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A874999 - A875037


JUL-DEC. 1977

A8711998 (con.) 1977. lip. C Hoffaan Publications, Inc.: 1lnav77: A87«998.

A87U999. CBA/GSA news, Bav 1977„ Polder. Appl. au: Peter Hager Prugh. Charles naxHell. Belinda Langneyer E Rebecca Yates. e Graduate Student Association 6 College of Business Adainistration. Dni»ersity of Cincinnati: 27Apr77: A871I999.

A875000. Patient aedication calendar. 1 p. Adria Laboratories, Inc.; 15Dec76; A875000.

A875001. Adriamycin (doiorubicin HCl) for iniection in disseainated breast carcinoaa. 52 p. S Adria Laboratories, Inc.: 25Bar77: A875001.

A875002, Horizons, spring 1977. Vol. 13. Editors: Bary Lynn Bartholoaay 6 Teresa Leach. 18 p. e Horizons staff: 27Bay77; A875002.

A875003. Franchisor trends in terainations and repurchase. 52 p. S National Research publications. Inc.: 1Bay77: i875003.

A87500it. Conteaporarv guitar aethod. Book 3. Developed by Frederick H. Gagner. 32 p. NB: additions, revisions, coapilation 6 ausical ar rangeaents. 6 Baiter Kane Publications Inc.. a division of Walter Kane and Son. Inc.: 25Apr77: A87500it.

A875005. Contemporary modern guitar method. Book 10. Developed by Frederick «. Gagner. 32 p. NB: compilation 6 neB musical arrangeaents for guitar. C King Busic publishing Corporation, a division of Halter Kane and Son. Inc.; 23Nov7U: A875005.

A875006. Conteaporarv guitar aethod- Book 1- By Frederick H. Gagner. 32 p. NB: revisions, coapilation e ausical arrangements for guitar. C Halter Kane Publications. Inc., a division of Halter Kane and Son, Inc.: 29Dec75: A875006.

Ae75007. Contemporary guitar aethod. Book 2. By Frederick a. Gagner. 32 p. NB: revisions, compilation 6 musical arrangements for guitar^ O Halter Kane Publications. Inc.. a division of Halter Kane and Son. Inc.: 30Bar75: A875007.

A875008. Contemporary modern guitar aethod. Book 9. Developed by Frederick H. Gagner. 32 p. NB: compilation e new ausical arrangements for guitar. King Busic Publishing Corporation, a division of Halter Kane and Son. Inc.: '*Apr7«: A875008.

A875009. Allaetal air spacers for the insulating glass aanufacturing industry. Folder (1 p.) Appl. au: Diehard E. Andresen. NB: additions 5 revisions. C Allaetal Company; 1Bav77: AB75009.

A875010. Our factor. July/August 1977. Folder. Appl. au: Roland S. Jones. Cellutron Products Corporation: 27Jun77: A875010.

A875011. Ethics for a croiided world. Prepared by Center for Ethics and Social Policy. Graduate Theological Union. 1 v. O Center for Ethics and Social Policy, Graduate Theological Onion; 5Feb77; A875011.

A875012. The Instant antique expert. By Ann Zabroski S Jack Baraffi. 23 p. C Jack Baraffi; 21Jan77: A875012.

A875013., Bisk aanageaent course aanual. SHU p. Appl. states no copyright claiaed on aaterials taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Federal Publications, Inc.; 7Jul77: A875013.

A875014. practical audiology for the speech pathologist. By Robert H. Keith. Folder. (Communicative disorders: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 6, June 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) C Grune and Stratton, Inc.: 15Jun77: A875014.

A875015. The Dizzy patient. By Richard H. Babin 6 Brian F. BcCabe. 2 p. (Audiology: an audio -journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 6, June 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 1UJun77: A875015.

Ae75016. Audio lournal review — general surgery. Vol. 6, no. 5, Bay 1977. Editor: Robert N. Bcclelland. 2 p. 6 Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 13Jun77; A875016.

A875017. Learning disabilities; a medical responsibility? Pt. 2. By Richard J. Schain. Folder. (Learning disabilities: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 1, no. 6, June 1977. Edited by Barvin I. Gottlieb 6 Larry J. Bradford) O Grune and Stratton. Inc.: 16Jun77; Ae75017.

