JUL-DEC. 1977
A916443 (con.) & developed by Byroo Preiss. 216 p. (Heird heroes, vol. 7) Appl. au: Byron Pceiss visual Publications, Idc. , employer for hire. O Byron Preiss Visual Publications. Inc.; 150ct77; ASiewtS. A916443.
A916444. In love, in Vienna. By Daisy Thomson. 191 p. D. H. Thomson; 15Oct77; A916444
A916445. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition: acfaieveaent test, appendix C. By Paul B. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich & Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177: Aeietus.
t9161|l46. Financial accountinq; an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 1. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich & Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Haccourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77; A916l«l|6.
A9I6H47. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 2. By Paul B. Ralqenbach, Horaan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77: A916l|lt7.
A916111t8. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 3. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich G Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77: A916UV8.
A916»U9. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 4. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Nornan E. Dittrich & Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. ; 20Jul77; A916419.
A916lt50. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 5. By Paul B. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich G Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77; A916450.
A916451. Financial accountinq; an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 6. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich & Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77; A916451.
A916452. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 7. By Paul a. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich 5 Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77; A916l«52.
A916I4S3. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition: achieveaent test, chap. 8. By Paul H. Ralqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich 6 Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jal77: A916«S3.
A91645U. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 9. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich e Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20Jul77; A91645II.
A916lt55. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition: achieveaent test, chap. 10. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177; A916455.
A916US6. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 11. By Paul 8. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. ; 20JU177: A916456.
A916457. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 12. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. 6 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177; A916457.
A916458. Financial accounting: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 13. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich G Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. ; 20JU177; ASieuse.
A916459. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achievement test, chap. 14. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest 1. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.: 20JU177; A916459.
A9164e0. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition: achieveaent test, chap. 15. By Paul U. Halqenbach, Nocaao E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Q Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177: A916460.
A916461. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 16. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich 6 Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177; A916461.
A916462. Financial accounting: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 18. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. Q Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177: A916462.
A916463. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, chap. 17. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177; A916463.
A91646II. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition: achieveaent test, appendix 0. By Paul B. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich G Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177; A916464.
A916465. Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition; achieveaent test, appendix A. By Paul H. Halqenbach. Noraan E. Dittrich 6 Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177: A916465.
A916466. Financial accounting: an introduction, second edition: achieveaent test, appendix B. By Paul H. Halqenbach, Noraan E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 2 p.
A916467. 5725-F13. Printout. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH corporation; 13Jun77; A916467.
A916468. 5725-1144. Printout. NB: revision £ error correction. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation: 1Auq77 (in notice: 1975); A916468.
A916469. 5725-E31. Printout. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM corporation; 10Jun77; A916469.
A916470. 5725-F52. Printout. NM: additional proqraaaing, revision £ error correction. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation; 7JU177: 4916470.
A916471. CPB in basic life support for uniiit- nessed cardiac arrest. 8 p. O Aaerican Heart Association; 23Har77: A916471.
A916472. B.&.D. : resistive active dynamic exercise. By Andre Phillips. 25 p. OS.A.O. Foundation; 10Sep77: A9I6472.
A916473. Guide to the Hoh Eain Forest. By Mary Lou Hanify £ Craig Blencone. 1 v. NH: revisions with a fev new photos. Ilary Lou Hanify £ Craig Blencove; 23Sep77: A916473.
A9 16474. Drivers instruction safety manual. Hritten £ edited by Ed Nicholson. 7tii ed. 267 p. Appl. au: Tri-State Motor Transit Coapany. Tri-State Motor Transit Coapany; 1Sep77; A916474.
A916475. Official Arrow street guide of Greater Springfield. 148 p. Add. ti: Greater Springfield street guide. NH: editorial revision £ additions. Arrow Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 29Sep77; A916475.
A916476. Official Arrow street guide of Rhode Island cities. 317 p. Add. ti: Bhode Island cities street guide. HM: editorial revision £ additions. O Arrow Publishinq Company, Inc.; 28Sep77; A916476.
A916477. Overcoainq procrastination; or. How to think and act rationally in spite of life's inevitable hassles. By Albert Ellis £ Hilllaa J. Knaus. 180 p. Institute for Rational Living, Inc.; 10Auq77; A916477.
A9 16478. GITC; Group-individualized teaching concept, the easy way. By Kathryn Viets 6 Barbara Haaant, illustrated by Elizabeth Long. 17 p. O Kathryn Viets, Barbara Haaant £ Elizabeth Long: 29JU177: A916478.
A916479. Swaapland flowers: letters and lectures of Zen master Ta Rui. Translated by Christopher Cleary. 144 p. NM: translation. O Christopher Cleary; 150ct77: A916479.
A916480. The Minute Hen. 1775-1975. By the historians of the Council o£ Minute Men,
Inc. , Noraan Castle, chairman of Historic
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