JUL-DEC. 1977
»91S88» (con.) 290 p. (Tale chronicles of Aaerica secies. 221 ippl. an: Onited states Publishers Association, Inc. Ha: editorial revision, biblioqcaphr C front matter. C Tale University Press; 50ct77; 191588U.
1915885. The Era of rcanklin 0. Boosevelt: a chronLcle of the New Deal and qlobal vac. Bt Denis U. Bcoqan. 382 p. (Tale chconicles of taecica secies, 52) ippl. au: Onited States Publishecs Association. Inc. MB: editorial revision* biblioqcaphr C front latter. Tale Dnivecsity Pcess; 7Peb77; A915885.
A915e86. The Aqe of biq business: a chronicle of the captains of industcy. By Bacton J. uendcick. 196 p. (Tale chronicles of Aaecica secies, 39) Appl. au; Dnited States Publishers Association, Inc. NB: editocial ce vision, biblioqcaphr & front matter. C Tale Onivecsitr Press; 29Dec76; A9 15886.
A915887. The Anti-slavecy ccusade: a chconicle of the qatherinq stoci. By Jesse Hacy. 215 p. (Tale chronicles of Aaecica series, 28) Appl. au: Onited States Publishers Association, Inc. KB: editorial revision, blblioqraphr fc front latter. Tale Oniversity Press; 150ec76; A915887.
A915888. The Heu South: a chronicle of social and industrial evolution. By Holland Thoipson. 250 p. (Tale chronicles of Aiecica secies, 42) Appl. au: Onited States Publishecs Association, Inc. NB: editorial cevislon, biblioqcaphr fi front matter. Tale Oniversity Press; 27Peb77: A9 15888.
A915889. aeiories of the Albaibra. By Nash Candelaria. 191 p. Hash Candelacia; 22Bac77: A915889.
A915890. "Baqqie!" Haqqie Lindsley's loucnal, Nashville. Tennessee, 186<4. Hashinqton, D.C. 1865; includinq lettecs wcitten to bee in 1862 fcoi Pcofessoc Benlaiin Silliian of Tale Colleqe. 129 p. Appl. au: Harqaret Lawrence Lindsley & fluriel Oavies flackenzie. on lournal of Harqaret Lawcence Lindsley, editocial coipilation C focewocd; Horiel Davies Bacltenzie: 1Feb77; A91S890.
A915891. New psychic frontiers: yoor Iter to new voclds. Br ialtec B. Ophoff £ Barr Jo OPhoff, foreword br Barold Sherian. 2nd ed. 27 1 p. o (alter B. Ophoff C Bacr Jo Ophoff; 1Auq77; A915891.
A915892. To lOve, to leacn. Br Kate Bitkin, with Brchard Philp, photos, br Bicker Binsor. 168 p. Kate Bitkin, Bichard Philp t, Bicker Ninsor; 23Bar77; A9 15892.
A915893. aiOO conveyor. 8 p. (Ditch Bitch pacts, issue no. 1-11/77) O The Chacles Hachine Nocks, Inc.; 11Bov77; A915893.
A91589*. B100 diqqinq attachment. 18 p. (Ditch Hitch pacts, issue no. 1-11/77) The Charles Bachine locks, Inc; 11Bov77; A91589«.
A915895. 8100 tile chute. 7 p. (Ditch Bitch parts, issue no. 1-11/77) The Charles Bachine Borks. Inc.; 11lov77; A91589S.
A91S896. The National Foundation Barch of Oiies annual report, 1977. 30 p. O The National Foundation: 9Bov77: A915896.
A91S897. Hearts and clubs. By Salvadore J. Coppola. 47 p. Salvadore J. Coppola; 10NOV77: A915697.
A915898. Pact 3 of the South East Enqlish systei (the A, B, Z's of wcitinq) a visual appcoacb to wcitinq Enqlish sentences. By Bichael BcClocy. US p. Add. ti: South East Enqlish (SEE) systei. Hfl: additions. O Bichael BcClocy; 19Sep77; A915898.
A91S899. Pact 3 of South East Enqlish srstei (the A. B, Z*s of wcitinq) a visual approach to writinq Enqlish sentences; or. Punctuation as illustration. Br Bichael £. HcClorr- 22 p. Add. ti: South East Enqlish (SEE) srstei. Bichael HcClory; 15Sep76; A915899.
A915900. Bow real is the Nest's enerqr oppor- tunity? Br Theodore ?. Abbruzzese C Thoias B. Bock. 30 p. Presented befoce Uestecn States Tceasucec's confecence. Colorado Spcinqs, Colocado, Apcil 25, 1977. O Boswocth Sullivan and Coipany, Inc.; 25APC77: A915900.
