A920073 - A920110
JUL-DEC. 1977
4920072 (con.) tendeDcie£ in construction workers- By Jolene Deanu Heln. Hicrofila. Jolece Deann Hel»: 15Nov77; 4920072.
4920073. Hhat are the needs and interests in continuing education of Oniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln aluani residing in Nebraska? By Jerry Lee Sellentin. Kicrofiln. C Jerry Lee Sellentin: 15NOV77; 4920073.
49200711. Joseph Conrad's "simple idea" of fidelity in his life and iiorks. By Maria Sister Heliena Krenn. Microfiln. e sister Heliena Krenn; 15Nov77: 4920074.
4920075. The Analysis and assessment of engineering curriculum at selected engineering colleges toward the deve- lopment of guidelines to increase transferability of pre-enqineerinq programs in community colleqes. By Terence Edgar Davis. Microfilm. O Terence Edgar Davis; 15Nov77; 4920075.
4920076. Genetic characteristics and trans- formation of Mycobacterium saeqmatis. By Michael Vincent Norqard. Microfilm. © Michael Vincent Horgard; 15Nov77: A920076.
4920077. Endorser effectiveness as a function of product type- By Hershey Harry Friedman. Microfilm. Hershey Harry Friedman; 1580V77: 4920077.
A920078. Disintegrated man: a study of alienation in selected twentieth-century anti-utopian novels. By Edwin Boy Keller, Jr. Microfilm. C Edwin Hoy Keller, Jr.; 151iov77: 4920078.
4920079. The Development of an instrument to determine typewriting competence of entering students in post-secondary typewriting programs. By Birdie Hardage Holder. Microfilm, e Birdie Hardage Holder: 15Nov77; 4920079.
4920080. Montemayor's Diana: a translation and introduction- By Bose4nna M. Mueller. Microfilm. fio5e4nna M. Mueller; 15HOV77: 4920080.
4920081. 4pplication of absorbing Markov chains to a maintenance decision model. By Louis E- Geiler- Microfilm. 6 Louis E. Geilec; 15NOV77; 4920081.
4920082. 4 Flexible management system for vertical integration of feeder cattle production and feedlot operation. By Michael Thomas Doyle. Microfilm, e Michael Thomas Doyle; 15Nov77: 4920082.
A920083. Toward understanding the image of the working class in nineteenth century English novels. By Patricia B. Pendleton. Microfilm. Patricia B. Pendleton: 15llov77: 4920033-
4920084. The Synthesis of 2-(3-f uryloxymet- hyl) 1,3-dioxolane. By Carl Everette Cripe. Microfilm. 6 carl Everette Cripe; 15NOV77: 4920084.
4920085. The Search and reformation of language in the modern Italian novel. By Maria C. Salvatori. Microfilm- O Maria C. Salvatori; 15Nov77: 4920085.
4920086- School attendance in nineteenth century Pittsburgh: wealth, ethnicity and occupational mobility of school age children, 1855-1865. By Carolyn Sutcher Schumacher. Microfilm. Carolyn Sutcher Schumacher; 15Sov77; 4920086.
4920087. The Relationship between scores on the Porch index of communicative ability and a test of self-reinforcement with selected indices of functional verbal communication for adult aphasics. By 4rlene T. Kasprisin. Microfilm. 4rlene T. Kasprisin; 151iov77; 4920087-
4920088. The Question of the validity of lay baptism: its antecedents, theological foundations and influence in the history of the Church of England- By Hilliam Evans Martin. Microfilm. Rilliaa Evans Martin; 151lov77; A920088.
4920089- The Disinvestment stage in rural-urban land use conversion. By Oarryl Bicbard Goehring. Microfilm. O Darryl Bicbard Goehring; 15Hov77; 4920089.
4920090. Change as a concept in information system theory. By John 4nthony Hise. Microfilm. t> John 4nthony Bise; 1SNov77; 4920090.
A920091. The Design and evaluation of a strategic issue competitive information system. By Jamie Ivan fiodriguez. Microfilm. 6 Jamie Ivan Rodriguez; 15Nov77; A920091.
