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A919954 - A919991


JUL-DEC. 1977

4919953 (con.) differences between ayopes and enaetropes as ceqards risk taking propensity, manifest anxiety and locus of control. By Peyton cook Greaves. nlcrofiln. Peyton Cook Greares; 15No»77; 4919953.

A919954. A Horld copper model for proiect desiqn. By Alfredo Juan Dammert. Hicrofilm. Alfredo Juan Dammert; 15aov77; A919954.

A919955. A Socioiinquistic analysis of mul- tilinqualism in Horocco. By Abdelaziz Abbassi. nicrofilm. O Abdelaziz Abbassi; t5llo»77: A919955.

A919956. The Effects of performance objectives on attitude and achievement of students enrolled in a principles of biology course for non- science majors at the Oniversity of Southern Hississippi. By Jerry Norman Bass, nicrofilm. Jerry Norman Bass; 151iov77: A9 19956.

A919957. A Survey of current fiscal practices for designated adult education agencies in Dississippi. By Barvin Amos Lav. Hicrofilm. Harvin Amos Lav; 15llov77: A919957.

A919958. The Choral music of Alun Uoddinott: an analysis and related conclusions coDcerninq performance. By Stewart Jay Clark. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all nev except p. 97-106. Stewart Jay Clark; 151IOV77: A919958.

A919959. The Hediating effects of self-esteem and noncontingent feedback in a self- reinforcement paradigm. By Thomas Leonard Bustak. Hicrofilm. Thomas Leonard Bustak: 15Nov77; A919959.

A919960. A Study of the history of Copiah-Lincoln Agricultural High School and Junior College, from 191U to Hay 31. 1976. By Annette Best Donnan. Hicrofilm. Annette Best Donnan; 15)lov77; A9 19960.

A919951. The Influence of male peers on the achievement and performance of females in pressured and non- pressured task situations. By Joseph Glover Grace 3rd. Hicrofilm. Joseph Glover Grace 3rd; 15HOV77; A919961.

A919962. A Study of some computer-simulated experiments in a college general chemistry laboratory course. By Claudia Smith Cavin. Hicrofilm. Claudia Smith Cavin; 15liov77; A9 19962.

A919963. A Study of emotionally disturbed adolescent groups: a comparative appraisal relative to teacher expectancy in the areas of self-concept, achievement, and intelligence. By Johnny Oiiain Foster. Hicrofilm. C Johnny Dwain Foster: 15NOV77: 4919963.

A919964. An Evaluation of media therapy with qroups of hospitalized schizophrenics. By Harvey Jerome Durbin, Jr. Hicrofilm. Harvey Jerome Durbin, Jr.; 15Nov77; »919964.

A919965. Self-concept chanqe of secondary school students as a function of exposure to a student centered Enqlish curriculum. By Patrick John O'Connor. Hicrofilm.

A919966. Theory of the effects of level broadening on the transport and optical properties of electrons in solids. By Sung-churl Han. Hicrofilm. Sung-churl Han; 151lov77; A919966.

A919967. An Investigation of the relationship of occupational aspiration to career maturity, self-concept and locus of control in adolescent females. By Arthur Eugene Newman. Hicrofilm. Arthur Eugene Newman; 15Nov77; A919967.

4919968. Jose De Caoizares; traditionalist and innovator. By Kim Lewis Johns. Hicrofilm. O Kim Lewis Johns; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A919968.

4919969. An Examination of executive development programs in private Illinois colleges and universities. By Thomas Edwin Hurray. Hicrofilm. O Thomas Edwin Hurray; 15NOV77; A919969.

A919970. Intergovernmental coordination: joint funding program, process and working model. By Sally Carolyn HcFarland. Hicrofilm. O Sally Carolyn HcFarland; 15NOV77; A919970.

A919971. The Orban scene: images of the city in American painting, 1890-1930. By Dominic fiicciotti. Hicrofilm. O Dominic Eicciotti; 15NOV77; A919971.

4919972. Sexual dialectic in four novels; the mythos of the masculine aesthetic. By Judith 4nn Spector. Hicrofilm. Judith Ann Spector; 15Nov77; A919972.

