A916860 - A91689S
JUL-DEC. 1977
4916859 (con.) Horse. 80 p. Eleanor Scott Norse; 30ct77: A916859.
»9 16860. Cancer vlnner; how I purged ayself of fflelanoaa. By Jaquie Davison. 195 p. Jaquie Davison: 13tuq77; 4916860.
4916861. some travels. By 4iice E. 4ndeisson- Hudnall. 107 p. C Alice E. 4nders?on- audnall: 1Nov77; 4916861.
A916862. Parents' workbook for choosinq a secondary school for their sod or daughter. 20 p. 4ppl. au: Claire Skrzypczak. O Claire Skrzypczak; 150ct76; 49 16862.
4916863. Acadenic education in national security policy. By Allan B. Hillett. 115 p. O nershon Center, the Ohio State Oniversity; 31Auq77; A916863.
A916864. fie-visitinq the Plains Indian country of Sari Sandoz. A pictorial essay with captions and photos, by LaVerne Bacrell Clark. 56 p. NH: coapilatioo e additional text & photos, by L. B. Clark. LaVerne Barren Clark: 60ct77 : 491686U.
4916865. 448C curriculua directory, 1977-78. 292 p. 4dd. ti: AADC: 1977-78 curriculuB directory. C Association of 4Becican Medical Colleges: 1iloct77: A916865.
4916866. Seminar invitation record. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Carroll n. Payne. NH; revision. 6 IBA a.a.d.o. Independent fiesearch Aqency for Life Insurance G asPA a.a.d.o. Onited Services Planninq Association, Inc.; 16Sep77; A916866.
A916867. Prospective salesman evaluation. 2 p. Appl. au: Carroll H. Payne. HO: revision. IfiA a.a.d.o. Independent fiesearch Aqency for Life Insurance £ OSPA a.a.d.o. Dnited Services Planninq Association, Inc.; 31llay77: A916867.
A916868. Salesman status change report. 1 p. Appl. au: Carroll a. Payne. NH: revision. O IBA a.a.d.o. Independent fiesearch Agency for Life Insurance 6 OSPA a.a.d.o. United Services Planninq Association, Inc. ; 30JU177: 4916868.
A916869. Speakinq a new languaqe; a book 8 audiotape on more effective communicatinq for helpinq professionals. By Kay P. Carpenter. 2<4 p. NH: compilation, abridqment, revisions & additions. Kay F. Carpenter: 5Sep77: 4916869.
A916870. Speakinq another person's languaqe; a book G audiotape on more effective commuoicatinq for belpinq professionals. By Kay P. Carpenter. 15 p. NH: compilation, abridqment, revisions & additions. C Kay P. Carpenter: 5Sep77; A916870.
4916871. The Dilemma of human identity. By Heinz Lichtenstein. 399 p. NS: compilation, revision, introductions, chap. 3, proloques to chap. 16 13, index. O Jason Aronson, Inc.; 10Nov77; A9 16871.
A916872. Oouqh creations food to folk art. Pat Gardner 6 Kay Gieasou. 149 p. Pat Gardner G Kay Gleason; 2't0ct77; 4916872.
4916873. Granada/Bonarch, 1975-77; Chilton's repair and tune-up quide. prepared by the Automotive Editorial Department, Chilton Book company, manaqing editor: John B. Heisc, assistant managing editor: Kerry A. Freeman, editor: Bobert F. King, Jr. 227 p. Add. ti: Chilton's Granada/flonarch, 1975-77, repair and tune-up guide; Chilton's Bepair and tune-up quide for the Granada/Honarch. O Chilton Book Company, Automotive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company) ; 9Nov77; A916873.
A91687U. Datsun 2t0-Z/26O-Z/280-Z, 1970-77; Chilton's repair and tune-up guide. Prepared by the Automotive Editorial Department, Chilton Book Company, manaqing editor: John B. Heise, assistant managing editor: Kerry A. Freeman, editor: Bobert F. King. 185 p. Add. ti: Chilton's Datsun 2UO-z/260-z/2aO-z, 1970-77, repair and tune-up guide; Chilton's Repair and tune-up guide for the Datsun 2140/260/280- Z. ^Az revision. O Chilton Book Company, Automotive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company) ; 14Sep77; A91687II.
