JUL-DEC. 1977
4917375 (con.) Ernest 8. DeProspo 6 Philip S. Clark; 180ct76: A917375.
A917376. HeM Jersey measurement study; a study to refine and test new measures of library service and train library personnel in their use. By Philip K. Clark, Ellen Connor Clark, Hary Jo lynch 6 Ernest E. DeProspo. 126 p. e Ernest B. DeProspo, Philip H. Clark 6 Ellen Connor Clark; 2iHlay76; A917376.
S917377. Boots of character education; an exploration of the American heritage from the decade of the 1920 's.- By Billiam E. Chapman, forenord by John H. Peatlinq. 76 p. Chap. 1-6 & 8 based on the unpub. dissertation. Character education in the tuenties. by the author. Ernest H. Liqon; 6Sep77; A917377.
A917378. Sachie, a daughter of Hauaii. By Patsy Sumie Saiki, illus. by sormao Hagai. 143 p. e Kisaku, Inc.; «Oct77; A9 17378.
A917379. Comptaq. Card. ippl. au: Jerry O. Bucher. Jerry 0. Bucher; 9llar77; A917379.
A917380. Comptaq; ads or service bulletins compiled uith. Card. Appl. au: Jerry O. Bucher. e Jerry O. Bucher; 9ilar77; A917380.
A917381. Proven cancer control using nitriloside foods with enzymes. Author; Bert Leonard Elder. 14 p. e Bert L. Elder; 1Hov77; 1917381.
A917382. Love is the motive. By Carol Amen, edited by Eichard Coffen. 64 p. NM: compilation. @ Southern publishing Association; 10Oct77; a917382.
A917383. East Boston, MA, resident telephone directory, 1978. Appl. au: Salvatore Pesaturo 6 John P. Torrone. e East Boston Telephone Directory Company: 29Sep77; A917383.
A917384. Ifelcome to my field. By Abda Lee Quillian, illus. by Marty Almond, photoqraphy by Abda Lee Quillian. 1 v. e Abda Lee Quillian; 200ct77; A917384.
A9 17385. Living vith hemorrhoids. By James Elmer Griggs. 12 p. e James E. Griggs; 260ct77; A9 17385.
A917386. Butterflies and dreams. By Jody Cline <Jo Lyons Cline) , illus. by Silvia litsMorth. IV. e Jody Cline; 270ct77; A917386.
A9 17387. Teco carpentry connectors barn storage shed: "build it yourself" plan. Folder. Add. ti: Teco barn storage shed "build it yourself" plan. Appl. au: Timber Engineering Company (Teco) 6 Teco; 25Aug77; A917387.
A917388. Stimulating simulations: ten unique programs in Basic for the computer hobbyist. By Charles Hllllam Enqel, Jr.. editor: Jane E. Engel. 1 v. 6 C. Hilliam Engel; 30ct77; A917388.
Appl. au: Carol Barnicoat & Pamela DeEaan. 6 Measure Op, Inc.; 10NOV77; A917389.
A917390. Keeping house in this forest. By Madeline Tiger Bass. 43 p. (Journal of New Jersey poets, vol. 1, no. 3, pt. 1) KM: additions. O Madeline Tiger Bass; 18JU177; A917390.
A917391. My grandparents were married for siity-five years. By Penelope Scasbly Schott. 43 p. (Journal of Nen Jersey poets, vol. 1, no. 3, pt. 2) DM: additional poems. 6 Penelope Scambly Schott; 18JU177; A917391.
A917392. Synetip vernal point ephemeris, 1800-1880. compiled by Gene Lockhart. 27 p. 9 Eeqistry of Sidereal Astrologers; 16May77: A917392.
A917393. The Busy people's naturally nutritious, decidedly delicious fast foodbook. Eecipes: Sharon Anderson Elliot, drawings: Sandy llaight (Loisanne Haight) 117 p. e Sharon Elliot £ Sandy Haight; 7oct77; A917393.
