A919716 - A919755
JUL-DEC. 1977
4919715. ItalT and the itlantic alliaDce. By llan Bobert Fosoer. Hicrofila. Alan Bobert Posner: 151lo»77; A919716.
A919717. nvthico-ritualistic notifs io Indian DVSticiSB: a phenoaeooioqical approach. By Carl Olson, Jr. Hicrofila. Carl Olson, Jr.; 15Ko»77: A919717.
A919718. Perforsance practice in American opera at the turn of the nineteenth century as seen in c^iildren in the wood, a rep- resentative Busical entertainoeut. By Susan Locaine Porter. Hicrofila. Susan Loraine Porter: 15»o»77: A919718.
A919719. The Elusive self: psyche anl spirit in Virqinia Uoolf's novels. By Louise Ann Poreskv. Hicrofila. Louise Ann Poreskv: 15Uo»77; A919719.
A919720. The Baa and the chipped: an analysis of correlations between raw naterial and tools of a lithic industry froa Tell El Hesi, Israel. By iilliaa Hichael Baaaond. Hicrofila. C Billiaa Hichael Haaaond; 1580V77: A919720.
A919721. Faaily production and reproduction in industrial society: a field study of chanqes durinq the peasant to worker transition in Europe. By ianda Jean Hinqe-Kalaan. Hicrofila. O Uanda Jean Minqe-Kalaan; 15Nov77: A919721.
A9 19722. Mew beqinninqs: the story of five black entrepreneurs who aiqrated froa Saoford, Florida, to Bochester, New lork. By Euqene Barrinqton. Hicrofila. Eageoe Barrinqton: 15Hov77: A919722.
A919723. Quiet diploaacy versus assertiveness in Hestern European coaaunisa: the case of the PCF and PCI. By Aaiel Aryeh Onqar. Hicrofila. Aaiel Aryeh Onqar; 15Nov77; A919723.
A91972U. The Developaent of aeaory: a study of recall and recoqnition of inforaation in narratives and pictorial sequences. By Dorothy Diane Gould Poulsen. Hicrofila. O Dorothy Diane Gould Poulsen; 15Hov77; A91972U.
A919725. Alexander Tairov and the scenic artists of the Hoscow Kaaerny Theater, 1914-1935. By Thoaas Joseph Torda. Hicrofila. O Thoaas Joseph Torda; l5Hov77: A919725.
A919726. Conflicts in Hesiod's Borks and days: an inquiry into the poea's coaposition. By Newton Isaac Tennison. Hicrofila. O Newton Isaac Tennison; 15Nov77; A919726.
A919727. Shakespearean traqedy as a rite of passaqe: an analysis of plot and structure. By Heera Thaaaayya Clark. Hicrofila. Heera Thaaaayya Clark; 15NOV77; A919727.
A919728. Interdisciplinary practice use of the concept of psycholoqical parenthood in contested child custody cases resulting froa divorce. By Jane Finsaith charnas. Hicrofila. Jane Finsaith Charnas; 15NOV77; A919728.
A919729. Teaperature effects on the activated sludqe process. By Basia Aziz Sayigh. Hicrofila. O Basia Aziz Sayigh; 15Nov77; A919729.
A919730. A Sociolinquistic analysis of the requests of aothers to their two-year-old dauqhters. By Carole Goss Orzua. Hicrofila. O Carole Goss Urzua; 1SNov77; A919730.
A919731. Growth rate prediction aodels for Aaerican oysters qrown in systeas with various flow characteristics. By Larry Steven Turner. Hicrofila. O Larry Steven Turner; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A919731.
A919732. Psychiatric experts, guardian ad litea attorneys and civil coaoitaent: training lawyers to cope with expert testiaony. By Nornan Godfrey Poythress, Jr. Hicrofila. Noraan Godfrey Poythress, Jr.; 15Nov77; A919732.
A919733. The City as metaphor in three works by Jaaes Joyce. By Paul Jon Butera. Hicrofila. Paul Jon Butera; 15Nov77; A919733.
A919734. An Analysis of urban activity space: the case of Newport, Kentucky. By Hary Ellen Hazey. Hicrofila. O Hary Ellen Hazey; 15NOV77; A919734.
A919735. A Test of a two-stage process for the adoption of subject roles in psychology experiaents. By Eric Brighaa Hinturn. Hicrofila. O Eric Brighaa Hinturn; 15NOV77; A919735.
