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A919836 - A919875


JUL-DEC. 1977

4919836. Characteristics of the popular Anerican short story: 1800-1850; an anthologir of ffliddie class fiction. Br Alan Bruce Dittrich. HicrofilB. Appl. states all Dew except appendix 4 & B. Alan Bruce Dittrich: 1SNov77: 4919836.

4919837. An Investigation of the practices and value of fanily education benefits at selected public institutions with Bembership in the Southern Association of Colleqes and Schools. By Joseph Berenqher Brechtel. HicrofilD. Joseph Berenqher Brechtel; 15Nov77: A919837.

4919838. Hanaqesept succession: froa the owner-founder to the professional president. By Haryaa Tashakori. Mlcrofila. Haryaa Tashakori: 15Hov77: A919838.

4919839. 4dult speech coBnunica tion education: analysis of learnloq strateqies in Toastmasters International. By Jacqueline Buck Frischknecht. flicrofiln. O Jacqueline Buck Frischknecht: 1SNov77; A919839.

A9198ItO. iOBen and aen in rural Lesotho: the periphery of the periphery. By Hartha Burton Dueller. Hicrofllm. e Hartha Burton Hueller; 15No»77; A9 19840.

A91981t1. A CoBparison of academic achieveaent of reqular students and post-developaental students in technical education proqraas at a selected coBBUnity colleqe. By Bussell Frank Jerd, Sr. MicrofilE. e Bussell Frank Jerd, Sr.; 15Nov77: A9198it1.

A9198H2. Speech coBBunicatioo in traditional and conteaporary aarriaqes. By John Thornton HastersoQ, Jr. Hicrofila. G John Thornton Mastecson, Jr.; 15Nov77; A9198H2.

A9198I13. 4 Socio-leqal analysis of the Mas- sachusetts stubborn child law. By Harriet Hillec Skillern. Hicrofila. Harriet Hiller Skillern; 15No»77: 4919843.

4919844. The Socialization of a socioloqist: as researcher and huaan beinq. By shulaait Tirzah Rothschild Beinharz. Hicrofilo. e Shulaait Tirzah Bothschild Beinharz; 15Ho»77: 49 19844.

4919845. Thomas Bharton, 1730/31-1784: merchant in Philadelphia. By Jaaes Donald Anderson. Hicrofila. O James Donald Anderson: 15Sov77; 4919845.

A919846. An Inquiry into Bokeach value patterns as predictors of attitudes and beliefs. By Alan Graham Tuft. Hicrofila. 41an Graham Tuft; 15Hov77; 4919846.

A919847. Carbon- 13 HHB studies of the reactions of bisulfite with biologically important pyriaidines and haloqenated pyriaidines. By John Hilliaa Triplett. Hicrofilm. e John Killiaa Triplett; 15No»77; A919847.

4919848. Convective instabilities in a closed vertical cylinder. By Jerry Hichael Olson. Hicrofila. O Jerry Hichael Olson; 15IIOV77; 4919848.

4919849. Life events and health status. By Prudie Luther orr. Hicrofila. Prudie Luther orr; 15Hov77; A919849.

4919850. Computinq optimum reduced-order aodels of linear systeas and developing nuaerical methods to minimize functions of one and several variables without calculating derivatives. By Hichael Peter French. Hicrofilm. e Hichael Peter French; 151iov77: A919850.

4919851. In the strong woods. By Paul Stephen Lehmberg. Hicrofila. Paul Stephen Lehmberq; 151lov77; 4919851.

4919852. The Concept of substance: its roles in contemporary philosophy. By Burton Garrison Hurdle, Jr. Hicrofila. Burton Garrison Hurdle, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4919852.

4919853. Use of polyperiod programming techniques in analyzing farm business growth for young farmers: an ex ante approach. By Johnson olu Adedeji. Hicrofila. e Johnson Olu Adedeji; 15Nov77; 4919853.

4919854. 4 Study of the humanities prograas in the coBBUnity junior colleges of Oklafaoaa. By Clyde Bradford Garrett, Jr. Hicrofilm. Clyde Bradford Garrett, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4919854.

