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A919273 - A919311


JUL-DEC. 1977

4919272 (con.) perception of the intake process at cOBBunity aentai health centers as a predictor o£ continuance in treataent. By Andrea Josepby Leiaan. nicrofila. O Andrea Josephy Leiaan; 15Now77; A919272.

A919273. Georges Poapidou; the qroHth and vicissitudes of pover through consensus. By Roland Beitter. aicrofila. Roland Beitter: 15Sov77: A919273.

4919271. 4 Neurocybernetic approach to aan- aachine coaaunications. By Bobert Jones Hickaan. Hicrofila. O Bobert Jones Hickaan; 151lov77; 491927a.

A919275. An Iconoloqical exaaioation of the half-lenqth devotional portrait diptych in the Hetherlands, 1460-1530. By Jane B. Friedaan. Hicrofila. O Jane B. Friedaan: 15llo»77: A919275.

4919276. The Concept and practice of the traditional African festival theater. By Jaaes Ndukaku Aaankulor. Microfila. O Jaaes Ndukaku Aaankulor; 15Nov77: A919276.

A919277. The Heroic iaaqe: woaen and pover in early-seventeenth century France, 1610-1661. By Elaine Bhea Bubin. aicrofila. Elaine Bhea Bubin: 15Nov77; A919277.

A919278. An Econoaetric aodel of the California savinqs and loan industry. By Tea Keating Lieser. Hicrofila. Toa Keating Lieser; 151IOV77; A9 19278.

A919279. The Structure of the Virgo region of galaxies. By Thoaas Stephen Eastaond. Hicrofila. Thoaas Stephen Eastaond: 15IIOV77: A919279.

A919280. Theory and history in Harxist poetics. By Ntonqela Oesaond Hasilela. Hicrofila. O Ntongela Desaond Hasilela: 151iav77: A919280.

A919281. Litholoqy aappinq of crystalline shield test sites in western Saudi Arabia using coBputer-aanipulated aultispectral satellite data. By Herbert Eilliaa Blodget. Hicrofila. Herbert Hilliaa Blodget: 15Nov77: A919281.

A919282. Organizational coaBunication to and froa the office of the Aaerican college and university president. By Eugene Fred Seehafer. aicrofila. Eugene Fred Seehafer: 15liov77; A9 19282.

A919283. The Concept of a problea in inquiry teaching. By Jaaes Hilliaa Buff. Hicrofila. C Jaaes iilliaa Buff: 15!lov77: 4919283.

4919281). The Ose of goal attainaent and sublectlve utility in the evaluation of instruction. By Phillip Hark Znnder. aicrofila. Phillip aark Zundec: 15NOV77: A919281.

4919285. Collagen polyaorphisa: isolation and characterization of two nen huaao collagen alpha chains. By Fouad 4ssad el 4dli. aicrofila. Fouad Assad el Adli: 15«ov77: A919285.

A919286. Politics and technological innovation: the case of personal rapid transit- By Catherine Constance Graeffe. Hicrofila. O Catherine Constance Graeffe: 15Nov77: 4919286.

4919287. The Oiagenesis of the axial corallite of Acropora cervicornis. By Fernando Oscar Ricart y Henendez. Hicrofila. O Fernando Oscar Ricart y Henendez: 15Nov77; A919287.

A919288. Psycho-social effects of parent training on the quality of the foster parent-child relationship. By Stan Jay Katz. Hicrofila. Stan Jay Katz; 15llov77; 49192S8.

4919289. The laplication of divine self- consistency for the doctrine of natural depravity: a Biblical-systeaatic approach. By Virgil larreu. Hicrofila. Virgil Barren; 151)ov77: 4919289.

4919290. Crystal growth, optical properties and theraal expansion of the ZrS2-ZrSe2 systea. By Howard Hark Goldaan. aicrofila. Howard aark Goldaan; 15IIOV77; A919290.

A919291. Search for aovinq tarqets. By Anthony Paul Ciervo. Hicrofila. Anthony Paul Ciervo; 15Sov77; A919291.

A919292. The iDpact of CBOE option exercises upon the prices of the underlying coaaon shares. By Bobert iilliaa Kopprasch, Jr. aicrofila. Bobert Hilliaa Kopprasch, Jr.; 15IIOV77: A919292.

