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JUL-DEC. 1977

4918960. Product iDforaation handbook. 1 T. O HesterD EoqiDeeriDq and naDufactucioq CO«pan7: 10Oct77: i918960.

i9 18961. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-36, Sept. 7. 1977. Sheets. C E.T.B. Coapany a. a.d. o. Trade Service Publications* Inc.; 7Sep77; A91B961.

&918962. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-37, Sept. 1U, 1977. Sheets. C E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 1'lSep77: 4918962.

1918963. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-38, Sept. 21. 1977. Sheets. C E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 21Sep77; 4918963.

4918964. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-39, Sept. 28, 1977. Sheets. C E.T.B. Conpany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 28Sep77; 491896U.

4918965. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-40, Oct. 5, 1977. Sheets. G E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 50ct77; 4918965.

4918966. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-«1, Oct. 12, 1977. Sheets. 6 E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 120ct77: 4918966.

4918967. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-H2, Oct. 19, 1977. Sheets. E.T.B. Company a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 190ct77; 4918967.

4918968. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue 77-«3, Oct. 26, 1977. Sheets. C E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 260ct77; 4918968.

4918969. iDCoae/expense analysis: suburban office buildings, 1977. Prepared by Experience Exchange Coaaittee of the Institute of Eeal Estate Banaqeaent of the National Association of Bealtors. 132 p. 4ppl. au: Institute of Beai Estate aanaqeaent of National 4ssociation of Bealtors. 6 Institute of Beal Estate Banaqeaent of the National 4ssociation of Bealtors; 5Sep77: 4918969.

4918970. Incoae/expense analysis: apartaents, condoniniuas and cooperatives, 1977 edition. Prepared by the Experience Exchange Coaaittee of the Institute of Eeal Estate Banaqeaent of the National 4ssociation of Bealtors. 184 p. 4dd. ti: Incoae/expense analysis: 1977 edition. 4ppl. au: Institute of Beal Estate aanaqeaent of the National 4ssociation of Bealtors. O Institute of Beal Estate Banaqeaent of the National 4ssociation of Bealtors: 154uq77: 4918970.

4918971. Beston Bone Owners Association; a case study in new coaaunity aanaqeaent. By Karl J. Inqebritsen. 57 p. Institute of Beal Estate Banaqeaent of the National of Bealtors;

4918972. Clinical diagnosis by laboratory aetbods; aanual of lecture 6 laboratory instructions for physician^s assistants. By Kanai L. Hukherjee, Louis S. 41bert e Bobert J. Soloaon. 2nd ed. 70 p. 6 Robert J. Soloaon; 30Nov77; 4918972.

4918973. Tide tables, dot's fishing guide, San Francisco, 1978. 1 v. Add. ti: Tide tables and dot's fishing guide, San Francisco tide table, 1978. 4ppl. au: Frank S. Elliott. Appl. states copyright not claiaed on data taken froa Govt, sources. Frank S. Elliott; 1Dec77; A918973.

A918974. Poens, 3. Folder. Appl. au: Finley J. Schaidt. Finley J. Schaidt; 2Dec77; 4918974.

4918975. Cards, series 10. By Bayaond V. 4nderson. 1 p. Bayaond V. Anderson: 1Dec77; 4918975.

4918976. National University Extension 4sso- ciation handbook and directory, 1977-78. 212 p. National University Extension 4ssociation; 23Sep77; A918976.

4918977. Philip C. Jessup, International Law Boot Court Coapetition, 1978: Federal Onion of Balistan versus Republic of Indepesh. 10 p. 4ssociation of Student International Law Societies & Aaerican Society of International Law; 23Sep77; 4918977.

4918978. 4n 4nalysis and evaluation of aodero trends In coaching basketball; physical education 806. 107 p. N.C.C., Inc.; 10ct77; 4918978.

4918979. 4naecobe laboratory aanual. Edited by Lillian V. Holdeaan, Elizabeth P. Cato e N. E. C. Boore. 4th ed. 152 p. C The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Anaerobe Laboratory; 7Nov77; A918979.

A918980. Starve the body, feed the soul. By D. L. 4'nig'Er. Sheets (39 p.) C D. L. 4'niq'Er; 2Dec77; 4918980.

4918981. Uorking data: carpenter stainless steels. 208 p. 4dd. ti: Selecting carpenter stainless steels. 4ppl, au; Lewis p. Byers. NB: revisions & updating. Carpenter Technology Corporation; 28NOV77; 4918981.

4918982. Engineering report to Texas Departaent Of Hater Besources, bond application nuober 1, Cherry Hill Municipal Utility District, Port Bend County, Texas. Job no. 1509-010. 1 V. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 310ct77: 4918982.

4918983. Harris County Utility District Nuaber 8: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary sewer, and drainage facilities for Hunters Bidge village, section one. Contract no. 1, job no. 2126-020. 1 v. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 21Sep77; 4918983.

4918984. The Charter 4ssociates, Inc. for Northbrook Bunicipal Utility District, Harris County, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary sewer, and drainage facilities in Southaeadow- -section six- Contract no. 1, job no. 0900-150. 1 V. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden. Inc.; 3Hay77; A918984.

A918985. The Charter Associates, Inc. for Northbrook Bunicipal Utility District. Harris county, Texas; contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary sewer, and drainage facilities for Hest Airport Boulevard and Gessner Boad. Contract no. 1, job no. 0900-120. 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 25Bar77: A9 18985.

4918986. Friendswood Oevelopaent Coapany: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of paving and appurtenances in Kingwood Lakes village, section 5. Contract no. 1. job no. 1330-075. 1 v. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. Turner. Collie and Braden, Inc.; 2Sep77; A9ie986.

4918987. Harris County Utility District Nuabec 6. Harris County. Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary, and drainage facilities to serve Bear Creek Trails. Contract no. 1, job no. 2350-010. 1 V. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden. Inc.; 6JU177; 4918987.

4918988. The Charter Associates, Inc. for Northbrook Bunicipal Utility District, Harris County, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary sewer, and drainage facilities in Southaeadow patio hoaes, section two. Contract no. 1, job no. 0900-140. 1 V. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden. Inc.; 20Bay77; 4918988.

4918989. Harris County utility. District Nuaber 2: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sewer, and drainage in Kingwood Lakes Village, section 4. Contract no. 1, job no. 1330-160. 1 V. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 4Nov77; 4918989.

4918990. The charter 4ssociates, Inc. for Northbrook Bunicipal Utility District, Harris County. Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary sewer, and drainage facilities in Southaeadow patio hoaes, section one. Contract no. 1. job no. 0900-130. 1 V. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Turner. Collie and Braden. Inc.; 24Bar77:



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