Steven James Sharbrough; 15Nov77; 1920262.
1920263. The Values of the school: a study of student and staff perceptions of the goals of the school and the hidden curriculun. By Lois Jerry Blanchard. Microfilm. © Lois Jerry Blanchard; 15Nov77; A920263.
A920264. The Belation of visual motor short term neaory to age and Intelligence. By David Alan Sugden. Hicrofila. O David llan Sugden; 15Nov77; 1920264.
A920265. Origin and development of the nineteenth century short story In Germany, France, Bussia, and the O.S.A. By Karl-Helnrlch Barsch. Hicrofilm. Q Karl-Helnrlch Barsch; 15Nov77; A920265.
A920266. Reflections of the law In the comedies of Etherege, iycherley, and Congreve. By Rosemary June Beless. Microfilm. @ Rosemary June Beless; 15Nov77; A920 266.
A920267. Educational administration — control and technique: a critical analysis of the subculture of educational adainlstrators as embodied in the literature of school management. By Hllllam Peter Foster. Microfilm. William Peter Foster; 15NOV77; A920267.
A920268. Beproductive variability among Papago women born 189 1-1930. By Malcolm Clyde Gray. Hicrofilm. Halcolm Clyde Gray; 15NOV77; A920268.
1920269. Sociocultural determinants of fertility: social mobility and fertility decline in Caracas, Venezuela. By Joseph llexander Grazlano. Hicrofilm. 6 Joseph llexander Grazlano; 15Nov77: 1920269.
1920 270. The Education of women: images from popular magazines. By Linda Lee Hather. Microfilm. Linda Lee Hather; 15Nov77; 1920270.
1920 271. Descriptive analysis pf a career elective program in a selected suburban
school district: a case study. By Marian
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