JUL-DEC. 1977
A91603. uritioq skills. By Tirqinia tlleo Onder»ood £ flerriellyn KetU 502 p. NH: revisloa C additiooal textual aaterial. O Bell and Hooell CoapaoT: 17Peb77: A91603.
A9160ai|. Btady on bank checks; the lav of bask checks. 1976 cuaulatlve suppl., no. 1 to the Uth ed. Br Bencr J. Bailey. <|SS p. O Barren, Gorbaa and Laaont, Inc.; 17llo»77; »9160«U.
4916045. Speciaen plans. By Bobert 1. Bildersee. U61 p. (Pension requlation aanual, cev. ed.. vol. 2, 1977, no. 2| MS: additional text & coapilation of docuaent. iacren, Gorhaa and Laaont, Inc.; 17llo«77: A9160it5.
49160116. Beal estate tax-sheltec techniques. By Hason J. Sachs. 2 «. (Beal estate ceviev portfolios, no. 13) Uarren. Gorhaa and Laaont. Inc.; 120ct77; 4916046.
4916047. Biller's oil and qas Federal incoae taxation. Suppl. no. 1. June-July, 1977. Editor: Kenneth G. Hiller. associate editor: Jaaes L. Bouqhton. 87 p. Coaaerce clearinq Bouse. Inc.; 224uq77: 4916047.
4916048. State tax handbook as of October 1. 1977. 1 >. O Coaaerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 270ct77: 4916048.
4916049. Black Africa cook book. fiecipes by Honica Bayley. illus. by 41ain Le Foil. 125 p. 4ppl. au: Deterained Productions. MB: additional art 6 recipes. O De- terained Productions, Inc. ; 7Jun77; 4916049.
4916050. 4 Doctor^s quide to non-prescription druqs. Br Bocton K. Bubinstein. 195 p. O Norton K. Bubinstein: 1Mo>77; 4916050.
A916051. Sunninq aaay. By Charlotte Tale Alien. 230 p. O Charlotte Vale Allen; 1No»77; A916051.
A916052. To catch a bride. By Glenna Fiuley. 214 p. Glenna Pinley; 1Mov77; A916052.
A916053. Latin-Aaerican literature today. Edited by Anne Freaantle. 342 p. MB: pref.. coapilation £ editinq. Anne Freaantle: 15MOV77: A916053.
A916054. Capture ay love. By Hary Ann Taylor. 185 p. Mary Ann Taylor; 1Mov77; 4916054.
4916055. The Coaplete handbook of pro hockey. Edited by Zander Hollander. 1978 ed. 320 p. 4ppl. au: Associated Features, Inc., eaployer for hire. Associated Features, Inc.; «Oct77; A916055.
A916056. The Coaplete handbook of pro basketball. Edited by Zander Hollander. 1978 ed. 288 p. Appl. au: Associated Features, Inc., eaployer for hire. Associated Features, Inc.: 40ct77: 4916056.
4916057. Hilaa. Br Milaa Budolph, editorial associate: Hartin Balborskr. 172 p. 4ppl. au: Bud Greenspan, eaployer for hire. O Bud Greenspan; 8Ho>77: A916057.
4916058. The Turninq point. By 4rtbur Laurents. 219 p. 4ppl. au: Twentieth Century-Fox Fila Corporation, eaployer for hire. O Twentieth Centurr-Fox Fila Corporation; 1Mov77; 4916058.
A916059. The Accursed. By Paul Boorstin. 185 p. Paul Boorstin; IMov77; A916059.
A916060. The Virtue of Vera Valiant. Mo. 2. By Stan Lee 6 Frank Sprinqer. 121 p. Appl. au: Los Anqeles Tiaes Syndicate, eaployer for hire. NH: introd. £ coapilation. Los Anqeles Times Syndicate; 40ct77; 4916060.
4916061. Ueiqht Hatchers international cookbook. Introd. by Jean Nidetch. 388 p. 4ppl. aa: Meiqht Matchers International, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Height Matchers International, Inc.; 15Nov77: 4916061.
4916062. ecu trade cases, 1977. 1 v. Coaaerce Clearinq Bouse, Inc.; 40ct77; 4916062.
4916063. CCH U.S. tax cases. Vol. 77-1. 1 v. MB: coapilation aith case table £ index. C coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 180ct77; 4916063.
4916064. CCH labor arbitration awards, 1977. Vol. 77-1. 1 ». e coaaerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 8Mov77: A916064.
