A917332 - A917375
JUL-DEC. 1977
A917332. Heritage. Bt Oven Sanders. Card. O Oveo sauders; 25Not77: 1917332.
4917333. The Financial ingredient in foodservice Banagenent; student aanual. SO p. O National Institute for the Foodservice Industry: 15aar77j 4917333.
4917331*. The Financial ingredient in foodservice naoaqenent; instructor's guide. 102 p. tlational Institute for the Foodservice Industry: 2'lllay77: 4917334.
4917335. Foms for use before the Register of Hills and the Orphans' Court Division in Philadelphia. 1977 revision prepared by the Section on Probate and Trust Law of the Philadelphia Bar 4ssociation. 144 p. 4ppl. au; David B. Glyn. The Fidelity Bank £ Philadelphia Bar Association: 22NOV77: 4917335.
4917336. Fundaaentals of Bedical histology. By Dan chiras (Daniel David Chiras) , illustrated by Kay allies, sheets. 4dd. ti: Fundamentals of histology. Dan Chiras: 24Jan77: 4917336.
4917337. Accounting and business valuation: study guide. Vol. 1: 1977/1978. Sheets. The 4nerican College; 154ug77: 4917337.
4917338. Printing and Beprography^^esting Conference, 1977: Hov. 14-16, Dunfey's Boyal Coach, 4tlanta, Gl. 228 p. (T4PPI conference papers) O Technical 4sso- elation of Pulp and Paper Industry (in notice: T4PPI) : 280ct77: 4917338.
4917339. 41kaline Pulping/Secondary Fibers Conference, 1977; Nov. 7-10, Sheraton Park Hotel, iashinqton. DC. 418 p. (T4PPI conference papers) Technical 4sso- ciation of the Pulp and Paper Industry (in notice: T4PPI) ; 7Nov77; 49 17339.
4917340. Billing prograa package. Printout. Bochester Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 150ct76; 4917340.
4917341. The conplete guide to lavn Bovers. By Harold o. Fichter. 546 p. O Harold 0. Fichter: 16Sov77: 4917341.
4917342. Suburban Essex, including Springfield, SuBBit, NJ, and vicinity telephone directory, October 1977. including SUBBit yellow pages classified directory. O Nen Jersey ^ell Telephone CoBpany a. k. a. Hev Jersey Bell: 80ct77: 4917342.
4917343. Suburban Essex, including Springfield. SUBBit, NJ, and vicinity telephone directory, October 1977, including Orange yellow pages classified directory. New Jersey Bell Telephone Coopany a. k.a. New Jersey Bell; 80ct77: 4917343.
4917344. Suburban Essex, including Springfield, SUBBit, NJ, and vicinity telephone directory, October 1977, including Hontclair yellow pages classified directory. C New Jersey Bell Telephone COBpany a. k.a. New Jersey Bell; 80ct77: 4917344.
4917345. New Brunswick, Perth Anboy, Hoodbridge, NJ, and vicinity telephone directory, Noveaber 1977, including New Brunswick yellow pages classified directory. New Jersey Bell Telephone Conpany a. k.a. Hew Jersey Bell; 5Nov77: 4917345.
4917346. New Brunswick, Perth 4Bboy, Hoodbridge, NJ, and vicinity telephone directory, Noveaber 1977, including Perth 4Bboy yellow pages classified directory. New Jersey Bell Telephone Coapany a. k.a. New Jersey Bell; 12»ov77; 4917346.
4917347. Call to individual creative action; a social report on aan and nation. Sheets (104 p.) 4ppl. au: Bhoda Lachar. O Bfaoda Lachar; 21Nov77; 4917347.
A917348. Bhere to now? pt. 1-4. By Bhoda Lachar. Sheets. O Bhoda Lachar; 21NOV77; A917348.
A917349. Architectural/engineering contracting: a qovernaent aanual. 1 v. NH; coapilation 6 editorial revision. O Conaittee on Federal Procurement of Architect/Engineer Services; 17Nov77; A917349.
A917350. Hho won what when: the record book of winners. Coapiled by Sandra Lee Stuart. 486 p. O Sandra Lee Stuart; 14Nov77: 4917350.
4917351. Latin via Ovid: a first course. By Noraa Goldaan & Jacob E. Nyenhuis. 494 p. Q Hayne State Oniversity Press; 25Nov77; 4917351.
