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JUL-DEC. 1977

A918171 (con.) adainistcatoc. Appl. au: lecox Leacnicq Systeas. Xerox Cocporatlon; 170ct77: »918171.

»918172. 1977 service to Forns for coaaercial traasactioDS under the (Joifora Coaaercial Code. Edited by Anita T. Bolano G others, with a ncu Chap. 503 consisting of text 6 forms bv Uesley Gilaer, Jr. 2 v. Appl. au: Banks-Baldvin Lav Publishinq Coapany. Baaks- Bald win Law Publishinq Coapany; 211IOV77: A91B172.

A918173. 1977 service to voluae one of Kentucky leqal foras, edited by Anita T. Holano 6 others, vith a new Chap. 503 consistinq of text C foras by Hesley Gilaer. Jr. Kentucky notes to Poras for coaaercial transactions, rev. to Sept. 1. 1977. prepared by Christine Van Coney. 1977 suppl. --analytical tables 1-2, prepared by Dennis E. Ualaby. 3 v. Appl. au: Banks-Baldvin Law Publishinq Coapany. Banks- Baldwin Law Publishinq Coapany: 21«ov77: A918173.

A91817». Baldwin's Ohio leqal foras. Vol. 3. titles 9, 11, 13, 1977 teplaceaent. Folder K 3 V. O Banks-Baldwin Law Publishinq Coapany: 280ct77: A91817U.

A918175. Ohio administrative code, approved edition. Vol. 3, Sept. 1977 units. Hultiple voluaes. Banks-Baldwin Law Publishinq Coapany: 210ct77: A918175.

A9iei76. Hertens law of Federal income taxation. Current tax hiqhliqhts, vol. 19, no. 15, Nov. 3. 1977; requlations, release no. 9. Nov. 3, 1977; rulinqs voluae, release no. 13. Hoy. 3, 1977. By Jaaes J. Doheny. 12 p. G sheets. Add. ti: Current tax hiqhliqhts: Hertens law of Federal income taxation. O Callaqhan ana Coapany; 21KOV77: A918176.

A91B177. Unifora Coaaercial Code report inq service. Looseleaf voluae (cases, coaaentary, findinq aids) vol. 22, Oct. 1977, release no. 2; cumulative findex, vol. 22. Oct. 1977. releases 1-2. 3 v. Appl. au: Pike and Fischer, Inc. e John U. Uillis. C Callaqhan and Coapany; 18IIOV77; A918177.

A918178. HcQuillan municipal corporations, third edition. 1977 suppl. By David Heitzman. Marvin Owen fleier, Jerold H. Schneider S all of the Callaqhan and Company editorial staff, under the direction of fiichard P. Eickhoff. Multiple voluaes. Callaqhan and Coapany; 18Nov77; A918178.

A918179. Advance leqislative service for the Annotated laws of Massachusetts. Paaphlet no. 6. 1977 session laws. By the editorial staff of The Lawyers Co- operative Publishinq Company. 217 p. Add. ti: ALM advance leqislative service, 1977. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Coapany; 16Sep77; A918179.

A918180. Aaerican law of zoninq, 2d. Vol. 1-4. cUBUlative suppl., issued Oct. 1977. By Bobert M. Anderson. Appl. states copvriqht is not claiaed in any material secured froa official U.S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq coapany; 29Sep77; A918180.

A918181. Deller's Patent claias, second edition. Vol. 1-3, cumulative suppl., issued Oct. 1977. By Ernest Bainbridqe Lipscomb 3rd. Appl. au: Anthony H. Deller. Appl. states copyriqht is not claiaed in any aaterial secured froa official U.S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Coapany; 210ct77; A918181.

A9181B2. Trial handbook for Ohio lawyers. Cumulative suppl., issued Nov. 1977. By Bichard H. Marcus. 107 p. Appl. states copyriqht is not claiaed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. The Lawyers co-operative Publishing Coapany; i(llov77; A918182.

A9iei83. IBM 3600 online terainal, prograa description/operations manual; program no. 5798-NJN. Ill p. (IBM field developed proqraa) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation) ; 2SJun77: A918183.

A918181I. System/3 IPICS aaterial requireaents planninq-versiou two, proqraa descrip- tion/operations aanual; program no. 5798-NLL. 249 p. (IBM field developed proqraa) International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 1»Oct77; A918184.

A918185. Health maintenance organization enrollment and utilization systea proqraa description/operations aanual; proqraa no. 5796-AJP. 268 p. (Installed user proqraa) O Bochester Hospital Corpo- ration, Inc.; 190ct77; A918185.

A918186. SysteB/3 PIPICS process IPICS for batch manufacturers, product costinq, proqraa description/operations manual; program no. 5798-NJX. 1 V. (IBM field developed proqraa) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 19Auq77; A918186.

A918187. Advanced communications function for VTAM (ACF/VTAM) data areas; program no. 57't6-BC3 (DOS/VS) 1 v. (Proqraa product) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation); 29Auq77; A918187.

A918188. IBM 3660 superaarket systems: key-entry system operations quide. 3rd ed. 1 v. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 25May77; A918188.

A9181B9. 0S/VS2 SVS utilities, release 1.7. 383 p. (Systems) NM: revisions G additional text. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 21Jan77: A918189.

A9iei90. DOS/VS entry time sharinq systea (ETSS/2). program number 5798-CLB; teroinai user's quide. 478 p. (Field developed program) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International

A918191. CICS source program maintenance on-line 2, program number 5798-CFT; prograa description/operations aanual. 226 p. (Field developed prograa) NH: revisions G additional text. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; Soct77: A918191.

A918192. OS/VS 2 access aetbod services logic, release 3.7. Ith ed. 767 p. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 5Apr77; A918192.

A918193. 5725-T21. Printout. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation; 2<tJun77; A91819J.

A918194. Personal growth; study guide. 12 p. O LaSalle Extension University; 12Auq77: A918194.

A918195. American history examinations. No. 700554. 25 p. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension University, employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions G additions. O kayne School; 250ct77; A918195.

A918196. American history. No. 700S50. 280 p. NM: editorial revisions G additions. O LaSalle Extension University; 2Soct77: A918196.

A918197. Modern literature study guide. No. 400081. By Edmund Oe Chasca. 97 p. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension University, employer for hire. O LaSalle Extension University; 13Sep77; A918197.

A918198. Personal growth examinations. No. 351052. 16 p. O LaSalle Extension University; 12Aug77; A918198.

A918199. Governaent and politics examinations. No. 190404. 13 p. Appl. states all new except midterm questions 1-3, 31-32. 35-38 G final questions 22-25. LaSalle Extension University; 20Sep77: A918199.

A918200. Modern literature exaainations. No. 400082. 17 p. LaSalle Extension University: 13Sep77: A9182ao.

A918201. Typing 2; study guide G examinations. NO. 3S1071 S 351072. 2 v. O LaSalle Extension University: 2Sep77; A918201.

A91820 2. Uoae study course spinet organ. Pt. 1-4. lessons 1-90, no. 490401, 490402, 490403 G 490404. 1 v. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension University, eaployer for hire. NM: editorial revisions. O U.S. School of Music; 6Jui77; A918202.

A918203. SBA Lunchbox aanuscript handwriting. Kit. O Science fiesearch Associates. Inc.; 7Bar77; A918203.

A9182a4. Cursive handwriting. Kit. (SBA Lunchbox) O Science Besearch Associates,

Inc.: 30Bar77; A918204.


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