A916206 - A91621ta
JUL-DEC. 1977
1916205 (COD.) OickinsOD. 1 p. O FranJc H. Didciosoo; 8SCP77; »916205.
A916206. Gda, Septeiber 1, 1977 70 001, and other titles. Hicrofiche. Appl. au; Bichard i. Clark. O purchase Control Sfsteis: 1Sep77: »916206.
4916207. aenyah Productions^ El Centro Caapesino Cultural, Inc. 8 p. Henyah Produc- tions/El Centro Caipesino Cultural. Inc. ; 3llay77: 4916207.
4916208. ConteBPorary landscape: inaqe and idea — Burko« Feiqenbaua, Hendricks. Besuick, Bichards. 4n exhibition organized by C4P4 (Conaunity Arts Proqraas 4ssociatiOQ) director: Lenore Halen, associate director: Lola B. Gellaan. 28 p. NH; compilation, revision C inter- pretation. C4P4 (Cosaunity 4rts Proqraas Association): 9Hay77: A916208.
4916209. Celtic invocations: selections froa voluae 1 of Caraina qadelica. By Alexander Caraichael. 127 p. Appl. au: Avery Brooke. Prev, pub. abroad 1972. NH: coapilation 6 additions. Vineyard Books, Inc.: 17Sep77: A916209.
A916210. Bhat do I do next teacher? A readinq qaae idea book for eleaentary and secondary teachers. Authors: Joac Suing & Janice Busuell. 75 p. NH: 25 qaae pages substituted for 25 qaae pages in 1975 ed. entitled Grooving with readinq qaaes. grades 4-9. Joan Suing e Janice Buswell; 1BOV77; A916210.
A9 16211. Loving you. Folder. Add. ti: Now I lay ae dovD to sleep. Appl. au: CarloD Lee Clark. Carlon L. Clark; 270ct77; A916211.
A916212. Bolex international guide to tennis resorts. Foreword by John Mewcoabe. 145 p. Appl. au: Bolex iatch U.S.A. O Bolex Batch U.S.A., Inc.; 2800177; A916212.
A91621J. Photo notes. 1 v. Appl. au: Terne C. Bunt. O Terne C. Bunt; 30Sep77 ; 4916213.
4916214. OFOs in the Bible. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Bonald Edwin Conrad (B. E. Conrad) B. E. Conrad; 27Sep77; 49 16214.
4916215. 4 Tiae for singing. By Ellis Ovesen, pseud, of Shirley B. Saith. 45 p. O Ellis ovesen (pen naae of Shirley H. Saith): 10ct77; 4916215.
4916216. The Spot Doc upholstery and carpet cleaners. By Bartin Bill e Betsy 4. Bill a.k.a. The Spot Doc. Folder. O Bartin Bill 6 Betsy A. Hill a.k.a. The Spot Doc; 30ct77: 4916216.
4916217. English literature in transition, 1880-1920. ?ol. 20, no. 3, 1977. Editor: Belaut E. Gerber, associate editors: Nicholas 4. Salerno & Alan P. Johnson. p. 109-176. O Belaut E. Gerber C Helga S. Gerber: 100ct77; A916217.
4916218. Book of papers: 1977 national Technical Conference. 295 p. Held Oct. 19-21, 4tlanta. O 4aerican 4ssociatioo of and Colorists
4916219. Hackle and Tackle Coapany, Horld*s finest angling equipaent. 1977-78. 46 p. Appl. au: Frank B. Vadaia. O Hackle and Tackle Coapany; 23Auq77: A916219.
A916220. fledical supply update. Vol. 1, Sept. 26, 1977. By David H. Talbot. 48 p. Appl. au: Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc. Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc. ; 2asep77; 4916220.
4916221. Current directions; Sept. 3-Oct. 9, 1977, Tucson Buseua of 4rt. 24 p. Tucson Buseua of 4rt: 3Sep77: 4916221.
4916222. 4 Book for concept deveiopaent. By Karen Tschohl-Sedlacek, illustrated by Lucia Tschohl. 70 p. Bhitehaven Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 14Mov77; 4916222.
A916223- Pioneerxng direct love. THC+A tract no. 6. 12 p. Appl. au: Bouard Jacobson. Truth Bissionaries* Chapter of Positive Accord (TMC^A) : 2NOV77; A916223.