4917352. Facing reality: a functional blueprint for living. By Ira Lunan Ferguson. 364 p. Ira Lunan Ferguson; 11Nov77; 4917352.
4917353. 4Bbulatory care. By Seth B. Goldsaith. 135 p. O 4spen Systeas Corporation: 30ct77; 4917353.
4917354. Health and health care: policies in perspective. By 4nne Baasay Soaers e Heraan Miles Soaers. 528 p. Aspen Systeas Corporation; 30ct77; A917354.
A917355. Hedical inforaation systeas; a resource for hospitals. By Melville H. Hodge. 201 p. O Aspen Systeas Corporation; 260ct77: 4917355.
A917356. Econoaics in health care. Editors: Lewis E. Ueeks £ Howard J. Beraan. 416 p. O Aspen Systeas Corporation; 110ct77: A917356.
A917357. Darton; the world resource gaae. Kit. Appl. au: John H. Darton. O Darton Constructions, Ltd.; 11Nov77; A917357.
A917358. A Hoaent. By Donna Kay HcElwreath. 1 p. Donna Kay NcElwreath; 24Aug77; A91735B.
A917359. Beading pleasure. By flary C. Gladis. 24 p. O aary C. Gladis; 40ct77: A917359.
A917360. Profax Parts replaceaent weldor parts, catalog no. 137S. 32 p. O Profax Parts; l«ay76; A917360.
A917361. Following directions; Bidway placeaent test foras X and I. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 V. (Specific skill series) O Barnell Loft. Ltd.; 16NOV77: A917361.
A917362. Drawing conclusions: aidway placeaent test foras I and I. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 V. (Specific skill series) O Barnell loft, Ltd.; 16BOV77; A917362.
A917363. Getting the facts; aidway placeaent test foras X and T. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 V. (Specific skill series) O Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 16NOV77; A917363.
A917364. Thanksgiving weekend in New York. Noveaber 25-27, 1977; itinerary. 1 v. O Canton Autoaobile Club, Inc.; 10llov77; A9173e4.
A917365. Jerry Lewis and Chita Bivera at the Front Bow Theatre, Noveaber 26, 1977; itinerary. Folder. Canton Autoaobile Clnb, Inc.; 18HO»77; 1917365.
A917366. Facts and Coaparisons, Noveaber 1977. Editor; Erwin K. Kastrup, associate editor: Jaaes fi. Boyd. Hicrofiche. Appl. au: Gene B. Schwach. O Facts and coaparisons. Inc.; 1Nov77; A917366.
A917367. Datsun foreign car parts and accessories catalog, 1975. Hicrofiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Der75; A917367.
A917368. Philosophic exchange; the annual proceedings of the Center for Philosophic Exchange, state Oniversity of Mew Tork, College of Arts and Science at Brockport. »ol. 2, no. 3, suaaer 1977. 89 p. C The Center for Philosophic Exchange (in notice: Center for Philosophic Exchange. State Oniversity of New York, College at Brockport); 29Aug77: A917368.
A9 17369. Bringing up baby. By Cathy Carsten Borgan. illus.. by Boo Carsten. 1 v. O Cathy Carsten Borgan; 17Sep77; A917369.
4917370. Hoae Planners 180 hoaes. aulti-level designs. Design category, vol. 4. By Bichard B. Pollaan. 175 p. 4ppl. au: Hoae Planners, Inc. on additional illustrative aaterial; Hoae Planners. Inc.; 19Sep77; 4917370.
4917171. Su cess Onliaited, Inc. By Elroy Boaar. 52 p. Elroy Boaar; 110ct77; 4917371.
4917372. Challenge to parents: iaprove your child's reading. By Vilaa Oxenford. 169 p. Vilaa Oxenford d.b.a. Point Press; 180ct77; 4917372.
4917373. Salt Lake Bape Crisis Center volunteer aanual. Coapiled by Salt Lake Bape Crisis center. Inc. 1 v. Prev. pub. as Salt Lake Bape Crisis center training aanual. NB: editorial revision e updating. Salt Lake Bape Crisis Center. Inc. ; 25Apr77; 4917373.
A917374. Foundations. 55 p. Appl. au: Judith Ann Phillips. NB; additional text. Judy Phillips; 31Bar77; A917374.
A917375. Statistical data for New Jersey public libraries: statewide reporting. By Ernest
B. OeProspo e Philip H. Clark. 27 p.
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