JUL-DEC. 1977
A875n3., Corpus 1uris secunduu. Vol. «5-80, 82-101 6 general index. 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts- 70 v- West publishing Company: 1 3J un77 ; S875113.
A8751U. Consumer attitudes toward the checlcout system in the supermarket before and after implementation of an electronic scanner checkout system. By Jessica Rnn Jones. Sheets (y5 p.) C Jessica Ann Jones; 1Jun77: A875111*.
&875115. Maintenance Engineering, Ltd. brochure. Folder. &dd. ti: Lasts 7 times longer. Maintenance Engineering. Ltd.; 1Jun77; A875115.
A875116. Workshop prototype. 5 p. Appl. au: Bernice E. Eger. C Bernice E. Eger; 7&pr77: A875116.
A875117. Sinsemilla: mariluana flowers. By Jim Richardson, pseud, of Donald Avery, photography by Arik Woods, pseud, of Tom Gundelf inger . 95 p. Donald Avery whose pseud, is Jim Richardson, Tom Gundelf inger whose pseud, is Arik Woods 6 James Donnelly whose pseud, is Jay Bogart; 20Sep76: A875117.
4875118. The Rubber band boy. By Irene B. Galvin, illus. by Richard Austin. 32 p. on text: Irene B. Galvin; 20Hay77: Ae75118.
A875119. Here it is, take a look! ISA. 11 p. Add. ti: T.S.A. the 833 way. Appl. au: Thomas Anderson (Tom Anderson) , Marvin Koski (Matv Koski) S Steven Dalluhn (Steve Dalluhn) i5 South Washington County Schools (in notice: South Washington County Schools, Independent School District 833); 1Apr76: i875119.
A875120. The Second Ewings. 7U p. in box. Appl. au; John O'Hara. C United States Trust Company of New Jork (in notice: United States Trust Company of New York, as executor and trustee under the will of John O'Hara); 15Jun77: A875120-
&875121. Paregoric me. Art & poetry by Terence L. Kertesz. 1 v. Terence L. Kertesz; 22Feb77: A87S121.
A875122. Orvis, spring '77. 152 p. 6 The Orvis Company, Inc.; 17Jan77; A875122.
A875123. The Redwood City Seed Company catalog of useful plants. 1977 season. 2H p. Appl. au: Craig Dremann. Craig Drenann; 17Feb77: A875123.
i87512it. Vegetable seed production in the San Francisco Bay area of the state of California, D.S.A. By Craig Dremann. <t p. Craig Dremann; 12Sep74: S87512it.
A875125. Lifespan planning: the choice is yours. Polder. Appl. au; Kathryn Vegso S Shirley Mitchell. NM: new text S revisions. O Kathryn Vegso S Shirley Mitchell; 21Mar77; A875125.
A875126. The Dollar saver. Folder, ippl. au: Carl B. Lordo (Del Castle) Del Castle pseud, of Carl B. Lordo; 6Apr77: A875126. A875127. Test for receptive and retrieval auditory discrimiDation. By John S. Schnarr- Sheets (60 p.| O John S. Schnarr; 3Apr77; A875127.
A875128. Congratulations! You're elected, now what? By Hardin Cox. 25 p. C Campaign Associates press; 25May77; A875128.
A875129. Miniature billboard art. 1 p. Appl. au: Gary McCammon. e Atlantic Envelope Company a.a.d.o. Aeco (in notice: Aeco) ; 29Apr77; A875129.
A875130. Genesis 2; the new beginning. By Ken Farmer. 107 p. Add. ti: Genesis 2 (Atlantic) Incorporated soil inoculant. e Genesis 2. Inc. ; 1Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A875130.
A875131. Addendum 2 to SBC 104/108 combination memory and I/O expansion boards hardware reference manual. 5 p. Intel Corporation; 29Jun77; A875131.
A875132. Poems that touch the soul. By Ingrid Leacock. 1 v. Ingrid Leacock; 23Mar77; A875132.
A875133. Seasons, patterns and summary. By Victor J. Cavalera. 1 v. Victor J. Cavalera; 5Apr77 ; A875133.
A875131). Sports all stars 1977 baseball. Edited by Vito Stellino. art direction: Gerry Repp, graphic design: Folio One Studio. 72 p. Appl- au; Maco Publishing Company, Inc. d Maco Publishing Company, Inc.; 7Apr77: A875134.
