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A918114 - A9181U2


JUL-DEC. 1977

1918114. Creaa puffs: a look at cac buyinq. Editor: FraDcia Faust Johannsoiij assistant to the editoc: Beverly Sapp, researcher: Bosalyo &Dderson, photography by John i. Tusaitis. 2 4 p. (Consuaer survival kit, no. 404) Mil: additional text, revision G coBpilation. Baryland Center for Public Broadcasting; 10Nov77: i918114.

4918115. k Second nest: vacation hoses. Editor; Francia Faust Johannson, assistant to the editor: Beverly Sapp, researcher: David Huqhes. 24 p. (Consuner survival kit* 405) NB: additional teit, revision e coapilation. Haryland Center foe Public Broadcasting; 15Bov77: i91B115.

A918116. Arty-facts: a look at antiques and collections. Editor: Francia Paust Johannson, assistant to the editor: Beverly Sapp, researcher: Dennis Moore, photography by John u. Tusaitis. 24 p. (Consuaec survival kit. 403) MH : additional text, revision C coapilation. O Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting; 22NOV77; 4918116.

4918117. The Last rights: funerals Editor: Francia Faust Johannson, assistant to the editor: Beverly Sapp, researcher: Marilyn Bereson. 24 p. (Consuner survival kit, 407) NH: additional text, revision e cOBpilation. O Haryland center for Public Broadcastinq; 29liov77; 4918117.

1918118. Hauprat. By George Sand, introd. by Diane Johnson. 324 p. on introd.; Diane Johnson: 224uq77; A918118.

A918119. Teaporal characteristics of laser pulses and interaction of laser radiation vith natter. Edited by Nikolai Gennadievich Basov, translated fron the Bussian by Edward 0. Oldhan. 197 p. (Proceedings (Trudy) of the P. M. Lebedev Physics Institute, vol. 84) Appl. au: Consultants Bureau, employer for hire of translation. Prev. pub. in Moscow in 1975 as Vrenennye kharakteristiki lazernykh inpul* sov i vzaiaodeistvie lazernogo izlucheniya s veshchestTOB. tiM: translation. G Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 20Oct77; A918119.

A918120. Anerican political science research guide. vol. 1. Edited by George i. Johnson. 225 p. C IFI/Plenua Data COBpany, a division of Plenua Publishinq Corporation; 270ct77; A918120.

A918121. A New, low-viscosity epoxy sand consolidation process. SPE 6803. By C. H. Shaugbnessy. H. M. Salatheil & i. L. Penberthy, issued by society of Petroleua Engineers of 4IME. 6 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference 6 exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of 4IME, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12, 1977. O Aaerican Society of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc. (in notice: Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.); 90ct77; A918121.

A91B122. An Analysis of high velocity qas flow through porous aedia. SPE 6827. By Abbas Firoozabadi C Donald L. Katz, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 5 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12, 1977. O Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metal- lurqical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A918122.

4918123. Eabrittieaent of hiqh-strenqth, high-alloy tubular aaterials in sour environaents. SPE 6798. By B. D. Kane G J. B. Greer, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 4 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12. 1977. O Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleua Enqineers. Inc. ; 90ct77; A918123.

4918124. Perforaance prediction of floating drilling vessels for various operating areas. SPE 6832. By i. M. Evans, G. 4. Futoaa 6 C. 4. Loabana, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of 4IHE. 4 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of 4IME, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12, 1977. 4Berican Institute of Mining, fletal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: 4918124.

A918125. Polyner use xn blowout control. SPE 6B35. By L. C. Arnwine G J. i. Ely, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 5 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIME, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12. 1977. O Aaerican Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A918125.

A918126. Webster field unit waterflood faci- lities. SPE 6880. By B. L. Moore, Jr.. issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 4 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. held in Denver. Oct. 9-12. 1977. O Aaerican Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A918126.

A918127. The Morphology of dispersed clay in sandstone reservoirs and its effects on sandstone shaliness, pore space and fluid flow properties. SPE 6858. By John H. Neashaa, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 3 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIME, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12, 1977. Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A918127.

A918128. Pecos Biver water treataent for water inlection. SPE 6883. By Brent D. Meyers, Lydia P. Daggett G Jack B. Cowden, issued by society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 5 p. Presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE, held in Denver, Oct. 9-12, 1977. O Aaerican Institute of Mining, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4918128.

4918129. natural qas pipeline design and construction In peraafrost and discon- tinuous peraafrost. SPE 6873. By Aaos c. Mathews, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIME. 4 p. presented at the 52nd annual fall technical conference G exhibition of the Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. held in Denver, Oct. 9-12, 1977. O Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4918129.

4918131. International market indices, week ending Noveaber 25, 1977. 18 p. 4ppl. au: Malvin B. Boesch G Bobert P. Sanna. O Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 28Nov77: 4918131.

4918132. Full key list suoaary, aonth ending October 31, 1977, week ending Noveaber 22, 1977. Heekly charts, week ending Noveaber 22, 1977. 2 v. 4ppl. au: Bobert P. Sanna G Malvin B. Boesch. Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 23Bov77; 4918132.

4918133. Full key list suaaary. month ending Noveaber 30. 1977. week ending Noveaber 29, 1977. Monthly charts, aonth ending Noveaber 30, 1977. 2 v. 4ppl. au: Bobert P. Sanna G Halvin B. Boesch. Quan- titative Analysis Service; 2Dec77; A918133.

A9181J4. Weekly charts, week ending Noveaber 29. 1977. 372 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna G Halvin B. Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 30Nov77; 4918134.

4918135. 4nna*s diary. By Joseph Joffo, translated froa the French by Suzanne Patterson. 168 p. 4ppl. au: Eandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. Original ti. ; 4nna et son orchestre. 6 on English translation; fiandom House. Inc.; 15Sep77; A918135.

A918136. Understanding your aan: a woaan*s guide. By Theodore Isaac Eubin G David C. Berliner. 186 p. C El-Ted Bubin. Inc. G David C. Berliner; 15Sep77; A918136.

A918137. Juliette. By Pierre viallet, translated froa the French by Abigail Israel. 200 p. 4ppl. au: Bandoa House. Inc.. eaployer for hire. Original ti.: Juliette; ou. L'Insolation. O on English translation; Bandoa House. Inc.; 9Jun77; 4918137.

4918138. Island of desire. By Janet Louise Boberts. 500 p. Janet Louise Roberts; 15Sep77; 4916138.

4918139. Life scripts froa "Loving free." By Paula McDonald G Dick McDonald. 351 p. Based oc television scripts written by the authors. on text, editing, compilation G revisions; Pade Productions, Inc.; 11JU177; 4918139.

4918140. 4ngels on a string. Created by Ivan Goff G Ben Boberts, adapted by Max Franklin. 151 p. (Charlie's 4ngels, n-o. 3) Based on the script The Killing kind, by Ed Lakso. O on novelization; Spelling-Goldberg Productions; 9Jun77; 4918140.

4918141. The Honderful world of TV soap operas. By Bobert LaGuardia. 532 p. O on prev. unpub. photos., text, editing, coapilation G revisions. B.J.L. Coaaunications, Inc.; 11JU177; 4918141.

4918142. Captive passions. By Fern Michaels, pseud, of Mary Kuczkir G Boberta Anderson. 441 p. 6 Mary Kuczkir G Boberta Anderson (pseud.: Fern Michaels): 9Jun77;



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