A919293. The Deity: an analytical study of definition. An offering by the School of Saints. 206 p. (Principles of the celestial law, course B, title 1) Appl. au: Fred P. Hubble. School of Saints; 10ct77; A919293.

491929a. I learn about Christ's Church. Prepared by Annette Burkart, illustrated by Arthur Cardinal. 1 v. School of Saints; 1Jun77; A91929».

4919295. 4ele Lav Enforceaent Leqal Defense Center special report: Civil liability of correctional adainistrators and defense of inflates* coaplaints; workshop aaterials. Editor: J. B. schaidt. 330 p. Add. ti: Aele vorkshop civil liability of correctional adainistrators and defense of inaates* coaplaints. Appl. states copyriqht not claiaed on p. 84-93, 178-192. 201-203 6 218-236. C Aaecicans for Effective Lav Enforceaent, Inc.; 19Sep77: A919295.

A919296. Coaplete and partial denture syllabus and course outline. By Edvard Antos, Jr., Douglas Foerth 6 Bobert p. Benner, vitfa original art by Bobert P. Benner, prepared for use by the students of The State University of New York at Stony Brook, School of Dental Hedicice. 1 v. 1st pub. as Coaplete denture syllabus and course outline, req. 4663537. NH: additions e new art work. Bobert p. Benner C Edward 4ntos, Jr.; 14ug77 (in notice: 1975); 4919296.

4919297. Strategic analysis of institutional change; or. Fighting acadeaic sexisa for fun and profit. By Cassandra Elinor Aaesley. 1 12 p. Cassandra Elinor Aaesley; 20ct77: A919297.

A919298. ADAH reference aanual. 91 p. Add. ti: Loaac 4D4H. NH: editorial revisions G additional text. O Logical aacbine Corporation; 12Hay77; 4919298.

A919299. The Twentieth Century Club cookbook. Illus. by Julie Ketner Evans. 352 p. Appl. au: The Twentieth Century Club. O The Twentieth Century Club; 10Nov77; A919299.

4919300. Truckaaster book of trucking. Coapiled by Frank Thoapson. 228 p. 4ppl. au: V. S. Thorvaldson. NH: editorial revision C additional text. O Truckaaster School of Trucking, Inc.; 28Hay76; 4919300.

4919301. Cherokee legacy. By Leslie I, pseud, of Leslie B. Panchula. Sheets (145 p.) O Leslie B. Panchula, vhose pseud, is Leslie I; 28Jun77: 4919301.

4919302. CosBic diaaond rings. 218 p. 4dd. ti: Cosaic: the naae of fine diaaond rings. 4ppl. au: Bryan F. Couaans. NH: nev pictorial illus. additions. The House of Coaaans, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4919302.

491930 3. The Story of the 4aerican Indian; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of 4aerica filastrips, unit 1) United states Publishers 4ssociation, Inc.; 23Apr75; 4919303.

4919304. The 4aerican spirit in architecture; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of 4aerlca filastrips, unit 25) Onited States Publishers 4ssociation, Inc. ; 6Dec76: 4919304.

4919305. The Story of iron and steel; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of 4aerlca filastrips, unit 26) Onited States Publishers 4ssociation, Inc. ; 6Dec76: A919305.

A919306. The Story of Aaerican painting; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of Aaerica filastrips, unit 24) United States Publishers Association, Inc.; 12Nov76; 4919306.

4919307. The 4Berican spirit in literature; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of Aaerica filastrips, unit 23) United states Publishers Association, Inc. ; 12Nav76; A919307.

A919308. Union and reconstruction; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of Aaerica filastrips, unit 16) O Onited States Publishers Association, Inc.; 8Jun76; 4919308.

4919309. The 4ge of refora; study guide. 6 p. (The pageant of 4Berica filastrips, unit 17) « Onited States Publishers 4sso- ciation. Inc.; 26Jul76; 4919309.

4919310. Faraer, rancher and covboy; study guide. 6 p. (The Pageant of 4aerica filastrips, unit 18) O Onited States Publishers 4ssaciation, Inc.; 26Jul76; 4919310.

4919311. Winning the Far Nest; study guide. 6 p.

(The Pageant of 4aerica filastrips, unit


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