A919674 - A919715
JUL-DEC. 1977
S91967I). Simulatinq the uatei; qQality impacts of Den developnent around Owasco Lake, New York, usinq qeoqraphic based iof ornatioji. By Steven Ira Gordon, fiicrofiln. e Steven Ira Gordon: 151lov77; 4919671.
4919675. An optimization model of energy related economic development in the Opper Colorado Biver Basin under conditions of water and enerqv resource scarcity. By Glenn Edward Morris. Microfilm. @ Glenn Edward Morris: 15Hov77: 4919675.
4919676. The Effects of reading* listening* and television presentations of students' verbal comprehension. By Harcy Perl Scbaffer. Microfilm. Marcy Perl Schaffer; 15Nov77: 4919676.
4919677. La Presence de la femae dans la vie et dans I'oeuvre poetigue de Guillaume 4pollinaire. By Katharine Ball Bodriguez. Microfilm. 3 Katharine Ball Bodriguez: 15NOV77: 4919677.
4919678. The Concept of mind in the thought of Claude Levi-strauss. By Giorgio Salzano. Microfilm, e Giorgio Salzano: 15lio»77: A919678.
4919679. The Trickster myth and Chaucer's Pardoner. By Howard Paul Movshovitz. Microfilm. 6 Howard Paul Movshovitz;- 15NOV77: 4919679.
A919680. K. M. Hunshi; Indian artist and nationalist with a translation of Dhruvasvaminidevi. By Jayana Anil Sheth. Microfilm. @ Jayana 4nil Sheth; 15Nov77: 4919680.
49 19681. La Imagen del caudillo en la novela hispanoamericana contemporanea. By Mercedes 4risso Thompson. Microfilm. @ Mercedes 4ris5o Thompson: 15Not77; 4919681.
4919682. Feeling and form in exegesis and preaching: an essay in hermeneutics and hosiletics based on the philosophy of art of Susanne K- Langer. By Bonald James 411en. Microfilm. @ Bonald James 411en: 15HOV77: A919682.
4919683. An Evaluation of participative work redesign: a longitudinal field experiment. By William Edward Bosenbach. Microfilm. Hilliaa Edward Bosenbach; 15llov77; 4919683.
491968a. The Effect of large herbivores on aspen in Bocky Mountain National Park. By Charles Edward Olmsted 3rd. Microfilm, e Charles Edward Olmsted 3rd: 15Nov77; 4919681.
49196S5. The Bedchamber in the reign of George 2nd. By Jean Gray McGinnis. Microfilm, e Jean Gray McGinnis; 15IJov77; 4919685.
A91968e. Silence: its structure and significance in twentieth-century drama. By Sister Elizabeth Michael Boyle, O.P. Microfilm. e Sister Elizabeth Michael Boyle, O.P. ; 15KOV77: A9 19686.
A919687. Greek statuary of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.: the methodology of descriptive analysis through measurement. By Jeffrey Buesch. Microfilm. 6 Jeffrey fiuesch; 15(lov77: 4919687.
4919688. 4 Comparative analysis of the phi- losophical origins of major theories of counseling and psychotherapy. By Thomas Edward McNamara. Microfilm. Thomas Edward McNamara; 15Nov77: 4919688.
A919689. Frontier themes in science fiction. By David Lee Mogen. Microfilm, d David Lee Moqen; 15Nov77: 4919689.
A919690. Beligious organizations in disaster: the United Presbyterian Church in the OSA and tropical storm Agnes, 1972. By Boy Newman Martin. Microfilm. Q Boy Newman Martin; 15NOV77: A919690.
A919691. Dickens and the nature of society: Nicholas Nickleby and Barnaby Budge. By Myron James Magnet. Microfilm. Q Myron James Magnet; 15Nov77; 4919691.
4919692. The Role of entry into United States manufacturing industries: an aggregate economic analysis of the conditions of entry for new and already established firms and their effect on long-run equilibrium, 1958-1972. By Paul Miesing. Microfilm. 6 Paul Miesing; 15Nov77; 4919692.
4919693. Neighborhood groups and urban education; the politics of two New York City school districts in the period following decentralization. By Michael Alan Krasner. Microfilm. @ Michael Alan Krasner; 15Nov77: 4919693.