A917394. Tribit module model 3334; technical manual. Pt. 1: specifications. 1 v. Siemens corporation; 3Cct77; A917394.
A917395. Personal involvement in evangelism. Second course: evangelism. By Seldon E. Viertel. 141 p. O Carib Baptist Publications; 7Jun77; A917395.
A917396. Early and Medieval Christianity. First course: church history. By Beldon E. Viertel S Hilliam L. Homack. 221 p. 9 Carib Baptist Publications; 23Jun76 (in notice: 1975) ; A917396.
A917397. The Gospel and Epistles of John. Fifth course: New Testament studies. By Reldon E. viertel. 189 p, Carib Baptist publications; 17Sep75; A917397.
A917398. Pastoral leadership. Third course: pastoral ministry. By Heldon E. Viertel. 192 p. Carib Baptist Publications; 21Jun77: A917398.
A917399. Studies in the Pentateuch. First course: Old Testament studies. By ieldon B. Viertel. 144 p. Carib Baptist Publications; 23Jun76 (in notice: 1975) ; A917399.
A917400. Linkul journal entry program. Kit. e Litton Business Systems, Inc. ; 22Apr77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); 1917400.
A917401. Bank program 1830/1810-11. 14 p. 6 cards. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; lMay77 (in notices: 1972, 1974) ; A9 17401.
A917402. Linkul liability sheet. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917402.
A917403. Linkul journal entry program «/ I/O writer. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917403.
A917404. Brock oldsmobile. 2 p. e cards. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 13Jul76 (in notice: 1974); A917404.
A917405. Auto $ 31 Missouri. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc. ; lJul76 (in notice: 1972, 1974); A917405.
A917406. Alton Banking and Trust installment bank loan program. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917406.
A917407. Linkul financial statement tape program. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917407.
A917408. Linkul balance sheet program with I/O writer. Kit. O Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917408.
A917409- 0. S. Army travel voucher program. Kit. & Litton Business Systems, Inc. ; 1Aug76 (in notices: 1974, 1977); A917409.
A917410. Linkul income statement program with I/O writer. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917410.
A917411. Model 300 payroll demonstration. Kit. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc. ; 1 Jan77 (in notices: 1972, 1974); A917411.
A917412. Monroe subroutine library. 1 v. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 1Jan76 (in notices: 1972, 1976); A917412.
A917413. Hydraulics 2300. 1 v. 9 Litton Business Systems, Inc.; 10ct75 (in notices: 1972, 1974, 1975) ; A917413.
A917414. Historical criticism and theological interpretation of Scripture: toward a hermeneutics of consent. By Peter Stuhlmacher, translated D with an introd. by Boy A. Harrisville. 93 p. Translation of Historische Kritik und theologische Schrif tauslegung. MM: translation. 9 Fortress Press; 8Nov77; A917414.
A917415. Discord, dialogue, and concord: studies in the Lutheran Eeformation's formula of concord. Edited by Lewis Hilliam Spitz £ ienzel Lohff. 207 p. NM: compilation. 9 Fortress Press; 4Nov77; A917415.
A917416. A Church for an open future: Biblical roots and parish renewal. By Jack H. Lundin with a foreword by Martin E. Marty. 125 p. NM: 90X new material. 9 Fortress Press; 141lov77; A917416.
A917417. Official compilation codes, rules and regulations of the State of New York. Suppl. no. 8, Aug. 1977. sheets. Appl. au: Department of State, State of New York. 9 Secretary of State, State of New York; 15I10V77; A917417.
A917418. The Movie fan's calendar, 1978. Appl. au: Harold P. Burbage, Jr. £ Jaala (ieingarten (Michelle Jaal) NM: com- pilation of illus. fi text. Harold P. Burbage, Jr. £ Michelle Jaal, whose full legal name is Jaala Beingarten; 15Sep77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.