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A919876 - A919915


JUL-DEC. 1977

A919876. ka Analysis of teacher verbal aod ooDverbal behavior in relation to effective college teaching. By Thoias Eugene Halsh. Hiccofili. Thoaas Eugene ialsh; 15NOV77: A919876.

A919877. Political activism — does it iapact the quality of education? By Beth Saith Jacaan. Hicrofila. O Beth Saith Jaraan : 15HOV77: A919877.

A919878. The Developaent of coapetiti veness in Hoaen. By Karen Lynn Salley. Kicrofila. Karen Lynn Salley; 15liov77; A919878.

A919879. Aaerican pacifisa, 1919-19111: a rhetorical analysis. By Bayaond Joseph Heidt. Hicrofila. C Bayaond Joseph Heidt; 15Ho»77: A919879.

A919880. The poraativG period of Aaerican slave historiography, 1890-1920. By John David saith. Hicrofila. John David Smith; 15liov77: A919880.

A919881. Blacks in hoaogeneous and heterogeneous racial groups: the effects of racisa and the Bundane extreae environcent. By Uesley Eugene Profit. Hicrofila. O Vesley Eugene Profit; 15llov77; A919881.

A919882. Coaparisons of international student potential clients and counselors responses to questions related to cross-cultural counseling. By Biyad B. Bansour. Hicrofila. aiyad H. Hansour; 151iov77; A919882.

A919883. A Profile of weekend college prograaaing by aeabers of the Aaerican Association of State colleges and Universities. By Warren Meil Horton. Hicrofila. O Barren Neil Horton; 15Ho»77; A919883.

A919884. Qptiiua interest rate for a country under a floating exchange rate system. By Shigeyuki Abe. Hicrofila. Shigeyuki Abe; 15NOV77: A919884.

A919885. A Strategy for change: the Luiseco of southern California. By Florence Connolly Shipek. Hicrofila. Florence Connolly Shipek; 15Nov77; A919885.

A919886. Oikonoaia and draaatic function of seven Shakespearean orations. By Estella Sose Baker Gerstang. Hicrofila. Estella Rose Baker Gerstung; 15Nov77; A91988e.

A919887. Sex role stereotypes and children's memory for story content. By Sally A. Gentry. Hicrofilm. Sally A. Gentry; 15N0V77: A919887.

A919888. The Effect of grain characteristics on the shear modulus of gravels. By Baakumar Beniwal. Hicrofilm. Bamkuaar Beniwal; 15IIOVT7; A919888.

A919889. A Study of the effectiveness of the mask technigue as a facilitator of self- disclosinq behavior in adolescents. By Sharon Fran Tiger-Heskin. Hicrofilm. Sharon Fran Tiger-Heskin; 15Nov77;

A919889. fiction for children, 191*5-1975. By Gladys Faye Blue. Hicrofilm. Gladys Faye Blue; 15»ov77: A919890.

A919891. A Comparison of the effects of using cognitive restructuring, relaxation techniques and frontalis electroayograph biofeedback training to induce Ion arousal responses to stress. By Betty Saith lorde. Hicrofilm. Betty Saith Yorde; 15IIOV77; A919891.

A919892. An Appraisal of the fear-effectiveness relationship and the ability of certain demographic and psychographic variables to moderate the relationship: a field study. By John James Burnett. Hicrofilm. John James Burnett; 151lov77; A919892.

A919393. Evaluation of the H-function inversion integral. By John Noel Lovett, Jr. Hicrofilm. O John Noel Lovett, Jr.; 15NOV77: A919893.

A919891t. The Bhetorical dimension: an arti- culation of the philosophy of Justus Buchler. By Baymond G. Coutant. Hicrofila. Baymond G. Coutant; 15BOV77; A919891.

A919895. Variability of Beterodera glycines races and genetics of parasitic capabilities on soybeans. By Hazo Price. Hicrofilm. O Hazo Price; 15Nov77; A919895.

A919896. Differential effects of Carkhuff model coamunicatlons skills training on selected sex-role types. By H. David Freely. Hicrofilm. O B. David Freely; 15Nov77: A919896.