A87501B. Instructor's learning aids to accompany practical psychology. By Jaaes P. Flanders, with the assistance of Sheldon Goodaan. 138 p. C James F. Flanders (Jaaes P. Flanders); 8Apr76; A875018.

A875019. Supplementary tests for Lessons in essential mathematics, book 1: arithmetic. By Robert A. Noalan. 131 p. Robert A. Nowlan: 2Jan77: A875019.

A875020. Fundaaentals of cheaistry in the laboratory. By Kurt Irgolic, Larry Peck 6 Rod O'Connor, with illus. by Paul Glenn. 2nd ed. t17 p. portions prev. pub. as Fundamentals of chemistry: a learning systems approach. Kurt Irgolic. Larry Peck. Rod O'Connor 6 Paul Glenn; 15Feb77: A875020.

A875021. Polish American calendar. 1978. Appl. au: Donald F. Samull. Donald F. Saaull; 15JU177; A875021.

A875022. Bake your products and services the center of attention with Sales Center 3. 1 p. e OS Barketing Systeas; 1Bay77; A875022.

A875023. Statistical reasoning in sociology, third edition; solutions manual. By John H. Bueller. Karl F. Schuessler 6 Herbert L. Costner. 87 p. Houghton Bifflin Coapany; 3Jan77; A875023.

A8750211. Study guide to accompany Introductory statistics with applications, by Hayne H. Daniel. By Pickett H. Riggs S Charles E. Hopkins. 351 p. C Houghton Bifflin company; 8Feb77; A87502it.

A875025. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program: teacher's guide. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt S Charlesetta Simpkins. 57 p. O Houghton Bifflin Coapany: 3Jan77; A875025.

A875026. Hriting by design. By Halter E. Klarner, Jaaes B. Hilliaas 6 Harold L. Harp, part-opener art by Steve Snider- 293 p. O Houghton Bifflin Coapany; 20Jan77; A875026.

A875027. Learning by doing; an illustrated handbook for parents and teachers of children who learn slowly. No. 6527. By Anne Fogovin. 2nd ed. 223 p. Appl. au: Ideal School Supply Company. 6 Ideal publications a.a.d.o. Ideal School Supply Coapany; 10aar77; A875027.

A875028. Kiaball 3-note bass clef series. Suppl. 2. Arr. Jia Cliff. 32 p. Add. ti: Kiaball 2-note bass clef series, supplement 2. Appl. au: Hal Leonard publishing Corporation. NB: coapilation- e Hal Leonard publishing Corporation; 27Bay77; A875028.

A875029. Kiaball 3-note bass clef series. Suppl. 1. Arr. Jia Cliff. 32 p. Add. ti: Kiaball 2-note bass clef series, suppleaent 1. Appl. au: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation. NB: text fi compilation. Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 27Bay77; A875029.

i87S030. Syntron controller, model: BC-3: FfiC instruction aanual: installation, operation, aaintenance. Banual no. C-tS. 11 p. O FBC Corporation; 17Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; A875030.

A875031. Bodel AF control; FBC instructions.. Banual no. C-e79. Folder. O FBC Corporation: 17Feb76; A875031.

A875032. Bodel AB control; FBC instructions- Banual no. C-880. Folder. FBC Corporation; 10Feb76; A875032.

A875033- link-Belt pull-paks. Bulletin no. 65077A. 11 p. e FBC Corporation; 8Jun77; A875033.

A87503U. British Leyland Service Division frontliners audiovisual service technical inforaation; scheduled maintenance- 24 p. Add. ti: British Leyland Service Division scheduled aaintenance. Educational Coaaunications. Inc.; 2iiJun77; A8750311.

A875035. Lobbying: a special report and resource papers on lobbying and its regulation in the 50 states. 1 v. Portions reprinted froB the California journal £ the Harvard business review. O Legis 50/the Center for Legislative Improveaent; 13Apr77; A875035.

A875036. "How to repair your color TV": a siaplified step by step guide. By H. Alexander, pseud, of Arthur H. Sneddon. 3rd ed. rev. 55 p. Research Products and publications; 28Bay77; A875036-


Bidnight train to Georgia. By Ransoline


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