A918143 - A918171
JUL-DEC. 1977
A918143. 1 chinq:. Taoist book of days; calendac- diary. Year of the Horse, 1978/4677. Selectively structured by Khiqh All Dhieah, foreword by Jose A. Arquelles, calliqraphy by Chen Hsi. 204 p. O on neii text, editinq, coapllation 6 revisions: Khiqh Alx Dhieqh; 22Auq77; A9iaiit3.
A9181Itl|. Executive compensation service: top manaqement report, 1977/1978. 28th ed. 293 p. O Anacom, a division of American Nanaqement Associations; 30ct77 ; A9iai11.
A918ia5. Best's Underuritinq quide. Prepared by the staff of the Underwritinq-Loss Control Department, A. H. Best Company, Inc., editor: Pamela A. Sodeiiald, assistant editor: Sandra B. Hyles, production editor: Marcia B. Hill, sheets. Appl. au: A. B. Best Company, Inc. A. M. Best Company, Inc.; 280ct77; A918ia5.
A9iei46. Best's Safety directory: industrial safety, hyqiene. security, 1978. Prepared by the staff of the safety Publications Division, A. M. Best Company, Inc., editor: Kathleen M. Guindon £ other editors. 18th annual ed. 1286 p. Appl. au: A. H. Best Company. Inc. A. H. Best Company. Inc.; 280ct77: A918ia6.
A9181't7. Best's Aqqreqates and averaqes: property-casualty, 1977. 38th annual ed. 1 v. A. H. Best Company, Inc.; 7Nov77; A9181147.
A918118. Best's Executive data service, life-health industry marketinq results: life lines — experience by state. 1977 ed. 1 v. A. M. Best Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; A918148.
A918ia9. The Nev encyclopedia of stock market techniques. Editor: A. H. Cohen. 1 v. (m: chap. 1-5. 7-8, 10-13, 15-18 S 20 6 revisions to chap. 6, 14 6 19. O Investors Intelliqence ; 30Sep77; A918149.
A918150. Beal estate tax problems. By Richard Stone. 1 V. Add. ti: AICPA continninq professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. NM: editorial revisions. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Dec76: A918150.
A918151. Hospitals (part of services to clients series) 1 v. Add. ti: AICPA continuinq professional education. NM: editorial revisions. C American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A918151.
A918152. Insolvent real estate partnerships. 1 V. Add. ti: AICPA continuinq professional education. NM: editorial revisions. O American Institute of certified Public Accountants. Inc.; 1Sep76; A918152.
A918153. Savinqs and Loan Association, accountinq and auditinq — basic. By John J. Pairitz, Carl L. Bossunq, Victor A. SeeMald 6 James M. Damschtoder. 1 v. Add. ti: AICPA continuinq professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. nm: editorial revisions. C American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Mar77 (in notice: 1975); A918153.
A918154. B4800/B3800/B2800/B3700/B2700 thrift system time deposits. Printout 6 maqnetic tape. Prev. reg. A755582 S others. NM: additions & revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 27Sep77; A918154.
A918155. B774/B874 SCP release 1.6. Printout 6 magnetic tape. Prev. req. A808497 6 others. NM: additions & revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 60ct77; A918155.
A918156. B27/37/47 demand deposit batch. Printout fi maqnetic tape. Prev. reg. A662158 6 A682272. HB: additions 6 revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 22Auq77; A918156.
A918157. Developing mathematical processes; student guide, 78-90. 3 v. Add. ti: Student guide 78, 79, 80, 81 through student guide 87, 88, 89, 90 consisting of a set of 3 individually bound booklets. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning, e The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning) ; 1Auq76; A918157.
A918158. Developing mathematical processes; student quide, 66-77. 3 v. Add. ti: Student guide 66, 67, 68, 69 through student guide 74, 75, 76, 77 consisting of a set of 3 individually bound booklets. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. NH: general revision. Q The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning) ; 1Jun76; A918158.
A918159. Topic 78 through topic 84, topic 86 through topic 90. 12 v. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning): 1Auq76; A918159.
A918160. Topic 66 through topic 72, topic 74 through topic 77. 11 v. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. NM: general revision. O The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Wisconsin Research and Development center for Cognitive Learning); 1May76; A918160.
A918161. Topic inventory. Package 6. Sheets in folder. Accompanied by teacher's guides in box. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. O The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning) ; 1Sep76; A918161.
A918162. Teacher's guide; topic 78 through topic 90. 13 V. Accompanied by duplicating masters in box. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for cognitive Learning. The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning); 1Sep76; A918162.
A91B163. Topic inventory. Package 5. Sheets in folder. Accompanied by resource manual S teacher's guides in box. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for cognitive Learning. O The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning); 1Aug76; A918163.
A918164. Resource manual, topics 66-90: developing mathematical processes. 126 p. Accompanied by duplicating masters G teacher's guides in box. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. NM: general revision. O The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning); 1Aug76; A918164.
A918165. Teacher's guide, topic 66 through topic 77. 12 V. Accompanied by duplicating masters C resource manual in box. Appl. au: The Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. NM: general revision. The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the University of Hisconsin System for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning); 1iug76; A918165.
A918166. BDP company distribution selling skills 2 seminar; administration materials. Sheets. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. Xerox Corporation; 210ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A918166.
A918167. BDP Company distribution selling skills 2 seminar; trainee materials. Sheets. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. Xerox Corporation; 210ct77 (in notice: 1976); A918167.
A918168. Professional selling skills 2, banking; trainee kit. 5 v. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation; 30Sep77; A918168.
A918169. Professional selling skills 2, banking; administration manual. 27 p. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. 6 Xerox Corporation; 30Sep77; A918169.
A918170. Professional development management training; participant's manual. Day 1 thru day 10. 1 v. Add. ti; United States Army Reserve professional development management training. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation; 180ct77; A918170.
A918171. Professional development management training; administrator's manual. 1 v. Add. ti: United States Army Reserve professional development management
training; United States Army Reserve
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