4916065. Burton Studios, Inc., the quantity photo people. 6 p. O Burton Studios, Inc. ; 1JU177; 4916065.
4916066. Preceptinq in the Bural physician associate proqraa. 4uthors: Joseph p. Connolly, Frederick J. 4delaan £ John E. Verby, issued by the University of Binnesota Hedical School. 43 p. Oniversity of Minnesota Hedical School; 31Auq77; A916066.
A916067. Pool close out! Pool cover salel 1 p. O Kayak Becreational Hanuf acturing Corporation; 274uq77; A916067.
4916068. The HDSL-2 aailinq proqraa. 1 V. Appl. au: 411an Hallace. O Boad fiunner Publications; SOct77; 4916068.
4916069. Besistof lex Corporation (BX) ; PIAB- -professional in-depth analysis reports. 6 p. Appl. au: Carl B. Frederick. Frederick Besearch Corporation; 27Dec76; A916069.
A916070. Savinqs and loan branch deposit index; Har. 1976 6 Sept. 1976, state of Ohio. By Boesch and Keller flarketinq Services Coapany. 83 p. Appl. au: Mallace A. Boesch £ aichael fi. Keller. O Boesch and Keller Harketinq Services Coapany; 22Auq77; A916070.
4916071. Jaffe cans. Suppl. no. 3. 20 p. O Herbert Jaffe, Inc.; 234uq77: 4916071.
4916072. Ob, paradise, the kinq has gone; a ballad. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Geneva Benson a.k.a. Kate Kraft. O Geneva Benson a.k.a. Kate Kraft; 200ct77; A916072.
3015 A916073. Hy Gaabalee; a ballad. By Kate Kraft. 1 p. O Geneva Benson a.k.a. Kate Kraft; 20oct77; A916073.
4916074. The Bole and function of the seainary reqistrar. By Vera L. Hatts. 2 v. O Vera L. Matts; 2Sep77; 49 16074.
4916075. Pay's Fourth fifty: activities for the young and the severely handicapped. By Fay Bennett 4nderson. 82 p. Fay Bennett 4nderson: 30AU977; 4916075.
4916076. Beal living: a saall-group life experience with the Gospel of Luke for junior/senior high students or adults. Pt. 1, leader quide. By Hary Ilvisaker Milsen. 117 p. Minston Press, Inc.; 150ct77; 4916076.
4916077. Haxton, Baeford, Bed Springs, Saint Pauls, MC, the phone book, effective Moveaber B, 1977. O Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 1Mov77; 4916077.
A916078. Guest of the esperor. By Kary Cadaus Eaerson. 136 p. Kary Cadaus Eaersoa; 5Mov77: 4916078.
4916079. Taaarind: suite fifteen. By Clinton Adaas £ others, text by Gustave Von Groschwitz, foreword by Clinton Adams. 56 p. O The Begents of the Oniversity of Mew aexico; 90ct77; A916079.
A916080. Test of arithmetic aptitude. Fora BB. Folder. Appl. au: John Charles Bosen. O Social Science Consultants, Inc. ; 250ct77; A916080.
A916081. Test of aritbaetic aptitude. Fora AA. Folder. Appl. au: John Charles Bosen. O Social Science Consultants, Inc. ; 200ct77; 4916081.
49 16082. The youth activities study. Folder. 4ppl. au: John Charles Bosen. Social Science Consultants, Inc.; 100ct77; A916082.
4916083. 4pplication for eaployaent. 2 p. 4ppl. au: John Charles Bosen. O Social Science Consultants, Inc.; 150ct77; 4916083.
4916084. Gold dredging in Suapter Valley. By Brooks Hawley. 40 p. Brooks Hawley; 30ct77; 4916084.
4916085. Philosophic exchange. Vol. 2, no. 1: the annual proceedings of the Center for Philosophic Exchange, State University of New York, College of 4rts and Science at Brockport, Mew York, suaaer 1975. 109 p. O The Center for Philosophic Exchange; 34uq75; 4916085.
4916086. Aptitude test booklet. 45 p. O Ball Foundation: 1Dec76: A916086.
A916087. Bight to coaaunicate: collected papers. Edited by L. S. Haras, Jia Bichstad C Kathleen A. Kie, foreword by Toao Bartelanc. 136 p. Appl. states all new except p. 1-15, 45-52, £ 58-64. O Social Sciences and Linguistics Institute,
Oniversity of Baaaii; 1Jun77: A916087.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.