A875135. Baseball guidebook, 1977. Edited by vito Stellino, graphic design: Folio One Studio, art direction: Gerry Repp- 88 p. Appl. au: Maco publishing Company, Inc. Maco Publishing Company, Inc.; 12Apr77; A875135.
A875136. Fishing. 1977. Editor: John Brett, graphic design: Folio One Studio, art direction: Gerry Repp. 72 p. Add. ti: New 1977 fishing; New fishing, 1977. Appl. au; Maco Publishing Company. Inc. Maco Publishing Company, Inc.; 26Apr77: A875136.
A875137. Fishing guidebook, 1977. Editor: John Brett, Jr., design: Gerry Repp. 72 p. Appl. au: Maco Publishing company. Inc. C Baco Publishing Company, Inc.; 28Apr77; A875137.
A87513e. Today's fishing products guide. No. 1. Editor: John Brett, design: Folio One Studio. 80 p. Appl. au: Maco Publishing Company. Inc. O Maco publishing Company, Inc.; 27Jan77; A875138.
A875139. The Fuel industry review. June 20, 1977. By Donald L. Fernow. 7 p. (Thomson McKinnon institutional services) Appl. au: Thomson McKinnon Securities, Inc. Thomson McKinnon Securities. Inc. ; 29Jun77; A875139.
A8751it0. Programmed reading diagnosis for teachers with prescriptive references- By James R. Geyer S Jane B. Hatanzo. 184 p. Bell and Howell Company; 4May77; A875140.
A875141. Patient Care flowchart service, June 1977. Sheets 6 folders. Add. ti: 12 pages containing copyright notice appearing the June 1977 update package of the Patient Care flowchart service. Appl. au: Editors of patient Care 6 Patient Care flowchart service. Miller and Fink Corporation; 30Jun77; 4875141.
A875142. The Consumer leasing act of 1976 and its application to dealers engaged in consumer leasing. 23 p.. Add. ti: Consumer leasing act — automobile leasing. National Automobile Dealers Association; 4May77; A875142.
A875143. Railway line clearances, including weight limitations of railroads in the United States, Canada and Mexico. No. 187, June 1977. 304 p. O National Railway publication Company; 5Jul77; A875143.
A875144. ARCOtravel Club magazine, June/July 1977. <S John A. Kleiner d.b.a. John A. Kleiner Graphic Design; 1jun77; A875144.
A875145. International market indices, week ending July 8, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Robert p. Sanna 6 Malvin B. Roesch. e Quantitative Analysis Service; 11Jul77j A875145.
A875146. Weekly money market with daily and weekly rate charts, week ending July 7, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch. © Quantitative Analysis Service; 8Jal77; A875146.
A875147. Adhesives red book, 1977. Editor: lee Pollack, associate editor: Joseph Russell, art director: John Yusko. 9th ed. 224 p. O Palmerton Publishing Company. Inc.; 10Jun77; A875147.
A87514B. How to enter and win photo contests- By the editors of Photographic magazine, editor: Paul R- Farber 6 other editors. 96 p. ippl. au: Petersen Publishing Company. C Petersen Publishing Company; 7Jul77; A875148.
A875149. The Complete book of Japanese import cars: Toyota, Datsun, Colt, Mazda. Honda, Subaru. Edited by Miles Schofield e the technical editors of Peterson Publishing Company. 160 p. NM; revision, new cover, additional text 6 new pictorial matter. O Petersen Publishing Company; 12Jul77 (in notice: 1972, on copies: 1977 (rev.)); A875149.
A875150. Hot rod magazine rod and custom. No. 2. By the editors of Hot rod magazine, editorial director: Lee Kelley & other editors. 96 p. Add. ti: Hot rod rod and custom; Hot rod's Rod and custom. Appl. au: Petersen Publishing Company. 6 Petersen Publishing Company; 7Jul77: A875 150.
A875151. Petersen' s Basic carburetion and fuel systems. No. 6. Revision edited by Spence Hurray S other editors, artis- t/design; George Fukuda. 6th rev. 6 updated ed. 192 p. Appl. au: Petersen Publishing Company. Petersen Publishing Company; 1Jul77; A875151.
Bean size estimator. Issued by Willis Oil Tool Company. Appl. au: Perrygraf-
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.