A919756 - A919795
JUL-DEC. 1977
i919755 (con.) Euth Mullen. Hicrofilii. Kathleen Buth Sullen: 15NOV77: 4919755.
A919756. Patients' expectancies, Dotivation and perceptions of chanqe in the first phase of psychotherapy. By Da rid Guyon King, MicrofilB. C Dayid Guyon King; 15Sov77; 4919756.
4919757. An Analysis of the Thai IPST biology prograo in terms of classrooo activities and attitudes. By Pisarn SoydharuB. Hicrofiln. C Pisarn Soydhurus: 15NOV77; A9 19757.
4919758. A Psychological analysis of affective education and its effects on awareness and self-concept. Dy Margaret-Mary Fonte McMurry. Microfila. 6 Margaret-Mary Foate McMurry; 15Ilov77: A919758.
A919759. Begulating community antenna television by local franchise: the Ohio experience. By Gary Eugene Sellers. Microfilm. O Gary Eugene Sellers; 15Nov77; 4919759.
4919760. The Fabrication of beauty: the art of Hishima lukio. By Hichiko Niikuni Rilson. Microfilm. 6 Michiko Niikani Hilsoo; 15NOV77: 4919760.
4919761. Corporate effectiveness. By Michel Henri Montebello. Microfilm. Michel Henri Montebello; 15Nov77; 4919761.
4919762. Currlculam. public policy and criticism: an analysis of the controversies surrounding Man: a course of study. By Larry Lloyd Kraus. Microfilm. 6 Larry Lloyd Kraus: 15Nov77; A919762.
4919763. A Comparison of some aspects of educational programs for traditional and nontraditional students in selected Texas nunior colleges. By Paul Allan Myers. Hicrofilm. 6 Paul Allan Myers: 15Nov77: A919763.
A9197611. La Theorie du langage et I'art d'ecrire Chez Condillac. By Kurt Kraetschmer. Microfilm. Kurt Kraetschmer: 1SKov77: 49197614.
4919765. Urbanization and outdoor recreation in Canada. By Nicholas Michael Lazarovich. Hicrofilm. e Nicholas Michael Lazarouich; 15NOV77: A919765.
4919766. The Service of nursing; theory development using market research. By Beverlyanue Shiely Bobinson. Microfilm. e Beverlyanne Shiely Bobinson: 15Hov77; 4919766.
A919767. The Huge delusion: a study of the young emperors and Roman historians. By Phillip Anthony Hesser. Hicrofilm. Phillip Anthony Hesser; 15Nov77; 4919767.
A919768. Development of a systems model of organizational imperatives from an analysis of goals of three community colleges in Texas. By Bruce Harper Leslie. Microfilm. 9 Bruce Harper Leslie; 15Nov77; A919768.
A9 19769. Behavior of post-tensioned polymer- impregnated concrete beans. By Ekasit
A919770. High School socialization and the social relations of production. By Brent Mack Shea. Hicrofilm. Brent Mack Shea; 15NOV77; 4919770.
4919771. Two plays on the black experience: from conception to production. By Curtis Leroy Hilliams. Microfilm. Curtis Leroy fcilliams; 15Nov77: 4919771.
A919772. Sex-role stereotypes and judgment of mental health in psychotherapy. By Catherine Lynn Lockhart. Microfilm- Catherine Lynn Lockhart; 15Nov77; A919772.
A919773. Values in value systems. By Steven Inglis LaH. Hicrofilm. @ Steven Inglis Law: 15NOV77: A919773.
4919774. The Theatre of the mind: aesthetic response and the fienaissance imagination. By Donn Ervin Taylor. Hicrofilm. Donn Ervin Taylor; 15»ov77; A919774.
A9 19775. A Study of the abilities of normally hearing and hearing impaired children and youth to rewrite certain indirect discourse sentences into direct discourse. By Boberta Binghand Truax. Microfilm. Boberta Binghand Iruax; 15Nov77; A919775.
A919776. The Effects of participation in selected activities from the biological sciences curriculum study-elementary school sciences program on the enhancement of listening skills. By Jennifer Buth Hallenfels Swift. Hicrofilm. Jennifer Buth Ballenfels Swift; 15Nov77; A919776.