A919973. A Study of the relationship of racial integration to reading achievement in grades two, three and five in Alexandria, Virginia, city public schools. By James Paul Akin. Hicrofilm. O James Paul Akin; 15NOV77; A919973.

A919974. Testing the utility of VTfi feedback and microteaching's "respeak" principle in the speech classroom. By Peter Edward Veiss. Hicrofilm. Peter Edward Beiss. 15NOV77; 4919974.

A919975. Dependency and initiative: the psychological framework in Emerson's life and works. By Thornton Flournoy Jordan. Hicrofilm. Thornton Flournoy Jordan; 15NOV77; A919975.

A919976. An Exploratory study of the effec- tiveness Of two behavioral programs for weight reduction in parents and children. By Lynda Katherine Stone Simkins. Hicrofilm. Lynda Katherine Stone Simkins; 15Nov77; 4919976.

A919977. Factors affecting organizational change: a study of the National Conference on catholic Charities. By Donald C. Dendinger. Hicrofilm. O Donald C. Dendinqer; 15Nov77; 4919977.

4919978. The Tempest and the works of two Caribbean novelists: pitfalls in the way of seeing Caliban. By Elizabeth Nunez Harrell. Hicrofilm. O Elizabeth Nunez Harrell: 15Nov77: 4919978.

A919979. Hawthorne in America: a problem in identity. By John Carl Franzosa, Jr. Hicrofilm. O John Carl Franzosa, Jr.; 15BOV77: A919979.

4919980. The Classification and interpretation of S stars. By John Piccirillo. Hicrofilm. John Piccirillo: 15Nov77; 4919960.

4919981. Cents-off coupon as a promotional tool to change judgements and preferences. By Patricia Hargaret Hopkins. Hicrofilm. O Patricia Hargaret Hopkins; 15Nov77; 4919981.

4919982. The Effects of activity group counselijig and tutoring on changing attitudes, reading ability, and grade point averages of academically deficient veteran students. By James Alphonso Paschal. Hicrofilm. James Alphonso Paschal; 15NOV77; A9T9982.

A919983. The Bole Of ascending monoaminergic pathways in regulation of spontaneous locomotor activity and consummatory behaviors in rats. By Hohamad Saeed Shahid Salles. Hicrofilm. O Hohamad Saeed Shahid Salles; 15Not77; 4919983.

4919984. Bomen in fifteenth century cancioneros. By Hary Krehbiel Hosley. Hicrofilm. NH: p. 1-193. Hary Krehbiel Hosley; 15NOV77; A919984.

A919985. Non-linear galloping of bundle-conductor transmission lines. By Kenneth Edward Gawronski. Hicrofilm. O Kenneth Edward Gawronski; 15Nov77; A919985.

A919986. The Interaction of social-cognitive and physiological factors in premenstrual emotionality. By fiandi Kaye Daimon Koeske. Hicrofilm. G Gandi Kaye Daimon Koeske; 15Nov77; 4919966.

A919987. Effects of focusing training and hypothesis probes upon the hypothesis testing of concrete operational children. By Kathryn Sneddon Goodwin. Hicrofilm. O Kathryn Sneddon Goodwin; 15Nov77; A919987.

A919988. Second-career Catholic priests: a study of their level of job satisfaction, maturity and morale. By Thomas flenry Hicks. Hicrofilm, Thomas Henry Hicks; 15NOV77; A919988.

A919989. Heasurements of the yield of H+ and He* produced by elastic collisions of B*2 and He« (C non-printable data] 100 to 28a0eV) with surfaces of 4g, In, Pb, Pd, Sn and Zn. By Philip Joseph Adelmann. Hicrofilm. Philip Joseph Adelmann; 15NOV77; A919989.

A919990. Guidelines for health education intervention derived from the health belief model: an experimental study. By Emma Louise D. Bobinson. Hicrofilm. Emma Louise 0. Bobinson; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A919990.

A919991. The Effect of children's interactions with science-based materials on certain self-initiated behavioral patterns of four to five year old children. By Hary D. latridis. Hicrofilm. O Hary D. latridis;

15Nov77; A919991.


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