A917523 - A917566
JUL-DEC. 1977
A917523. Current probleas Id partnership investneot, aanaqeaent and control. 336 p. (Tax lau and estate planning series tax lav and practice course handbook series, no. 115t &ppl. states no copyright claioed in Goveconent aaterial. NN: compilation G additional text. e Practising Lax Institute: 13Nov77; i917523.
49 17524. Processing and closing a HOD or HFA multifaailT loan: progran aaterials. <40e p. Appl. states no copyright claiaed in Goyernment aaterial. NS: coapilation C additional t«xt. C Practising Lau Institute: 1i»lloy77: A91752U.
A917525. Coastal sediaents '77; 5th syaposiuB of the Haterway* Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of American Society of civil Engineers, Charleston, SC, Hov. 2-4, 1977. Appl. au: American Society of Civil Engineers. C American Society of Civil Engineers; 2Nov77; A917525.
A917526. Practical highvay esthetics, prepared by the committee on Geometries and Esthetics of Highway Location and Design, Highway Division of the American society of civil Engineers. 79 p. Appl. au: American Society of civil Engineers. American Society of Civil Engineers: 150ct77: A9 17526.
A917527. The Christmas cookie book. By Joan Halsh Anglund. 40 p. Joan Halsh »nglu>"1: 1NOV77; A917527.
A917528. Pacific islands cookbook; recipes. By Bonica Bayley, illustrated by Bruce Butte. 122 p. Appl. au: Determined Productions, Inc. O Determined Productions, Inc.; 22JU177; A917528.
4917529. Nassau, NY, yellow pages, 1978. e New Tork Telephone Company: 23Nov77; A917529.
4917530. The Bronx, NT, address telephone directory, November 10, 1977. O New York Telephone Company: iaNov77; 49 17530.
4917531. Dayton, followed by sections for Poieroy, Starbuck, iaitsburg, B4, 1977/78. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 140ct77; 4917531.
4917532. Shelton, followed by sections for Hoodsport. Onion, iA, 1977/78. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 28Sep77: A9 17532.
A917533i Cle Elum, Easton, fallowed by listings for Roslyn, HA, 1977/78. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 15Sep77: A917533.
A917534. Colville, Harcus, Orient, HA, and others, 1977/78. C Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 260ct77: 4917534.
4917535. Coulee Dam, including 41mira, Hartline, «4, and others, 1977/78. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 9Sep77; 4917535.
4917536. Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, S4, 1977/78. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone company; 28Sep77: 4917536.
A917537. Port Angeles, Lake Crescent, Seguim, HA, 1977/78. O Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company; 21Sep77: A917537.
4917538. Yakima, followed by sections for Cowiche, Tieton, H4, and others, 1977/78. Q Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 22Sep77; 4917538.
4917539. Vancouver, including Bati^le Ground, Bidgefield, Yacolt, H4, 1977/78. e Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone company: 110ct77: 4917539.
4917540. Peritoneal dialysis; instructor guide. Produced by Decision Nedia, Inc. 5 p. Accompanied by filmstrip, reg. JP20940. e J. B. Lippincott Company; 10Jul74; 4917540.
4917541. Indwelling urinary catheter care; instructor guide. Produced by Decision aedia. Inc. 5 p. 4ccompanied by filpstrip, reg. JP20941. J. B. Lippincott Company: 10Jul74; 4917541.
4917542. Peptic ulcer; instructor guide. Produced by Decision aedia. Inc. 5 p. 4ccompanied by filmstrip, reg. JP20942. e J. B. Lippincott Company; 10Jul74; 4917542.
4917543. Here's how 3 out of 10 people find restaurants. Here's how 3 out of 5 people find caterers. By Jackson Holt Gray. 500 p. 4ppl. au: Jackson Bolt Gray d.b.a. Gray and 4ssociates. NN: editorial revision C compilation. Jackson Bolt Gray d.b.a. Gray and Associates; 94ug77; 4917543.
4917544. Bed-hot wife. By Mark Smith. 159 p. 4ppl. au; Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , employer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 224U977; A917544.
4917545. Eager beaver niece. By John Kellerman. 157 p. 4ppl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Q Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 264uq77: 4917545.
4917546. Hife going down. By Jason Cannon. 154 p. 4ppl. an: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. S Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 224ug77; 4917546.
4917547. Teacher's hot bed. By Hark Smith. 155 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 26Aug77; 4917547.
A917548. Neighbors in heat. By Norma Egan. 155 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Q Greenleaf classics. Inc.; 26Aug77; A917548.
A917549. The Bowling bailers. By Jane Fox. 154 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 224ug77; 4917549.
4917550. Horn and the gang. By Brian Laver. 154 p. 4ppl. am Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 224ug77; 4917550.
4917551. The Tempting twins. ay Bay Todd. 154 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf classics. Inc., employer for hire. 6 Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 26Aug77: A917551.
A917552. Hot piece wives. By Jane Fox. 154 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 26Aug77; A917552.
A917553. Seducing older women. By Lew Hoods. 159 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , employer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 224ug77; 4917553.
4917554. Hama's big boy. By Tom James. 156 p. 4ppl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 224ug77; 4917554.
A917555. Trucker's wife. By Jason Cannon. 153 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , employer for hire. Greenleaf classics. Inc.; 264ug77; 4917555.
4917556. My spouse for yours. By Heather Brown. 153 p. 4ppl. aa: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 264ug77; 4917556.
4917557. The Preacher's daughters. By Jeff Davis. 154 p. 4ppl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , employer for hire. Q Greenleaf Classics, Inc. ; 26Aug77; A917557.
A917558. Evaluating the advanced placement studio art portfolio. A report by Charles H. Dorn. 12 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. NH: updating. College Entrance Examination Board; 14NOV77; A917558.
A917559. CLEP test centers and other parti- cipating institutions; 1978 ed. 23 p. O College Entrance Examination Board; 10NOV77; A917559.
A917560. CLEP general and subject examinations: descriptions and sample questions; 1978 ed. 102 p. O College Entrance Exa- mination Board; 10Nov77; A917560.
A917561. The College handbook index of majors. 566 p. Q College Entrance Examination Board; 180ct77; A917561.
A917562. fiising Sun, HD, and nearby communities telephone directory, November 1977. The Armstrong Telephone Company; 1Hov77; 4917562.
4917563. norgautown, HV, telephone directory, November 1977. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Hest Virginia; 1Nov77; A917563.
4917564. Quarryville, PA, and nearby communities telephone directory, November 1977. No. 2. Commonwealth Telephone Company; 1NOV77; 4917564.
4917565. Quarryville, P4, and nearby communities telephone directory, November 1977. No. 1. 6 Commonwealth Telephone Company; 1NOV77; 4917565.
A917566. Balimore suburban west yellow pages,
November 1977. e The Chesapeake and
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