A916224. Insurance in aedical practice; a guide for aedical assistants. By Elizabeth Bary Laaey. 392 p. Elizabeth Bary Laaey; 30Sep70; A9 16224.
A916225. Sudan. 309 p. (The Chase Borld Inforaation series on agribusiness potential in the Kiddie Bast and North Africa: Sudan) Chase Borld Inforaation Corporation; 10ct77; A916225.
A916226. O.S.S.B. Prepared for Chase Borld Inforaation Corporation by Robert Starr. 333 p. (The Chase Borld Inforaation series on East-Best business cooperation and 'joint ventures) Chase Borld Inforaation Corporation; 10Nov77; A916226.
A916227. Dear Abby, Noveaber 28-Deceaber 4, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. O Chicago Tribune^New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 1Nov77; A916227.
A916226. Dear Abby, Noveaber 21-27, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicaqo Tribune-New York News Syndicate. Inc. Chicaqo Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 270ct77; A9 16228.
4916229. Dear Abby, October 17-23, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. O Chicaqo Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 28Sep77; A916229.
4916230. This we believe. Edited by Jaaes C. Suggs. 103 p. O The Bethany Press; 10ct77; A916230.
A916231. Living the Bord; a aanual for christian education; shared approaches. By Guin Beaa Tuckett, designed by Joan Fredaan. 63 p. B. A. Belsh; 130ct77: A916231.
A916232. The Suaait beacon. Vol. 11. no. 1. Bar. 1977. Folder (4 p.) Church Universal and Triuaphant, Inc.; 10Bar77; A916232.
A916233. The Suaait beacon. Vol. 11. no. 2. Aug. 1977. 6 p. Church Universal and Triuaphant, Inc.; 14Aug77; A916233.
A916 234. Street and Saith's official college, pro, and prep yearbook. 1977-78 bas- ketball; Central ed. Editor: Jia O'Brien, art director: Herbert s. stoltz 6 assistant to the editor: Bary B. O'Brien. 199 p. Add. ti: street and Saith's Basketball official college, pro. and prep yearbook, 1977-78; Street and Saith's College, pro and prep basketball yearbook. The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.; 1NOV77: A9 16234.
A9 16235. Street and Saith's official college, pro, and prep yearbook, 1977-78 bas- ketball; Bestern ed. Editor: Jia O'Brien, art director: Herbert s. Stoltz & assistant to the editor; Bary a. O'Brien. 199 p. Add. ti: street and Saith's Basketball official college, pro. and prep yearbook. 1977-78; Street and Saith's College, pro and prep basketball yearbook. O The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.; 1NOV77: A916235.
A916236. Street and Sarth's Official college, pro, and prep yearbook, 1977-78 bas- ketball; Eastern ed. Editor: Jia O'Brien, art director: Herbert S. Stoltz t assistant to the editor: Bary H. O'Brien. 199 p. Add. ti: Street and Smith's Basketball official college, pro. and prep yearbook, 1977-78; Street and Smith's College, pro and prep basketball yearbook. O The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.; 1NOV77: A916236.
A916 237. The a. 5. Government Agency security market report: forecasts and analysis. By Terry Gloaski e Allen Sinai. 20 p. Add. ti: Data Besources Agency yield service. Appl. au: Data Besources, Inc. Data Besources, Inc.; 14Nov77; A916237.
A916238. The Data base: Energy; user's guide. Sept. 1977. 1 V. Data Besources. Inc.; 7Sep77; A916238.
A916239. Health industry; research outlook. Nov. 1977. p. 201-211. O Donaldson. Lufkin and Jeorette Securities Corporation; 17NOV77; A916239.
4916240. Boadway Express; action recommendation. Nov. 1977. 9 p. O Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation: 14Nov77; 4916240.
4916241. DLJ indicator: a graphic survey of current econoaic and financial aarket conditions, Noveaber 1977. 38 p. Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities corporation: 14Nov77; 4916241.
4916242. Natural gas pipeline coapanies; research bulletin, Nov. 1977. 42 p. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corpo- ration; 18IIOV77; A916242.
A916 24J. Silent autuan: a case for pesticides and fara cheaicals. By Henry Lewert, drawings by James F. Ames. 20 p. Appl. au: The Dow cheaical Coapany. O The Dow chemical Coapany; 8Nov77: 4916243.
4916244. Electrolux heavy duty coamercial vacuum
cleaner. Model CB-in stainless steel.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.