A916939 - A916978
JUL-DEC. 1977
1916939. Your teleTision diary. 1 ». BCCB (National Citizens coaaittee for Broadcast inq): 23Nov77; A916939.
4916940. Eacquetball. By Bill Verner (iilliaa Stanley Verner) »ith Andren aartin Skowrup. 113 p. Bill Verner; 170ct77; A9169it0.
A9169U1. Buffalo buried: the blizzard of '77. By Katy Kline 6 Carol Nash. 62 p. Katy Kline 6 Carol Bash; 19No»77; A916941.
A9169U2. Alpha 2 Oltra Diet. 1 ». Total Inaqe, Inc.; 15Jan77; A916942.
A916943. Bords for writinq. Coapiied by Hubert Thoaas. 1 I. Hubert Ihoaas; 9Sep77: A9169U3.
A9169t4. Just for ae poeas. Author: Leona lacroii, illustrator: Kelly Horqan. 1 ». O Leona Lacroix; 15Sep77: A9 16944.
A916945. Psychoaotor continuua checklist set- Authors: Joyce Gardner 6 Ida LaPleur. 1 V. Joyce Gardner €, Ida LaPleur; 1Sep77: A916945.
A916946. Tolene-xylenes annual vocld survey, 1977. 219 p. Appl. au: Deiitt and Coapany* Inc. & Parpicelli Tecnon, S.fi.L. O Hyplan, A.G. ; 15Sep77; A916946.
A916947. Desiqn aanual for overhead clothes storaqe systeas. 15 p. O The Hoore Coapany. Inc.; 141lov77; A916947.
A916948. General Services Administration Federal Supply Service authorized federal supply schedule cataloq/price list, contract period — December 1, 1977 though Noveaber 30, 1978. 46 p. Add. ti: GSA cata- loq/price list, Deceaber 1, 1977- Noveaber 30, 1978. NH: updating 6 revisions. Ethicon, Inc.; 18Nov77: A916948.
A916949. Explanation for signing on to Bowne tiae-sharing coaputer at 30CPS. 3 p. Appl. au: Evans E. Bradley, Henry L. Oabney C Bobert B. Hachen. O Evans E. Bradley, Henry L. Dabney 6 Bobert B. Hachen; 4Nov77; A916949.
A916950. Polypenco TFE and Fluorosint. 7 p. O The Polyaer Corporation; 14Hov77: A916950.
A916951. Health education on adolescent physiology. Edited by Jessie Leon. Sheets (34 p.) Appl. au: Richard Lara ornelas 6 Silliai Lyle Bartin. Catholic Coaaunity Services of Southern Arizona, Inc. of the Diocese of Tucson; ilCct77; A916951.
A916952. Challenging aatheaatics: fundaaentals of arithmetic, 2a.gebra, plane geometry, and general aath. By Eainq L. Vaughn. 272 p. Eving L. Vaughn; 23Nov77; A9 16952.
A916953. Camden, Cherry Bill, Penusaaken. NJ, and vicinity, telephone directory, October 1977. Ne« Jersey Bell Telephone Coapany a.k.a. Ne» Jersey Bell; lNov77: A9 16953. 7-12. By Carroll G. Parks, Daniel H. Baffensperqer t Louise Black. 60 p. NH: revisions 6 additional text. The Continental Press, Inc.; 16Auq77; A916954.
A916955. New mastering capitalization and punctuation. Grades 7-12. By Carroll G- Parks, Daniel H. Baffensperqer t Louise Black. 60 p. NH: revisions t additional text. The Continental Press, Inc.; 16Auq77; A916955.
A916956. New aastering good usage. Grades 7-12. By Carroll G. Parks, Daniel H. Eaffen- sperger 6 Louise Black. 60 p. NH: revisions 8 additional text. The Continental Press, Inc.; 16Auq77: A916956.
A916957. Practice exercises in basic aatheaatics. Grade 4. By Albert E. Filano, illustrated by Ada K. Thoapson. 128 p. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Sep77: Aai6957.
A916958. Practice exercises in basic aatheaatics. Grade 5. By Albert E. Filano, illustrated by Ada K. Thompson. 128 p. The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Sep77; A916958.
