A917012 - A91705S
JUL-DEC. 1977
JOL. - DEC. 1977 1917011 (COD.) Kit. The CoDtiDental Press, Idc; 15Sep77; 1917011.
19 17012. IISS. aatheaatics tit 1. Br Elsie c. Eacller. illostrated br Bic Estrada. Tlie CODtineotal Pce^s. loc. : 26Jal77: 1917012.
1917013. Lean t*Hard rhe viDdrow. w Heldeoe Harris GcaT> illus.: Irdis Idd Harris Rhaleo. 1 T. Icdis Ins Harris Ihaleo f, Keldene aarrls Grar: ISep77; 1917013.
19170111. iilaioqtoD City and Clinton Coanty, OH, directory, 1977. Idd. t i: Clinton County and 'rfilainqton City* OH, directory* 1977. O Bobiason Directories, Inc.; 22Iot77; 191701*.
1917015. Sarcett, lltona, II, city directory, 1977. Bobinson Directories, Inc.; 22lo»77; 1917015.
1917016. i.aad*s end, water's edqe: tooq Island Sound. By Joseph Howard Cooper. 315 p. Joseph Bovard Cooper: 8Iot77: 1917016.
1917017. Traditional Bonan Catholic calendar for the year of our Lord, 1978. Ippl. aa: Goaiar 1. De Paav. C Catholic Tradi- tionalist SoycieoT, lac; 20!Iot77; 1917017.
1917018. DP index: qaide to coapoter instal- lations in Dallas and aorth Texas. Editor: Ken Horner. 272 p. Idd. ti: Guide to Dallas and north Texas coapaters. Ippl. aa: DP Index Coapaar. DP ladex Conpaay; I0loy77: 1917018.
1917019. Bales and cequlatioas of the laterstate Coaaerce coaaission contaiainq parts 1110-1119 railcarriers coasolidatioa, finance, and reorqaaixat ion, 1120-1129 special procedures, railcarriers certificate of public coaveaience and necessity. Sneets. Hfl: additions. Dua-Dat Bales, lac: 2llo>77: 1917019.
1917020. Eules and requlations of the Interstate Coaaerce Coaaission containing parts 1080-1089 freiqht forvarders, qeneral 1150-1159 special procedures, freight forvarders. Sheets. IB: additions. Dan-Day Bules, Inc.: 2110(77: 19 17020.
1917021. Bules and requlations of the Interstate Coaaerce Coaaission contaiainq parts 1070-1079 aater carriers, qeaeral 11«0-11«9 special procedures, »ater carriers. Sheets. in: additioas. Ona-Oay Bales, lac: 2110*77; 1917021.
1917022. Bales and requlations of the laterstate Coaaerce Coaaissioa contaiainq parts 1090-1099: iateraodal transportation. Sheets. IB: additioas. C Dua-Dai Bales, Inc.: 2Uo»77; 1917022.
1917323. Bales aad requlatioas of the laterstate Coaaerce Coaaissioa coatainiaq parts 1000-1039: qeaeral proiisioas, enfor- ceaent, carriers sablect to part 1, Interstate coaaerce act. Sheets. IB: additioas. C Dun-Day Bales, Inc.; 2HoyT7: 1917023.
191702*. Bules and reqalations of the Interstate Coaaerce Coaaissioa <:oatainiaq pacts 10*0-1069 notor carriers, brokers, qeaeral, 1130-1139 special procedures, actor carriers aad broJcers certificates, peraits, licenses. Sheets. HH: additioas. C Dua-Dav fiules, lac ; 21«oy77; 191702'4.
1917025. Six baildiaqs. By Charles lorth. 1 y. Charles iorth; 15Hoy77; 1917025.
1917026. lnaa*s Bardanger eabroidery. By Inaa Bolqer, coapiled by Susan L. Beier 6 Bosalyn K. Bataeao, photography by flichael 0. Johasoa. 32 p. Susan L. Heier & Bosalyn K. Bataeao: iaao?77: 1917026.
1917027. Bby booaeraaqs retura. By David Parker iobsoa. 33 p. O David Bobsoo; 1(0*77; 1917027.
1917028. Boa-urban terratectnre housing: a prototype for lea lork State. By Christopher B. Broaaiaq. 201 p. Christopher E. Brovainq; 9aay77: 1917026.
1917029. Irastrong raloe pacts catalog, fall and winter 1977. 30* p. Idd. ti: Irastrong parts catalog, fall aad ainter 1977. C B. D. Irastrong Corporation; 250ct77: 1917029.
