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A9185111 - 4916576


JUL-DEC. 1977

A918540 (con.) edited by David B. Douglas. 1S3 p. Oriqinallv pub. as Izneceniye aalykb sil ». fizicheskikh eksperi«entakh. »»: editorial cewision, translation C chapter suaaaries. C The oni»ersity of chicaqo; 13Hay77; i9185ll0.

t9ies<ti. Uanual of neotropical birds. Vol. 1- By Eamet Beid Blake. 67it p. Appl. au: Field Buseua of Natural Bistory, eaployer for hire. The Bniversity of Chicaqo: 5iuq77: i9185i41.

A9 18542. ielch, Anavalt, Coalvood. «V, and others. Auqust 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone coapany of the Southeast; 10Auq77: 4918512.

A918543. Hanover-Horton, includinq alphabetical listings for Bundy Bill, Concord and Jackson. HI, Auqust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O The Southern Telephone Coapany: 1Aaq77; A918543.

49185411. Biq Prater. Biq Bock. Duiqht. VA, and others. Aoqust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. Add. ti: Bichlands, Biq Prater. Biq Bock, ¥4, and others, 4uqust 1977. General Telephone Coapany of the Southeast; 104ug77: 49185411.

4918545. 4lBa. 4shley« Breckenridge. ai. and others, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of aichigan; 26Jul77; 4918545.

4916546. 4ugusta, Cleghorn, Fall Creek, BI, and others, 4ugust 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Wisconsin; 13Auq77; 4918 546.

A918547. Southern Gulf Beaches neighborhood directory including coaaunities of Anna Haria, Bradenton Beach. Coctez. FL« and others, July 2, 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Florida; 2Jul77; A918547.

4918548. Horth Pittsburqh telephone directory, August 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. North Pittsburgh Telephone coapany: 1Aug77: A918548.

A918549. Taapa. FL, including incorporated areas of oldsaar, Teaple Terrace and nearby coaaunities, August 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Florida; 20Aaq77; A918549.

4918550. Oznard, Caaarillo, Thousand Oaks. C4. and others street address cross reference directory »ith telephone nuaber section, 4ugust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of California: 1Aog77: A918550.

A916551. Poaona, chino, Clareaont, CA. and others street address cross reference directory vith telephone nuaber section. August 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of California; 14ug77: 4918551.

A918552. Huntington Beach, Laquna Beach, Midway City, CA, and others street address cross reference directory Bith telephone nuaber section, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of California: 1Jul77; 4918552.

4918553. ahittier. La Babra, Pico-Bivera, CA, and others street address cross reference directory with telephone nuaber section, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. General Telephone Coapany of California: 1Jul77; A918553.

4918554. Ontario, Upland, 41ta Loaa, C4, and others street address cross reference directory with telephone nuaber section, 4ugust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of California; 14ug77: 4918554.

4918555. Long Beach. Leisure Horld, Los 41aaitos, CA. and others street address cross reference directory with telephone nuaber section, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. C General Telephone Coapany of California; 1Jul77: A918555.

A918556. Elkhart, Bristol, Dunlap, IN, and others, August 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Coapany of Indiana, Inc.; 5Aug77: 4918556.

4918557. Gallon, Crestline, OB, 4uqust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 204ug77; 4918557.

4918556. Coldwater, Bronson, Beading, HI, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone coapany of aichigan; 30Jun77: 4918558.

4918559. Everett, BA, and vicinity, 4uqust 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of the northwest. Inc.; 64uq77; 4918559.

4918560. Benton, Christopher, Bwinq, IL, and others, 4agust 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. Add. ti: Best Frankfort, Benton, Christopher, IL, and others, August 1977. General Telephone Coapany of Illinois; 18Auq77; A918560.

A918561. Santiaa Valley, Stayton, Lyons, OB, and others, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Stayton Cooperative Telephone Coapany; 20Jul77; 4918561.

4918562. Ashland, Loudonvilie, Hayesville, OS, and others, July 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 1Jul77; 4918562.

4918563. Goshen, Hiddlebury, including alp- habetical listings for Bristol, IN, and others, 4ugust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Indiana, Inc. ; 54ug77; 4918563.

A918564. ailford, Bhite Lake, Highland, al, August 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Michigan; 11Aug77: A918564.

A918565. Binot area, ND, telephone directory, 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. Add. ti: Greater Binot. ND, telephone directory, 1977. Northern States Power Coapany: 1Jul77; A918565.

A918566. Kennewick, Bichland, Pasco, BA, and surrounding areas tri-cities regional yellow pages directory, 1977-1978. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. O General Telephone Directory Coapany; 1Jui77: A918566.

4918567. Southern Oregon coast, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of the Northwest, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4918567.

A918568. Biddletown. OB, alphabetical listings, 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 1Jol77: A9 18566.

4918569. Chester, Eagle Lake, Greenville, CA, and others, July 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. C Citizens Otilities Coapany of California; lJui77; A918569.

A918570. Celina, Saint Bary's, Coldwater, OB, and others, August 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory company. O General Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 15Aug77; A918570.

A918571. Collinsville, Gordonville, Gunter, TX, and others, July 1977. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. Add. ti: Sherman, T!t. July 1977. General Telephone Coapany of the Southwest: 10JU177; 4918571.

491B572. Tandergrift and nearby coaaunities. Including listings for Apollo and Leechburg, PA, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of Penn- sylvania; 16JU177; A918572.

A918573. Grass Lake, including alphabetical listings for Jackson, ai, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of aichigan; 14Jul77; A918573.

A918 574. Au Sable Forks. Keeseville, Bilaington, Ny, 1977-1978. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O Au Sable valley Telephone Coapany, Inc.; lAug77; A916574.

A918575. Elwood, Greentown, Kokoao, IN, alphabetical listings, 1977-78. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of Indiana, Inc.; 1Jun77; A918575.

A918576. Coluabus, OH, and nearby coaaunity listings, August 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of Ohio;

1Aug77; A918576.


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