A919736. Differential perceptions of aale and feaale assertive and aggressive stiaulus persons by aale and feaale raters. By Linda Carol Hukasch. Hicrofila. Linda Carol Bukasch; 15NOV77; A919736.
A919737. Identification and analysis of the "non-sedentary" archaeological site in northwestern New Hexico. By Baiter Kirkland Bait, Jr. Hicrofila. Halter Kirkland Bait, Jr.; 15Nov77; A919737.
4919738. The Deterainants and consequences of redistributive policy in the welfare sector: a causal, tiue-series analysis. By Bobert Leroy Seufert. Hicrofila. Bobert Leroy Seufert; 15Nov77; A919738.
A919739. Lyric structure: aodern theory and critical practice. By Hark Louis Lehnan. Hicrofila. Hark Louis Lehaan; 15Nov77; A919739.
491971(0. Boqer Aschaa* Toxophilus: the rise and fall of the longbow. By Billiaa Ellsworth Saith. Hicrofila. O Billiaa Ellsworth Saith; 15»ov77: A9197it0.
A9197K1. Jaaes Britton and the teaching of writing in selected British aiddle and secondary schools. By Thoaas Bead Newkirk. Hicrofila. Thoaas Bead Newkirk; 15Hov77; A919741.
A919742. The Anatoay of a conqueror: the iaage and reality of Lucius Aeailius Panllus. By Billiaa Lester Beiter. Hicrofila. O Billiaa Lester Beiter; 15Nov77; A9197it2.
A9197a3. Androgyny in nursing: nurse role expectation, satisfaction, acadeaic achieveaent and self-actualization in aale and feaale students. By Shirley Helat Ziegler. Hicrofila. O Shirley Helat Zicgler; 15Nov77; A9197113.
A919744. Season's case against reason: the limits of rational assessment in aorals. By Herritt Jaaes Ballick. Hicrofiln. Herritt James Ballick; 15Nov77; A919744.
A9197l(5. Ideology and diploaacy: the iapact of reformed religion on foreign policy and diplomatic practice in the first decade of Elizabeth 1st. By Barren Stephens Curry. Hicrofilm. Barren Stephens Curry; 15NOV77; A919745.
A9197t6. Paul Celan's Ich-Du dilemma: its relationship to the themes of poetic language and the holocaust. By Donna Elaine Bobinson. Hicrofilm. Donna Elaine Bobinson; 15Nov77; A919746.
A9197'47. A Comparative study of the contextual clues found in prose and poetry foras of literary discourse. By Douglas Alan Toaas. Hicrofila. Douglas Alan Tomas; 15NOV77; A9197t7.
A9197lt8. Anarcho-capitalism: the development of an alternative to governaent. By David Edward Osterfeld. Hicrofilm. O David Edward Osterfeld; 15Nov77; A9197it8.
A9197lt9. The Site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem: its pre- Constantinian and Constantinian phases. By James Earl Phillips. Hicrofilm. O James Earl Phillips; 15Nov77; A9197i(9.
A919750. The Bole of smaller commercial banks in the emerging reality of electronic funds transference systems. By Gary Eugene Bood. Hicrofilm. Gary Eugene Bood; 1SNOV77; A919750.
A919751. The Bole of the sociology department chairperson in three selected Texas universities. By Nancy Adele Saunders. Hicrofilm. O Nancy 4dele Saunders; 15NOV77; A919751.
A919752. The Order of acquisition of certain oral English structures by native-speaking children of Spanish, Cantonese, Tagalog and Ilokano learning English as a second language between the ages of five and te{i. By Betty Jane Hace Hatluck. Microfilm. O Betty Jane Bace Hatluck; 15Nov77; A919752.
A919753. The Impact ot O.S. income taxation on the financing and earnings remittance decisions of O.S. -based multinational firms with controlled foreign corpo- rations. By Kenneth Howard Heller. Hicrofilm. O Kenneth Howard Heller; 15NOV77; 4919753.
49197511. The Bational theology of Bolfhart Pannenberg: a philosophic critique. By David Everette HcKenzie. Hicrofilm. O David Everette HcKenzie; 15Nov77; 4919754.
Hanipulation of perspective in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop. By Kathleen
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