A916125 - A916162
JUL-DEC. 1977
A916124 Icon.) 1 T. The Aierican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 40ct77: A916124.
A916125. Gas turbine coobiistion and fosls technology; presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Hechanical Engineers, Atlanta, GA, No». 27-Dec. 2, 1977. Edited by E. Karl Bastress. 7tt p. Appl. an: The Anerican Society of nechanical Engineers. O The American Society of nechanical Engineers; 310ct77: A916125.
A916126. Turbonachinery developnents in steam and gas turbines; presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta* GA, Now. 27-Dec. 2. 1977. Edited by ». G. Steltz. 98 p. Appl. au: The American Society of tsechanical Engineers. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 7No»77; A916 126.
A916127. American National Standard cast iron threaded fittings; class 125 and 250. ANSI B16.'t-1977. revision of ANSI B16.U-I971. 17 p. NM; re». 6 additional text. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 200ct77; A916127.
A916128. American National standard gauges and indicators: pressure and vacuum-indicating digital type. ANSI BUO. 2-1977. Secretariat: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 24 p. The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 3NOV77; A916128.
A916129. American National Standard grinding machines, surface, reciprocating table-vertical spindle. ANSI B5.32. 1- 1977. Secretariat; Society of Automotive Engineers, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, National Machine Tool Builders' Association 6 the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. M p. O The American Society of nechanical Engineers; 110ct77: A916129.
A916130. American National Standard grinding machines, surface, reciprocating table-horizontal spindle. ANSI B5.32- 1977. 7 p. The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 140ct77; A916130.
A916 131. American National Standard malleable iron threaded fittings; class 150 and 300. ANSI B16. 3-1977, revision of ANSI B16. 3-1971. 35 p. NM: rev. 6 additional text. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 200ct77; A916131.
A916132. Boilers and pressure vessels. Sheets. (Code cases, 1977 edition, suppl. no. 2) The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 110ct77; A916132.
A916133. American National Standard hack saw blades. ANSI B94. 52-1 977, revision of ANSI B121. 1-1970. Secretariat: Society of Automotive Engineers & the American Society of Hechanical Engineers. 6 p. NM: rev. 6 additional text. 6 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1110ct77; A916133.
A916 134. American National Standard specifi- cations for carbide blanks for twist drills, reamers, end mills and random rod. ANSI B94. 20-1977. revision of B94. 20-1968. Secretariat; the American Society of Hechanical Engineers, 25 p. NM; rev. & additional text. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1Nov77; A91b134.
A916135. American National Standard milling cutters and end mills. ANSI B94. 19-1977, revision of ANSI B94.19-1968. Secre- tariat; the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 91 p. NM: rev. 6 additional text, e The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 110ct77: A916135.
A916136. American National standard punches- -basic head type (metric) ANSI B94.1it.1- 1977. Secretariat: the American Society of Hechanical Engineers, collaborator: National Association of Punch Manufac- turers. 15 p. The American Society of Hechanical Engineers: 1Nov77; A916136.
A916137. Nuclear components. Sheets. (Code cases, 1977 edition, suppl. no. 1) The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 110ct77: A916137.
A916138. The Cup race handbook, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Uilliam H. Timmis & John A. Uorsley. O Chapman (surname of David Chapman), Timmis (surname of William Timmis) , Horsley (surname of John Worsley) ; 19Aug77; A91613B.
A916139. Thrombophlebitis and you. Folder. Appl. au: Hunterdon Medical Center, e Department of Patient Health Education, Hunterdon Medical Center: 15Kar77: A916139.
A916140. Gold, God* the Devil, and silver: Leadville, Colorado, 1878-1978. By Ruby G. Hilliaason. 72 p. Ruby G. uilliamson; 29Sep77; A916140.
A916141. Save on the cost of your new home. 28 p. Appl. au: Kenneth Hasenoehrl. Greenfield Publications; 1Aug77; A916141.
A916I42. Locked in the Uayne County Courthouse. By Peg Lauber (Hargaret Carlson Lauber) 1 v. Peg Lauber; 28Feb77; A916142.
A916143. American eagle: the story of a Navajo Vietnam veteran. By Larry Lee, pseud, of Larry Lee Rottmann. 154 p. O Packrat Press, solely owned by Larry Lee Bottma-nn; 14JU177; A916143.
A916144. Exchange-rate stabilization in the mid-1930*s: negotiating the Tripartite Agreement. By Stephen V. 0. Clarke. 63 p. International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton Dniversity; 30Sep77; A916144.
A916145. Pigeon Cove vagabond. By Thelma pat G. Piscor. 61 p. O Thelma Piscor; 2SAug77; A916145.
A916146. Beyond death. By Albert L. Kiser. 12 p. C Albert L. Kiser: 8Aug77: A916 146.
A916147. Basic body and fender repair. By (Bobert Lewis Eichards, Sr.) 8 p. O Robert Lewis Richards, Sr. (in notice; Bob Eichards): 4Jul77: A916147.
A916148. A Guide for the new hearing aid user. By Robert L. Cozad. 16 p. The Curators of the University of Missouri; 1May77 (in notice: 1976) ; A916148.
A916149. Kate's diary. 1 v. Appl. au: Barilla Catherine Pasley. O Katie Bay Flicks; 26Aug77; A916149.
A916150. Experience and learning: an introduction to experiential learning. By Arthur «. Chickeriny. 89 p. Change Magazine Press; 13Jul77; A916150.
A916151. Agreement. 9 p. NM: revisions. The shubert Organization, Inc.; 180ct77; A916151.
A916152. Texas oil and gas development. By International Oil Scouts Association, managing editor: Jack L. uiggins. 335 p. Add. ti: Texas year book, vol. 4 NH: revisions. O International Oil Scouts Association; 22Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A916152.
A916153. Wildcat round-up, 1976; a Texas review of wildcat completions & new field discoveries in the second half of 1976- Hanaging editor: Jack L. Uiggins. 176 p. O International Oil Scouts Association; 29Sep77: A916153.
A916 154. Harvard Business School cases: 4-178-010, and others. Multiple volumes. Appl. au: Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. O President and Fellows of Harvard College; 2Sep77; A916154.
A916155. The Basic language: a study guide and problem set for computer programming. Author: Edmund C. Hoffmann, editor: G. N. Hurphy. 30 p. NM: editorial revisions 6 new text. O E. C. Hoffmann; lSep77; A916 1S5.
A9t6156. Astrological calendar, 1978, prepared £ edited by disciples of Morningland Corporation, photos, by Golden Feather, Faro Amu 6 Tenaros. 1 v. Borningland Publications, a subsidiary of Borningland Corporation; lApr77: A916156.
A916157. If you want a good financial report- -look at your customer list. 2 p. (Service management bulletin, no. 17, Oct. 1977) O National Mechanical Equipment Service and Maintenance Bureau; 1S0ct77; A916157.
A916158. Midnight marquee. Issue 26, Sept. 1977. Editor, writer: Gary J. Svehla. 43 p. Formerly Gore creatures. Gary J. Svehla; lSep77; A916158.
A916159. Cakes and techniques. By Betty Jo Steinman. 1 v. NM: additions. Betty Jo Steinman; 22Aug77; A916159.
A916160. Nedenco, Inc. 6 p. Appl. an: Carl 8. Frederick. Frederick Research Corporation: 14Jan77; A916160.
A916 161. After Six, Incorporated. 6 p. Appl. au: Carl E, Frederick. O Frederick Research Corporation; 17Mar77; A916I61.
A916 162. Greater Oklahoma City Criss-cross street
guide. 5th ed. Appl. au: Clyde D.
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