A919897. Strip mines and fluvial systems: geomorphic effects and environmental impact in northeastern Oklahoma. By Nathan Kale Heleen. Hicrofilm. O Nathan Hale Heleen: 15Nov77; A919897.

A9 19898. Dse of the cloze procedure as a criterion for measuring the readability of selected patient education materials for older adults. By Carol Ann Bolcomb. Hicrofilm. O Carol Ann Uolcomb; 15»ov77; A919898.

A9 19899. An Automated audio-taped interview for children: feasibility and related factors. By Kathleen Harianne HcNamara. Hicrofilm. Kathleen Harianne HcNamara; 15Nov77; A919899.

A919900. Curricular materials for teaching post secondary students about notable American vomen, 1920-1970. By Yvonna Ann Nilson. Hicrofilm. O Yvonna Ann Bilson; 15Nov77: A919900.

A919901. General purchasing power financial statements — a behavioral study. By Kenneth Bay Lambert. Hicrofilm. e Kenneth Bay Lambert; 15Nov77; A919901.

A919902. The Filipino entrepreneurs of Bawaii: an inquiry into their roots and success. By Federico viliavicencio Hagdalena. Hicrofilm. O Federico Viliavicencio Hagdalena; 15Nov77; A919902.

A919903. Effects of chronic dimethyl sulfoxide drinking by mice on protein synthesis of brain. By Eugene uilliam Fleming. Hicrofila. 6 Eugene Hilliaa Fleming; 15NOV77; A9I9903.

A91990'l. Toxin produced by phytopbthora cryptogea and related species active on tobacco. By Alex Stephen Csinos. Hicrofilm. Alex Stephen Csinos; 15Nov77: A919904.

A919905. Peirce: the argument for realism and the efficacy of law. By Evan Hatthew Dudik. Hicrofilm. O Evan Hatthew Dudik; 15NOV77; A919905.

A919906. Qualitative and quantitative natural products chemistry of a desert plant community, Andalgala Valley, Argentina: a chemical-ecological study. By Daniel Bichard Difeo, Jr. Hicrofilm. Daniel Eichard Difeo, Jr.; 15Nov77; A919906.

A919907. Competition and efficiency in a developing capital market: the case of Hexico, 1966-1973. By Robert Frank Dieli. Hicrofilm. Bobert Frank Dieli; 15NOV77; A919907.

A919908. The Belationship consultant equali- tarianism and teacher-consultant attitude similarity to teacher ratings of consultant helpfulness. By Nancy Josephine Pleury Derby. Hicrofilm. O Nancy Josephine Fleury Derby; 15Nov77; A919908.

A919909. Attitudes and opinions of adminis- trators, elementary teachers, and secondary teachers regarding the metric system and its implementation in the schools of Louisiana. By Jesse Hylie Scott. Hicrofilm. Jesse Uylie Scott; 15IIOV77; A919909.

A919910. Selected high school factors as predictors of achievement in freshman college biology. By Douglas Bennett Schexnayder. Hicrofilm. C Douglas Bennett Schexnayder; 15Nov77; A919910.

A919911. A Follow-up study of specialists and doctoral graduates receiving degrees during the years 1962-1975 in the areas of elementary and secondary education in the Department of curriculum and Instruction at the University of Southern Hississippi. By Elton Peter Baby, Jr. Hicrofilm. C Elton Peter Baby, Jr.; 15Nov77; A919911.

A919912. The Function of gender and sex role orientation in self concept elevation via verbal reinforcement. By David N. Penton. Hicrofila. O David N. Penton; 15Nov77; A919912.

A919913. Play and inter-ethnic communication: a practical ethnography of the Hescalero Apache. By Claire Rafferty Farrer. Hicrofilm. C Claire Bafferty Farrer; 1SNOV77: A919913.

A919914. The Therapeutic effects of systematic career orientation on the vocational anxiety of high school juniors and seniors. By Hary Anne O'Brien. Hicrofilm. O Hary Anne O'Brien; 15llov77; A919914.

A919915. A Short term economy-security power system operations cost model. By Edsel Poston Hamilton 3rd. Hicrofilm. C Edsel

Poston Hamilton 3rd; 15»ov77; A919915.


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