A915901. Know it all spocts cacds. Ncitten & coocdinated br Bacr B. Ouiiet, Joyce B. Parkel £ Lowell Dickierer, illus. by J. Heliuth Advertisinq. 6 cards. O Hary H. Ouiiet K Jorce B. Parkel d. b.a. Visual Bedia Publications; 12Sep77: A91S901.
A915902. Gander Bountain. Inc. outdoor spoctsaans supplies. Fall-winter 1977, catalog 18B. Gander Bountain, Inc.; 11Jul77: A915902.
A915903. Norton actifil product and installation bulletins. No. it«-977-11. 21, 31, «1, 51, 61, 62. 5 folders & 2 v. Appl. au: John L. Boqers. O Norton Coipany; 30Sep77; A915903.
A915904. Coiprehensive ceadinq list: English. 6 p. (S.A.T. peep coucse. New Bocizons Tutorial Secvice) Appl. au: Sandra L. Baniqault. New Horizons Tutorial Service C Sandra L. Baniqault; l7Sep77; A915904.
A915905. Public sector productivitr proqrais: backqround and analrsis with special reference to state governients. No. 19. A Beport br leibers of the state Governiental Operations Poller fiesearch Project: sichard Schott, editor, Harne Caipbell, Terrr Groqan, Bichard Boss G Hilliai Stotesberr, Issued br Lrndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. 38 p. O The Board of Beqents, The Oniversitr of Texas; 22Auq77; A915905.
A915906. The Seth laterial. Book 1: sole questions posed to brinq out the lesson subject latter. 10 p. Appl. au: Victor Bertrand. Victor Bertrand; 150ct77; A915906.
A915907. Seth speaks. Book 2: soie questions posed to brinq out the lesson subject latter. 18 p. Appl. au; Victor Bectcand. Victor Bertrand: 150ct77: A915907. detectorl « p. O Atlantis Coipany: 2«Bar77; A915908.
A9 15909. Let there be 7 steps of creation. Author: Buth Jackson Lee, editor: Lola Pauline Bars, creative activities coipiled e illustrated by aiii Bonnie. 3<t p. O Joy Onliiited, Inc.; 10Jul77; A915909.
A915910. Student activity workbook for use with Finding intonation in the library. By Barr Jane Gibson G aildred Kacziarek. 15 p. Bochellc Township Bigh School; 15Auq77; A915910.
A915911. Elvis forever; a poetic tribute to a king. By Dolores Buriel Flores. 8 p. Dolores Buriel Flores; 3Nov77; A915911.
A915912. Deii pre-kindergacten readiness workbook. 86 p. Siiilar latter prev. pub. in A8863U1. VB: additions C revisions. O Diversified Educational aaterials. Inc.; 70ct77; A9 15912.
A915913. HcGill Nyla-K lounted ball bearings. Catalog K-82A, Oct. 1977. «3 p. flcGill Banuf act uring Coipany, Inc., Bearing Division: 70ct77; A915913.
A915914. Instructor's guide to Functional wciting. Issued by Center for Research in Iriting. 44 p. Appl. au: Joan Pettigrew, lancy Barlove C A. D. Van lostcand. A. D. Van lostrand; 15Jun77: A915914.
A915915. Social protocol. By Brs. Gladstone Hilliais. 3 p. ars. Gladstone Williais: 13Sep66; A91S915.
A915916. "Around the clock" fashion guide for len; for all occasions. Coipiled by Brs. Gladstone Nilliais. 1 p. Brs. Gladstone lilliais; 28Jan77; A915916.
A915917. Gaylord, prince of Cuttyhunk Island. By Asa Cobb Paine Loibard, Jr., with sketches by George E. Clark. 24 p. O Asa Cobb Paine Loibard. Jr.; 29Jun77; A915917.
A915918. Sanibel and Captiva, enchanting islands. Narrative C photos, by Bichard H. Caipen 96 D. O Bichard H. Caipen G Best Suiiit Press; 30ct77; A9159I8.
A915S19. Betail Sell consuier advertising — the mediui and the lessage; brochure & foris. 1 V. Betail Barketgroup, Inc. ; 28JU177: A915919.
A91S920. GDB Septeiber 15. 1977 70 001. and other titles. Bicrofiche. Appl. au: Bichard (. Clark. O Purchase Control Systems; 15Sep77; A91S920.
A915921. Path workshop for parents: linicourse for parents as teachers at hoie. Folder. Appl. au: Anita Bins. Beatrice Hucphy 6 Battle Billiais. O Theta Oiega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; I3jan77; A915921.
A915922. California pecspectives: fouc leadecs look at the state of the state. By Chacles Bacren, Carey acHilliais, Stanley Bosk e Alan Cranston. 52 p. Begents of the University of California; 280ct77:
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