4920092. Spatial distribution and mobility of the aged in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1940-1970. By Hilliam Boris Kory. Microfilm, e Hilliam Boris Kory; 15KOV77; 4920092.
4920093. The Effectiveness of follow-up strategies in smoking cessation. By Robert Hubert Derden, Jr. Microfilm. e Robert Hubert Derden, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4920093.
A920094. Rehabilitation of incarcerated narcotic addicts as a function of need- press interactions. By Jeffrey Mark Kochnower. Microfilm. Jeffrey Mark Kochnower; 15NOV77; 4920094.
A920095. Fearful qaestioos, fearful answers; the intellectual functions of Gothic fiction. By Paul Lewis- Microfilm. Paul Lewis; 15NOV77; 4920095.
A920096. A Phenomenology of out-of-the-body experience. By Amy Victoria Sabatini. Microfilm. 9 Amy Victoria Sabatini; 15BOV77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920096.
A920097. A Theoretically relevant index of status for multi-item sociometric instruments. By Lloyd Gordon Hard. Microfilm. Lloyd Gordon Hard; 151iov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920097.
A920098. Ezra Pound's use of Moyriac De Mailla's Histoire generale de la Chine: a source study of the Chinese history cantos. By Roon-Pinq Chin Holaday. Microfilm. ioon-Ping Chin Holaday; 15Hov77; A920098.
A920099. The "One railroad family" of the Japanese National fiailways; a cultural analysis of Japanese industrial fami- lialism. By Paul Uideyo Noquchi. Microfilm. Paul Bideyo Noguchi; 15KOV77; 4920099.
4920100. Belationships and differences between the mother-child and the father-child interactions and the child's intellectual and language functioning. By Gerrian Miller Bobrowsky. Microfilm. O Gerrian Miller Bobrowsky; 15Nov77; A920100.
A920101. Political orqanization in Syria: a case of mobilization politics. By Baymond Aloysius Hinnebusch, Jr. Microfilm. e Baymond Aloysius Hinnebusch, Jr.; 15Nov77; A920101.
A9 20102. The Life and crimes of the steel qnitar player: private troubles and public issues. By Nornan Greenberg. Microfilm. e Norman Greenberg; 1511ov77; A920102.
A92ai03. The Spirit of God in the Synoptic Gospels and historical comparison and a re-appraisal. By Irvin Hesley Batdorf. Microfilm. 6 Irvin Hesley Batdorf; 1SNOV77; 4920103.
A920104. The Beltttionship of subvocal activity to encoding processes and recall in short-term memory. By Philip Ferrara. Microfilm. Philip Ferrara; 151lov77; A920104.
A9 2010 5. The Isolation and characterization of protein fractions utilized in E. coli DNA synthesis. By Christopher Phillip Hartman. Microfilm. O Christopher Phillip Hartman; 151lov77; A920105.
A920106. Ostension and perception: a theory of the reference of demonstrative terms in the context of some elementary perceptual statements- By Brian I. Baker- Microfila. © Brian I. Baker; 15Hov77; A920106.
A920107. The Effects of the regular use of context related and independent dramatic activities on selected component skills of critical thinking, on student attitudes and on the quality of dramatic perfor- mances in the English classroom. By Karen L. Cercone. Microfilm. O Karen L. cercone; 15Nov77; A920107-
A92010a. Internal population movements and urban unemployment in Kenya. By Tekie Fessehatzion. Microfilm. © lekie Fessehatzion; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920108.
A920109. Effects of auditory distraction and hunger arousal on task performance of obese and normal weight mentally retarded adults. By Marqaret Laska Drummond. Microfilm. © Margaret Laska Drummond; 15NOV77; A920109.
A920110. The Bole of calcium and cyclic AMP in insulin secretion from the Syrian hamster insulinoma. By Shelley M. Shapiro- Microfilm. © Shelley M. Shapiro;
15NOV77; A920110.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.