4919691. Poincare's model for non- Euclidean geometry and its application to hyperbolic space. By James Sichard McManus. Microfilm. O James Sichard McManus; 15Nov77; 4919691.
4919695. Consumer uncertainty and product quality in consumer durables markets. By Neil 411en Baymon. Microfilm. Q Neil 411en Eaymon; 15Nov77; 4919695.
4919696. Hork among Portuguese fishermen: towards a model of social production. By Hillard I. Twig Johnson. Microfilm. Hillard I. Twig Johnson; 15Nov77; A919696.
4919697. Sallust for his readers, 110-1550: a study in the formation of the classical tradition. By Bobert M. Stein. Microfilm. Bobert M. Stein; 15Nov77; 4919697.
4919698. The Physical, portrait of the old man in Balzac's Comedie huaaine. By Anne Hellner stern. Microfilm. Anne Hellner Stern; 15NOV77; 4919698.
4919699. 4 Study Of meter wavelength continuum radiation from the sun. B? Bichard David Bobinson, Jr. Microfilm. Bichard David Bobinson, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4919699.
4919700. The Letters of 4ngelo Clareno (ca. 1250-1337) By Bonald Gerald Musto. Microfilm. Q Bonald Gerald Husto; 15NOV77; 4919700.
4919701. Behavioral self-management: an effective classroom technigue. By Shavaun Mary 4919702.
Resources in political campaigns: a unified theory. By Hilliam Pierce Helch. Microfilm. uilliam Pierce Helch; 15NOV77; 4919702.
A919703. The Figures of desire: an analysis of surrealist film. By Linda Lorelle Hilliaas. Microfilm. 6 Linda Lorelle Hilliaas; 15Nov77; A919703.
A919701. The Concept of pardon in a retributive theory of punishment. By Kathleen Dean Moore. Microfilm. 8 Kathleen Dean Moore; 15NOV77; A919701.
A919705. Ernest Hemingway's aesthetic theory: an analysis of his concepts of literary truth and literary knowledge. By Jay Alan Blumenthal. Microfilm. O Jay Alan Blumenthal; 15Nov77: 4919705.
4919706. Effect of gastric mechanical stimu- lation, pentagastrin and drug-induced autonomic blockade on pepsin secretion in 4Bbystoma tigrinum (4mphibia: Caudata) By George Edward Snow. Microfilm. 6 George Edward Snow; 15Nov77; 4919706.
4919707. The Biology and systematics of the Saldidae of Mexico and Middle 4merica. By John Thomas Polhemus. Microfilm. Q John Thomas Polhemus; 15Nov77; 4919707.
4919708. 4merican political science in the "post-behavioral era:" an empirical assessment of the beliefs of a discipline. By Halter Barackman Roettger. Microfilm. © Halter Barackman fioettger; 15NOV77; 4919708.
4919709. Design, implementation and evaluation of a 21 hour crisis intervention training program for police. By Francis Barry Schreiber. Microfilm. 3 Francis Barry Schreiber; 15Nov77; 4919709.
4919710. Intelligence, reading, and spelling abilities. By Howard Halcott Smith. Microfilm. Howard Halcott Smith; 15NOV77; A919710.
4919711. Group 1 metalloidal ketones. By John Arthur Soderguist. Microfilm. 6 John Arthur Soderguist; 15Nov77; 4919711.
4919712. Irrealism in contemporary literature: a study of Borges, Earth, and Pynchon. By Suzanne Peterson Schneider. Microfilm. O Suzanne Peterson Schneider;- 15Mov77; 4919712.
4919713. Elimination of bounds in optimization problems by transforming variables. By Fern Sassower Sisser. Microfilm. 3 Fern Sassower Sisser; 15Nov77; A919713.
A919711. Lend-lease, loans and the coming of the cold war: a study of the implementation of foreign policy. By Leon Charles Hartel. Microfilm. 6 Leon Charles Hartel; 15NOV77; A919711.
A919715. Prom polemics to apologetics: Jewish- Christian rapprochement in 17th century Amsterdam. By Ralph Melnick. Microfilm.
e Ralph Melnick; 15Nov77; 4919715.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.