4916875. Cutlass/4-it-2, 1970-77; Chilton's repair and tune-up guide. Prepared by the Automotive Editorial Department, Chilton Book Company, manaqinq editor: John B. Heise, assistant managing editor: Kerry A. Freeman, editor: fiobert F. King, Jr. 201 p. Add. ti; Chilton's Cutlass/it-«-2, 1970-77, repair and tune-up guide; Chilton's Bepair and tune-up quide for the Cutlass/«-it-2. NH: revision. Chilton Book Company, Automotive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company); 8Nov77; 4916875.
4916876. Economic regulation and the public interest: the Federal Trade Commission in theory and practice. By 41an Stone. 314 p. HB: revisions £ additional text. Cornell Oniversity; 27Jul77; 4916876.
491687 . OrchiO bioloqy: reviews and perspec- tives. Vol. 1. Edited by Joseph 4rditti. 310 p. Appl. au: Charles B. Harrison G Hichael H. Fisch. O Cornell Oniversity; 8SOV77; 49 16877.
4916878. Ghostly animals of 4merica. By Patricia Edwards Clyne, illustrated by Ted Lewin. 192 p. O Patricia Edwards Clyne; 21lov77; 4916878.
4916879. The Steel palace. By Hugh Pentecost, pseud, of Judson Pentecost Philips. 168 p. O Judson Philips, writing under name of Hugh Pentecost; 1NOV77; A916879.
A916880. Honders of the pronqhorn. By G. Earl chace, illustrated with photos, by the author. 64 p. O on text G photos, not prev. pub. G copyrighted; G. Earl Chace; 780V77; A916880.
4916881. Hicrostructaral science; proceedings of the ninth annual technical meeting of the International Hetallographic Society. Vol. 5. Edited by Japnell D. Braun. H. B. Arrowsmith G James L. HcCali. 508 p. O Elsevier North- Bolland, Inc.; 12Jul77; 4916881.
4916882. Hodern materials management. By Bichard J. Tersine C John Bardin Campbell. 281 p. O Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.; 22Jul77: 4916882.
4916883. The Process view of simulation. By B. fi. Franta. 244 p. (Operating and programming systens series) O Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.; 104ug77 ; 4916883.
4916884. Hotor — Cutlass maintenance and repair guide for 1970-77 models. Editor: Louis C. Forier. 1 v. NH: introd. G editorial selection. O The Hearst Corporation; 19Sep77; A916884.
4916885. Hotor — Pinto maintenance and repair quide for 1970-77 models. Editor: Louis C. Forier. ,1 v. NH: introd. £ editorial selection. The Bearst corporation; 19Sep77; 4916885.
4916886. Hotor — Vega maintenance and repair guide for 1971-77 models. Editor: Louis C. Forier. 1 v. fifl: introd. G editorial selection. O The Hearst Corporation; 19Sep77; 4916886.
4916887. 41coholism and its treatment in industry. Editor: Carl J. Schramm. 191 p. The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 7NOV77; A916887.
4916888. The Origin and resolution of an urban crisis: Baltimore, 1890-1930. By 41an D. 4nderson. 143 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in urban affairs) O The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 9Nov77: 4916888.
4916889. Hozart and Beethoven: the concept of love in their operas. By Irving Singer. 155 p. 4ppl. states all new except rev. versions of chap. 1 G 4. Earlier versions of chap. 1 G 4 appeared in the Hudson review, summer 1976 S in Fidelio, summer 1974. e Irvinq Singer; 3Nov77: 4916889.
4916890. Peasant politics: struggle in a Dominican village. By Kenneth Evan Sharpe. 263 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in 4tlantic history and culture) O The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 4Nov77; A916890.
A916891. Cases and materials on corporations. By Alexander U. Frey, Jesse H. Choper, Noyes E. Leech G C. Bobert Horris, Jr. 2nd ed. 1337 p. 41exander H. Frey, C. Bobert Horrj s, Jr. , Jesse H. Choper G Noyes E. Leech; 130ct/7: 4916891.
4916892. Cases and materials on family lav. By Caleb Foote, Bobert J. Levy G Frank E. A. Sander. 2nd ed. 1167 p. O Caleb Foote, Bobert J. Levy G Frank E. 4. Sander; 8JaD76; 4916892.
4916893. Ethical issues in sex therapy and research. Edited by Villiam B. Hasters, Virginia E. Johnson G fiobert C. Kolodny. 227 p. Little, Brown and Company, Inc.; 29JU177; 4916893.
4916894. fiex Stout; a biography. By John J. Hc41eer with a foreword by P. G. Hodehouse. 621 p. NH: 95X new text. O John Hc41eer; 19Sep77; 4916894.
4916895. Criminal procedure: cases and materials on the administration of criminal law.
1976 suppl. By 4braham S. Goldstein G
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