A916959. New aastering the sentence. Grades 7-12. By Carroll G. Parks, Daniel H. Baffensperqer C Louise Black. 60 p. NH: revisions & additional text. The Continental Press, Inc.; 16Aoq77; A916959.
A916960. Learning the metric system. Grade 1, with accompanying teacher's guide fi answer key. By George Harotta, illustrated by Eichard N. Taylor. 2 v. The Con- tinental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916960.
A916961. Learning the metric system. Grade 2, with accompanying teacher's guide £ answer key. By George Harotta, illustrated by Richard N. Taylor. 2 v. The Con- tinental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916961.
A916962. Learning the metric system. Grade 3, with accompanying teacher's guide 6 answer key. By Georqe Harotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 2 v. O The continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A9 16962.
A916963. Learning the metric system. Grade 4, with accompanying teacher's guide G answer key. By Georqe Harotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 2 v. The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A9 16963.
A916964. Learninq the metric system. Grade 5, with accompanyinq teacher's quide 6 answer key. By Georqe Harotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 2 v. The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916964.
A916965. Learninq the metric system. Grade 6, with accompanyinq teacher's quide fi answer key. By Georqe Harotta, illustrated by Karl Foster. 2 v. The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916965.
A916966. New readinq thinkinq skills. Grade 3, level 16 2. By Ethel S. Haoey 6 Anne F. Kroehler. 48 p. NH: revisions £ additions. The Continental Press, Inc. ; 20Sep77; A916966.
A916967. New phonics and word-analysis skills. Grade 1. By Isabella Bayne Syan £ Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Berr Scmitt. 72 p. NH: revisions £ additions. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 20Sep77; A916967.
A916968. New phonics and word-analysis skills. Grade 2. By Isabella Bayne Byan £ Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Scmitt. 72 p. NH: revisions £ additions. The Continental Press, Inc.; 20Sep77; A916968.
A9 16969. New phonics and word-analysis skills. Grade 3. By Isabella Bayne Byan £ Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Berr Scmitt. 72 p. NH: revisions £ additions. The continental Press, Inc.; 20Sep77; A9 16969.
A916970. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 5, pt. 3, with accompanying teacher's key. By Susan J. Riddle G Harqaret L. Deibler, illustrated by Ccaig Flessel. 6 p. £ sheets in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; A916970.
A916971. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 4, pt. 2, with accompanying teacher's key. By Susan J. Riddle £ Annette L. Brookshire, illustrated by Tony D'Adamo. 6 p. £ sheets in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 15Jul77; A916971.
A916972. Reading essentials: vocabulary developaent. Grade 5, with accompanyinq teacher's guide. By Helen Hitcheil Popp 6 Sandra L. Stotsky, illustrated by Eic Estrada. 8 p. G sheets (24 p.) in folder, e The Continental Press, Inc. ; 50ct77; A916972.
A916973. Readinq essentials: vocabulary development. Grade 6, with accompanying teacher's guide. By Helen Hitcheil Popp 6 Sandra L. Stotsky, illustrated by Ric Estrada. 8 p. 6 sheets (24 p.) in folder. The Continental Press, Inc.; 50ct77; A916973.
A916974. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 4. By Susan J. Riddle £ Annette L. Brookshire, illustrated by Tony D'Adamo. 128 p. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; A9 16974.
A916975. Practice exercises in basic English. Grade 5. By Susan J. Riddle, Harqaret L. Deibler £ Andrea Leeds Clare, illustrated by Craiq Flessel. 128 p. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; A916975.
A916976. Practice exercises it basic mathematics; with accompanying teacher's quide £ answer key. Grade 4, pt. 3. By Albert E. Filano, illustrated by Ada K. Thompson. 10 p. £ sheets. The Continental Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A916976.
A916977. Beading essentials: vocabulary development; with accompanying teacher's quide E answer key. Grade 4. By Helen Hitcheil Popp, illustrated by Bic Estrada. 8 p. £ sheets (24 p.) The Continental press. Inc.; 2Sep77 ; A916977.
Beading essentials: vocabulary
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