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A918001 - A918038


JUL-DEC. 1977

A918001. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreie Coact of Indiana. Vol. 244: fcoa Apr. 30, 1963 to Jan. 27. 1964. Official reporter: Virginia B. Caylor E others. 744 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. O State of Indiana: 17Jun65: A918001.

A9 18003. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol 260; froa Jan. 22, 1973 to Aoq. 14, 1973. Official reporter: flarilou Bertzler & others. 726 P. Add. ti; Indiana reports. O State of Indiana: 30Jun75: A918003.

A9180a4. fieports of the cases decided in the supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 259: from July 7, 1972 to Jan. 19, 1973. Official reporter: Hariloo iertzler 6 others. 712 p. Add. ti; Indiana reports. 6 State of Indiana; 16»pr75: A918004.

A9180a5. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 258: from Feb. 23, 1972 to July 6, 1972. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler C others. 714 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. State of Indiana: 25Hov74 (in notice; 1973) : k9180a5.

A918a06. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana, 1971-1972. Vol. 257. Official reporter: Marilou Hertzler. 724 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. 257. State of Indiana: 2eFeb74 (in notice: 1973): A918006.

A918007. fieports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana, 1973. Vol. 158. Official reporter: Narilou Hertzler. 717 p. Add. ti: Indiana Coart of Appeals reports, 158. O State of Indiana; 4Apr77: A918007.

A918008. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana, 1969-1970. Vol. 253. Official reporter: Harilou iertzler. 725 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports, 253. State of Indiana: 23Feb72; A9 18008.

A918009. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana, 1970. Vol. 254. Official reporter; Marilou iertzler. 715 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports, 254. State of Indiana: 3Au<:72: A91B009.

A918011. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme court of Indiana, 1962-1963. Vol. 243. Official reporter: Virginia B. Caylor. 746 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports, 243. State of Indiana: 1Jun64: A918011.

A918012. fieports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana, 1973-1974. Vol. 159. Official reporter: Harilou iertzler. 721 p. Add. ti: Indiana court of Appeals reports, 159. State of Indiana: 23Sep77: A9 18012.

A918013. fieports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Vol. 157: from July 12, 1973 to Sept. 27, 19/3. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler & others. 723 p. Add. ti: Indiana Court of Appeals reports. C State of Indiana; 25Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : A918013.

A9le014. fieports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Vol. 156: from Apr. 9, 1973 to July 12, 1973. Official reporter: Harilou iertzler & others. 712 p. Add. ti: Indiana Court of Appeals reports. O State of Indiana; 15Dec76: A9ie014.

A918015. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 246: from Oct. 20, 1964 to Oct. 13, 1965. Official reporter: Helen E. Corey 6 others. 739 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. 6 State of Indiana; 25Har68: A918ai5.

A918016. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 251: from July 18, 1968 to Har. 6. 1969. Official reporter: Harilou iertzler £ others. 726 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. O State of Indiana; 17Feb71 (in notice: 1970); A918016.

A918017. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 250: from Mar. 8. 1968 to July 16, 1966. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler 6 others. 729 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. 6 State of Indiana; 8Jun70 (in notice: 1969); A918017.

A918018. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 249: from Oct. 31, 1967 to Har. 7, 1968. Official reporter: Harilou iertzler 6 others. 730 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. Q State of Indiana: 310ec69: A918018.

A918019. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 246: from Bov. 28. 1966 to Oct. 31, 1967. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler 6 others. 719 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. State of Indiana; 21Aug69: A918019.

A9ie020. fieports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Vol. ^54: from Nov. 8. 1972 to Dec. 27, 1972. Official reporter: Harilou iertzler & others. 717 p. Add. ti: Indiana Court of Appeals reports. C State of Indiana; 20May76 (in notice: 1975) ; A916020.

4918021. Reports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Vol. 153: from Aug. 9, 1972 to NO». 8. 1972. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler. 714 p. Add. ti: fieports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana; Indiana Court of Appeals reports. O State of Indiana; 90ct75: A918021.

A918022. Reports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Vol. 152: from Apr. 25, 1972 to Aug. 3, 1972. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler. 725 p. Add. ti: fieports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana; Indiana Court of Appeals reports. O State of Indiana: 2Sep75: 4918022.

A91802J. fi.eports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 263: from Feb. 24, 1975 to Dec. 10, 1975. official reporter: Marilou iertzler. 730 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. state of Indiana: 24May77; A918023.

4918024. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 262: from May 14, 1974 to Feb. 20, 1975. Official reporter: Harilou Hertzler. 728 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports, Q State of Indiana; 150ct76; A918024.

A918025. Beports of the decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 242: from June 8, 1961 to Apr. 17, 1962, Official reporter: Virginia B. Caylor. 747 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports, e State of Indiana: 3iaar64 (in notice: 1963) ; 4918025.

4916026. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 256: from Feb. 17, 1971 to Aug. 3, 1971. Official reporter; Harilou iertzler. 723 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. 6 State of Indiana; 24Jul73; A9ie026.

A918027. fieports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 255: from July 29, 1970 to Feb. 17, 1971. official reporter: Marilou iertzler. 713 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. State of Indiana; 6Mar73 (in notice: 1972) ; 4918027.

4918028. Reports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 252: from July 1, 1968 to Oct. 28. 1969. Official reporter: Marilou iertzler Lightfoot. 727 p. 4dd. ti: Indiana reports. O State of Indiana; 9Sep71: 4918028.

A918029. France poens. By John Russell Birkbeck. Jr., illus. by Gail Hodge G Kristine Lynnes. 43 p. MM: additions & com- pilation. John Birkl>eck: 21Sep77; A9ie029.

4918030. Silence is a Navajo night. By iallace H. Fuller. 42 p. KM: additions. e iallace H. Fuller; 104ug77; 4918030.

4918031. Stick it! on your car. By Tiki Parker (Priscilla Nason Parker) 1 v. O Tiki Parker; 290ct77; 4918031.

4918032. Base hiti By John B. Carroll, illus.: Sandra Kuhn. 52 p. John B. Carroll; 260ct77: A918032.

A918033. The Fiery hunt and other plays. By Charles Olson, editor: George F. Butterick. 125 p. Portions prev. pub. in Human universe and other essays. 1967 & others. NM: additions & introd. O Oniversity of Connecticut Library; 26Aug77; A918033.

A918034. Linking schools with the community. 95 p. Appl. au: Peggy odell Gender. National School Public Belations Association; 22Aug77; 4918034.

A918035. Educating all the handicapped: what the laus say and what schools are doing. 96 p. Appl. au: David G. Savage. O National School Public Relations Association; 12JU177; A918035.

A918036. Highlights of Henry county, Iowa, history, 1833-1976; Bicentennial ed. Editor: Peter H. Jaynes. 181 p. Appl. au: Henry county Bicentennial Commission. Henry County Bicentennial Commission; 10ct77; 4918036.

4918037. Photography of the Hamptons: a survey of historical and contemporary camerawork. 1 V. NH: compilation £ additional text. Guild Hall of East Hampton, Inc. (in notice: Guild Hall); 134ug77: A918037.

4918038. Service contract. 8 p. 6 Federal Land

Title Corporation; 50ec75; 4918038.


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