1917030. Irastrong sales flyer. lo. 7*1, lov. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. Irastrong Corpo- ration; 250ct77: 1917030.
1917031. Irastrong sales flyer. lo. 743, lo?. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. Irastrong Corpo- ration; 250ct77; 1917031.
1917032. Irastrong sales flyer. lo. 736, lor. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. irastrong Corpo- ration; 2SOct77; 1917032.
1917033. Irastrong sales flyer. So. 737, Iot. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. Irastrong Corpo- ration; 250ct77; 19170J3.
1917034. Irastrong sales flyer. lo. 738« lov. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. Irastrong Corpo- ration: 250ct77; 1917034.
1917035. Irastrong sales flyer. lo. 739, lov. 1977. 8 p. OB. u. Irastrong Corpo- ration; 250ct77; 1917035.
1917036. Irastronq sales flyer. lo. 740, lov. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. irastrong Cocpv rarioa: 2SOct77; 1917036.
1917037. Irastrong sales flyer, lo. 742, lov. 1977. 8 p. OB. C. Irastrong Corpo- ration; 250ct77; 191/037.
1917038. Irastrong sales flyer. lo. 7*8, lov. 1977. 8 p. OB. D. Irastrong Corpo- ration: 250ct77; 1917038.
19170*0. Personal aotivatioa review. Polder. C Psychological Coasultants, Inc.; 17IOV77; 19170*0.
19170*1. Standard offer and agreeaent for purchase of real estate; fora. Folder. Prev. ccq. 1976, 1786783. IB: paragraph 6.5. C laerican Industrial Beal Estate 11IOV77 {in notice: 1975);
19170*2. The Collector's guide to the laerican ausical theatre. Coapiled by David Buaael. O David Huaael; 11lov77: 19170*2.
19170*3. Tour property was shown by Circle laerica. lo. C1-2U. Polder. Circle laerica Beal Estate Corporation; *aar76 (in notice: 1975) ; 1917043.
191704*. Irchworld: a coapiete fantasy caapaign. By Bichael Gilbert t, Sheila Gilbert. 76 p. & 5 cards. Idd. ti: Irchworld: fantasy ainiatores rules. O Hichael Gilbert G Sheila Gilbert (in notice: Hike t Sheila Gilbert); 21lov77: 191704*.
19170*5. Suburban southwest Louisville* KT, telephone directory. Idd. ti: Suburban sotfthwest telephone directory. C aetro Publishing Coapany; 10ct77; 19170*5.
19170*6. Subucbaa south Louisville, KT, telephone directory, 1977-78. Idd. ti: Suburban south telephone directory. Hetro Publishing Coapany; 1Sep77; 1917046.
1917047. The Gift. By Jack T. Chick. J2 p. (The crusaders, vol. 3) O Jack T. Chick; 70ct77; 1917047.
1917048. Ciaaaaoa Bear and the Christaas hat. Britten 6 illustrated by Bendy Byhre. 32 p. Beady Byhre; 25lov77: 1917048.
1917049. Beaiagton rolling block firearas. By Konrad F. Schreier, Jr. 61 p. Konrad F. Schreier, Jr.; 19lov77: 1917049.
1917050. In Inside look at western Penosylvania coal. By H. Lee Bueil. 23 p. H. Lee Buell; 150ct77; 1917050.
1917051. Coccespondiog action: transcendental religion and the aea laerica. By Catherine L. llbanese. 210 p. Teaple Oniversity; esep77; 1917051.
1917052. Bousing narkets and racial discri- aination: a aicroeconoaic analysis. By John F, lain 6 John 9. ^uigley. 393 p. Ippl. an: latioaal Bureau of Ecoaoaic Besearch, lac. latioaal Bureau of Ecoaoaic Besearch, Inc.; 24Dec75; 1917052.
1917053. The Foraation ^ad stocks of total capital. By Jonn B. Kendrick, assisted by Yvonne Lethea £ Jennifer Bowley. 256 p. Ippl. an: lational Bureau of Zconoaic Besearch, Inc. O lational Bureau of Econoaic Besearch, Inc. ; 160ct76; 1917053.
1917054. Long swings in ucbaa developaent. By aanael Gottlieb. 360 p. Ippl. an: lational Bureau of Econoaic Besearch, Inc. lational Bureau of Econoaic Besearch, Inc.; 61pr76; 1917054.
1917055. Household production and consuaptioo. Editor: lestor E. Terleckyj. 669 p. Papers presented at the conference on Household Production and Consuaption, held ia iiashiagtoa. DC, lov. 30-Dec. 1. 1973.
Ippl. au: lazioaal Buceaa of Econoaic
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