4919855. Estimated capital and operating costs of providing a basic program of priaary > education in Iraq: 1980-1995. By Hohamaed Said Bussain. Hicrofila. 6 Hohammed Said Hussain; 15Nov77; 4919855.

4919856. The Traditional Japanese dwelling in Hawaii. By Hary Ellen Des Jarlais. Hicrofilm. 6 Hary Ellen Oes Jarlais: 15NOV77; A919856.

A919857. An Evaluation of teacher education programs in vocational home economics in Kentucky. By Hartha Bickett Frost. Hicrofilm. Hartha Bickett Frost; 15HOV77; A919857.

4919858. The Development and evaluation of a family care proqraa for an urban church. By Donald Edward HcGehee. Hicrofilm. Donald Edward HcGehee; 15Nov77; 4919858.

4919859. 4 Study of word processing centers resulting in the development of a word processing instructional manual. By Hilda Jean Turner. Hicrofila. 6 Hilda Jean Turner; 1SNov77; 4919859.

4919860. The -product 'aanager's normative role in strategic planning: a study of product aanagers employed by selected firas in the grocery products industry. By Thomas Jaaes Cosse. Hicrofilm. O Thomas James Cosse; 15Noy77; 4919860.

4919861. A Comparative analysis of Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus* and Saakara's Advaita vedanta with an introduction to the logic of coBparative aethodology. By Daniel S. Goldenberg. Hicrofila. Daniel S. Goldenberg; 151Iov77; 4919861.

A919862. Soae correlates of worker perception and perforaance in selected retail sales personnel. By Don Jerry Helms.

A919863. Postnatal changes in rat ventricular function. By Sidney Franklin Hopkins, Jr. Hicrofilm. Q Sidney Franklin Hopkins* Jr.; 15IJOV77; 4919863.

4919864. The Design of a data aanageaent system and a real estate data base for use in classrooa instruction and acadeaic research. By Jaaes Hayue Patterson. Hicrofilm. O James Hayne Patterson; 15SOV77; 4919864.

4919865. The Life and works of Bertita Carla camille Leonarz Harding. By Kathy Kirry Hockley. Hicrofilm. Kathy Kirry Bockley; 15Nov77; 4919865.

4919866. The "Immense journey" of an artist: the literary technique and style of Loren Eiseley. By Jaaes H. Schwartz. Hicrofilm. e James H. Schwartz; 15Nov77; 4919866.

4919867. Le Chretien Bernanos, ecrivain engage. By Guido Edmund Caspani. Hicrofila. O Guido Edaund Caspani; 15Nov77: 4919867.

A919868. The Effects of experiaental meditation, relaxation training and electroayographic feedback on physiological and self-report measures of relaxation and altered states of consciousness. By Bichard Neville Traynham. Hicrofila. O Bichard Neville Traynham; 15Hov77; A919868.

A919869. Plant communities of the Steens Hountain subalpine grassland and their relationship to certain environaental eleaents. By John Hilliam Hairs. Hicrofila. John lilliaa Hairs; 15llov77; 4919869.

A919870. Economic education for Nigeria. By Jones Hkpanaa Ekere'ke. Hicrofila. 6 Jones Hkpanaa Ekere'ke; 15Nov77; 4919870.

4919871. A Far -infrared and Hoessbauer study of some tin chelate complexes: correlation with the hard and soft acid-base concept. By Hilliam T. Ayers. Hicrofila. e Hilliaa T. Ayers; 15liov77: A919871.

A919872. The Effects of heaoglobin supplements upon maximal oxygen uptake. By Jaaes Anthony fiatesky. Hicrofila. 6 Jaaes Anthony Batesky; 15Nov77; A919872.

A919873. An Empirical analysis of the effects of diversification upon a motor comaon carrier: a case study of Arkansas Best Freight System, Inc. By Jaaes Horcis Daley. Hicrofilm. James Horris Daley; 15NOV77: A919873.

A919874. The History of education in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan (1921-1975) By Eid Hasan Dirani. Hicrofilm. O £id Hasan Dirani; 15Nov77; A919B74.

A919875. The Interrelationship between alter- native configurations and functions of land transportation networks. By Garry Kenneth Kessler. Hicrofilm. 6 Garry

Kenneth Kessler; 15Nov77; A919875.


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