A919777. Non-fastinq triglyceride determinations in descriptive and detection screening: an epidemiological assessment. By John Ainslie Morrison. Microfilm. G John Ainslie Morrison; 15Nov77: A919777.
4919778. Communication of influence: management style of women executives. By Norma Jo Selvidge. Microfilm. Norma Jo Selvidge; 15Nov77: A9 19778.
A919779. Guarantees of the residual value of capital assets: a theoretical, empirical and managerial framework. By James Kent Malernee, Jr. Microfilm. James Kent Malernee, Jr.; 15Nov77; A919779.
A919780. An Investigation of the learning environment of a student acquiring Ch as a second language: a case study. By Jack Levitt, Jr. Hicrofilm. Jack Levitt, Jr.; 1SHov77; 4919780.
A919781. The Bole of bank cards in electronic funds transference. By Robert Hesley HcLeod. Hicrofilm. Q Bobert Besley McLeod; 15Nov77; A919781.
49 19782. The College assistance migrant program: a study of migrants in higher education. By Carlos Higuel Laredo. Microfilm, e Carlos Higuel Loredo; 15Nov77: A919782.
4919783. Cognitive preferences in mathematics of elementary teachers: identification and relationships. By Bonnie Lee Aufenkamp Heimbuch. Hicrofilm. 6 Bonnie Lee Aufenkamp Heimbuch: 15Nov77: A919783.
A9 19784. The Shear strength of reinforced concrete beam-column joints. By Donald Fred Meinheit. Hicrofilm. Donald Fred Heinheit; 15Nov77; 4919784.
A9197e5. Bapax legomena in Biblical Hebrew: a study of the phenomenon and its treatment since antiquity with special reference to verbal forms. By Frederick Edward Greenspahn. Microfilm. Frederick Edward Greenspahn; 1SHov77; A9 19785.
A919786. The Ideologues: from the Enlightenment to positivism. By Thomas Ernest Kaiser. Microfilm. Thomas Ernest Kaiser; 15NOV77 {in notice: 1976): 4919786.
A919787. An Empirical study of individual congruence and the perceived organi- zational practices — job satisfaction — job performance relationship in selected electronic computer data processing centers. By Charles Kenneth Boodruff. Microfilm. Charles Kenneth Roodrnff; 15BOV77; 4919787.
A919788. 4 Decade of turmoil: John L. Lewis and the anthracite miners, 1926-1936. Pt. 1-2. By Douglas Keith Monroe. Microfilm. Douglas Keith Monroe; 15Mov77 (in notice: 1976); 4919788.
4919789. A Comparative study of an audio-tutorial and a conventional lecture method of instruction in biological science courses for non-science majors at Jackson State Oniversity. By Bobert John Anthony, Sr. Hicrofilm. O Bobert John Anthony, Sr. ; 15NOV77: A919789.
A919790. Sidney's argumentative prose and the new Arcadia: classical rhetorical structures. By Harry G. Kelleher. Hicrofilm. Harry G. Kelleher; 1SNov77; 4919790.
A919791. Predicting students' use of unstructured time in a senior high school employing a flexible modular schedule. By Gary Bendell Stamm. Hicrofilm. Gary Uendell Stamm; 15IIot77; A919791.
A919792. Transfer of learning of visually perceived two and three-dimensional forms. By Christopher Von Loebe Shatsby. Microfilm. 6 Christopher Von Loebe Shatsby; 15Hov77; A919792.
A919793. The Bole of General Lucio Blanco in the Mexican Bevolution, 1913-1922. By Alfonso Franco Sapia-fiosch. Microfilm. 6 Alfonso Franco Sapia-Bosch; 15Nov77; 4919793.
491979U. The Healing power of poetry: from Heidegger's Poesis to illustrations from representative nineteenth-century thinkers. By Barbara 4nn Deck. Microfilm, e Barbara 4nu Deck; 15Nov77: 4919794.
4919795. Public affairs and the Jewish community: the changing political world of San Francisco Jews. By David Gil Dalin. Microfilm, e David Gil Dalin; 15Nov77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.