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A916979 - A917011


JUL-DEC. 1977

A916978 (con.) developseot; with accoapanying teacher's quide aod aDsuer key. Grade 3. By Heleo Mitchell Popp, illustrated by fiic Estrada. 8 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) O The Continental Press. Inc.: 2Sep77; &916978.

4916979. Science; seeing, thinking, discovering; with accoapanying teacher's quide. Grade 3, pt. 1. By Herbert Pless, in col- laboration Kith Bichard T. Crouthaael. 16 p. 6 sheets (21* p. > 9 The Continental Press, Inc.; 120ct77: 4916979.

4916980. New phonics and word-analysis skills; with accompanying teacher's guide and answer key. Grade 3, pt. 1. By Isabella Bayne Byan 6 Beverly fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schmitt. 9 p. 6 sheets (21 p.) HH: editorial revision & additional text 6 art, The continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; 4916980.

4916981. Nev phonics and word analysis skills; with accoapanying teacher's guide and answer key. Grade 3, pt. 2. By Isabella Bayne Eyan 6 Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. 1 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) NH: editorial revision £ additional text 6 art. The Continental Press, Inc.: 30ct77: 4916981.

4916982. New phonics and word analysis skills: with accompanying teacher's quide and answer key. Grade 3, pt. 3. By Isabella Bayne Byan 6 Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schmitt. 1 1 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) NH: editorial revision & additional text 6 art. e The Continental Press, Inc.; 16Sep77; 4916982.

4916983. New reading thinking skills: inference, organization, relationships, vocabulary; with accompanying teacher's guide. Grade 3, level 2. By Ethel S. Baney £ 4nne F. Kroehler. 12 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) e The ContineDtal Press, Inc.; 10ct77 ; 4916983.

49 16984. New reading thinking skills: inference, orqanization, relationships, vocabulary; with accoapanying teacher's guide. Grade 3. level 1. By Ethel S. aaney £ Anne P. Kroehler. 1 1 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) NH: editorial revision £ additional text fi art. The Continental Press, Inc.: 10ct77; 4916984.

4916985. New phonics and word-analysis skills: with accompanying teacher's guide and answer key. Grade 1, pt. 3. By Isabella Bayne Byan £ Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. 1 5 p. £ sheets (24 p.) HU; editorial revision fi additional text £ art. O The Continental Press, Inc.: 2Sep77: 4916985.

4916986. New phonics and word-analysis skills; with accoapanying teacher's quide and answer key. Grade 2, pt. 1. By Isabella Bayne Byan 6 Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. 13 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) MM: editorial revision £ additional text fi art. The Continental Press, Inc.: 130ct77: 4916986.

4916987. New phonics and word-analysis skills: with accoapanying teacher's guide and answer key. Grade 2, pt. 2. By Isabella Bayne Byan fi Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. 14 p. 6 sheets (24 P.I SB: editorial revision 6 additional text fi art. 6 The Continental Press. Inc.: 130ct77: 4916987.

4916988. New phonics and word-analysis skills; with accoapanying teacher's guide and answer key. Grade 2, pt. 3. By Isabella Bayne Byan fi Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. 12 p. fi sheets (24 p.) NH: editorial revision fi additional text fi art. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 130ct77; 4916988.

4916989. Learning the aetric systea: liter, graa, meter, Celsius; with accoapanying teacher's guide and answer key. Grade 6. pt. 1. By George darotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 12 p. £ sheets (24 p.) O The Continental Press, Inc.; 120ct77; A916989.

4916990. Beading for coaprehension; with accompanying teacher's key. Beginning grade 2, book C. By Andrea Leeds Clare, illustrated by Karl Foster. Folder £ sheets. © The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Sep77: 4916990.

4916991. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 5, pt. 2, with accoapanying teacher's key. By Susan J. Biddle fi Uargaret L. Deibler, illustrated by Craig Flessel. Folder (4 p.) fi sheets in folder. The Continental Press, Inc. ; 15JU177; 4916991.

4916992. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 5, pt. 1, with accoapanying teacher's key. By Susan J. Biddle £ Andrea Leeds Clare, illustrated by Craig Flessel. 6 p. £ sheets in folder, e The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Jal77; 4916992.

A916993. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 4. pt. 3, with accompanying teacher's key. By Susan J. Biddle £ Annette L. Brookshire, illustrated by Tony D'Adaao. Folder (4 p.) fi sheets in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Jal77: 4916993.

A916994. Practice exercises in basic aatheaatics. Grade 5, pt. 1, with accoapanying teacher's guide fi answer key. By Albert E. Pilano. 7 p. fi sheets in folder. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916994.

4916995. Practice exercises in basic aatheaatics. Grade 4, pt. 2, with accoapanying teacher's guide fi answer key. By Albert E. Pilano. 7 p. fi sheets in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916995.

4916996. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 4, pt, 1, with accompanying teacher's key. By Susan J. Biddle, illustrated by Tony D'4daBO. Folder (4 p) . S sheets in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Jul77: A916996.

4916997. Practice exercises in basic aatheaatics. Grade 5, pt. 2, with accoapanying teacher's guide fi answer key. By Albert E. Pilano. 8 p. fi sheets in folder. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; 4916997.

4916998. Practice exercises in basic aatheaatics. Grade 5, pt. 3, with accoapanying teacher's guide fi answer key. By Albert E. Filano. illustrated by 4da K. Thoapson. 10 p. £ sheets in folder. e The Inc.; 30ct77;

4916999. Science; seeing, thinking, discovering. Grade 3, pt, 2, with accoapanying teacher's guide. By Herbert Pless in collaboration with Sichard T. Crouthaael. 13 p. fi sheets (24 p.) in folder. C The Continental Press, Inc.; 120ct77; 4916999.

4917000. Fun with vowel sounds. Grade 1, with accoapanying teacher's key. By John Prank, pseud, of John Onofrey. 1 p. £ sheets (24 p.) in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4917000.

4917001. Learning the aetric systea. Grade 5, pt. 1. By George Harotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 12 p. £ sheets in box. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 6Sep77; 4917001.

A917002. Learning the aetric systea. Grade 5, pt. 2. By George Barotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 12 p. fi sheets in box. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 16Aag77; 4917002.

4917003. Espiando palabras: actividades de lengaaje y aprendizaje. Grado 1. By Shelley Davidson, pseud, of Susan J. Biddle. Folder fi sheets in box. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77j 4917003.

4917004. Espiando palabras: actividades de lenguaje y aprendizaje. Grado 2. By Shelley Davidson, pseud, of Susan J. Biddle. Folder fi sheets in box. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77: A917004.

A917005. Learning the oetric systea. Grade 6, pt. 2. By George Barotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 1 v. fi sheets in box. O The Continental Press, Inc. ; 130ct77; A917005.

A917006. Batheaatics practice pages. Grade 7. By Luther i. Stone. Folder £ sheets in box. © The Continental Press, Inc. ; 6Sep77; A917006.

4917007. Batheaatics practice pages. Grade 8. By Luther 8. Stone. Folder fi sheets in box. © The Continental Press, Inc.; 6Sep77: 4917007.

4917008. Practice exercises in basic oatheaatics. Grade 4, pt. 1. By 41bert E. Filano. 1 V. 6 sheets in box. The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A917008.

A917009. Beading for coaprehension. Beginning grade 2, book B. By Thoaas Gunning, illustrated by Karl Foster. Folder 6 sheets in box. G The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Sep77; A917009.

A917010. Helping hands; a series of newsletters for parents of young children. Pt. 1. By Laurie ayers, illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes. Sheets in box. The Continental Press, Inc.; 20ct77; 4917010.

A917011. AIHS: aatheaatics kit B. By Elsie C.

Earlley, illustrated by Eugenie Fernandez.


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